r ------to raise moulE SOME ITEMS ON ruebiÈo A&V AT T-ru CANADIAN CHAMPION I&e00"m'e »Mn 0a en.pOt.U~~t- tntibtAtwBPilNd9 4aldsm4yb.êoppedof t the offiOSo -- ------e----- NAME: ADDRESS HOME PH. - ----- 14) Atrücn Lion1 Salait unea I15) Victoria fiewatl 16) Thre Mikon Champion I17) Bank ofNowaScotia 11) lkMI ()htelleHoim LAOIM 19) The Mîlton chlampion i Nos eu o Compliments of .e The Canadan Champion - Webmian Pintin a Re/Max ai M.A..C.H. e Pro-Faim ,eBonnieSOmnM.P. a Kifohneit a rmui Mirivin, & Stancge a GnamDV's Prllntif 20) Susan 1.uonsbury 21) Bruce Houd Truvol 22) Re#.au Mîftorens ReatY Crp. 2) Ha(irop Restaurant & Gallery 2) Bilan's Auto 25) AUl Fired Up 26) Mitton Mail Marchants Association 27) Cornner Express 28) Subreay Sandwiches & Salut 29) Stop For A Party A0 carcla lias SMn Boutique Brade St) 31) A&P 32) Srmour Group 33) Ted Chutinigli. ItP.P. 34) Sufiwsy Sandwiches & Saluts 35) Support tront Unget Distillers Int 36) CardeMra' Si a'ly(ud t 37) support tran Baadi Ma ii 38) tobtats 39) Ted Ctcutlt. M.P.P. q0i Buin Rubins CakeesA e ar 41) Ckinty Canine Grooefn 42) Superthicu cour"s mird" 43) Milon Springus Synatic CWb 44) Cinnamon Bey (Main St.) 45) Ttcompson toeuse al <Min StI) 46) LaRoseitalin k1y (BneSt) q1 mm*e ignproe& &I hmet Baai 48) Mme Milon Champion 49) TIre MHIton Cthampion 50) The Mittion Chamipion il) sien Bo".i Nifltu Ma Ù10kSt Lion lail SI>MoI By TMeGram (Moorelans Cre.) t - 1) Ksali Glass \41Wned Mrrr $35 2) Margaret Hfln Autogeptced Baséet pippers $25ees '3) Pet Valu Plg Colu Jar (ftnat fics) $2 4) Molly Maid Ose Hui Musa Clening.8 5) Ritinboor Taxi Lirmo Ride lu Turent 1 A!rporit5 B) Royal Wak Personal & 6$5 BusneSs Banlng(Mîlton Mal> Two 1996 Proof Coi il SOtU$5 7) Bank of Montroal (Milton Mal) Quif11- Haint Made i $250 . eUmLqemmbaw 4 a 9) Canada Trust Ffed fteEýi4"Bc ak 10) Ilahon CredltlJnion 11) Toronto Dominion Baink 12) Canada Post By: Dlait Clulon 4 Blue iay Ticet A.0)rt Casson Print. StinIey Cup Conte 2Tl~ RNMOtv fini m flot uea.iaua 'Cool Cinar Watar . noràllue Coin Set tey.îarn L emelus AMi 41. 7-00Pro One Famity Pass <V i1d elys plus aturtaÇs> Gin Basket ut To are Items (2 avil.ble) Moments n H$D1 Jim oins Dolttouse kit troUe uissns Atlc Fruetd Iiicsls otr aWrt Gardens Caner Prit Stage West Dinner in satre 2 Passes - Ineuites 60W il Oliver W611 & 'Powers ofA rneyfor 1 persan Weekenddôr 2 ut Inn Niagara Faits 6-8, Blse Spisce pianted on yu, rosîeft Gin Celtiticate Lune. ON & Filler)( vailabin) Ceramic Clocu & S 1cM lates in a Garden Design $100 iriGt Crtîtc9V 1 - 4 1954 Topps AnMy Bdigte NMtCart àt.*Party SuIt(tee 0-25 peuple) >1 02> Birth*a Parly (Jung Pattern 6Balcouns) Gin Certificate AiGtCertificats Silmour Hose >10*pnnker à houle Sixucîdl Apeple Pies 6BIl Party Sub(leeds25 people) (2of 2) *Dninkers Deliglîr 50% off ONE Spning Session (tull session $187.25) «Tests lthe Féein g GKi Ceffhtetct Six COttnils AOMl 6>is [ce Crm Cade (serans 8-10 people) Grooeengn 51<1 Cefttce Dunn Caltthera U11CerttceDiir loi orwo) GitI Basket tOis Actl)tySurprlse Cooldng Heltty lwis Coroder Saies urpalse Trésury of Monter Goose Rymles Tr.auuy of SWoeleogna creatmtby Bu*tttPitt BeaaeeRes Ior Fitoffour 101(5.9grant * $50 $285 * $5316 $60 $50 each $10 $250 $100 $150. $250 $500 $50 $25 eacti $110 $100. $125 fil $50 $75 $66 M06 $100 111363 $120 $50 $6 * $20.95 $40 $25 $100 $22 $50 5 P25 nuum arum ,