7 . Frldy a.2 .kaaat say nibtunj pics antilbeve- 6112,335-011, 335-3858 c 333-2124. dted Cisucisouta= r op ffa. 'nucom la525pet fagdly c 10 pet msai Smmday M". 23 titilla a 5:30 andi 7 P.m.ls mie! wd $5 pet y"st (Ued 12 andi saler). Chikirsn Sa. Jal Amancuise holti a CMf &M d- kraalt anior corna. m.ulsd potat- ,qed urusta 3 yean aie a"dmc froe. Cati 335- label entaill (CPR-Lcvei p) dgid for *pâr. !ncheae sauc .Senior citizens, thet disabled and controfleti S incurne persons cans éave b&*,l.ctm* tel reter»s completiti as tst Milion. Seniors' S Activity, Centre, 51)0 CItits Dr., f-m9 Irn. ta nn. No cosi for centre niembers. Non-meni- e ~ &srare ctsargeda $10 booling (te. Cati 175- Mutuel lndlvdai Neiseorkfin Toguliser S (MINT) mts in tet lower level of Graam Halo as si' paul's United Churcis, 123 Main $t- E., <coc 9 to 11 arn. MINTis e a ooup fce cce cisangers. who facta an provitiind emotianai support k amil r plusthic w in tiscir. profession by nctsg For mare infornIto. cpa aul . 78k2 o Iai 876-2893.- . CU"de amiAdula witls AtiUCh. DOiM - Dbjoeo (cHiÂD..HatoO) masta ai tie Mil- ton Clssldren ted Yuth Ceuntre. 9t7 Nàsang Rd., ai 7:30 p.m. Diane Vancabcise of $198 TriIli4m Demfl0fstratiosi School speaks on cficHACHAC c Watsdi ai 853-3803 or Barb as Z78-27 for tgupm&Do yoea have a child untier tdm nge of<5? Ame 48 AR>4bw lsat.you cuekwl a5sut youz cild's tievclolmntit Do 55sp 0iUtIIf* ymu have quentions aboot speech Mdl iquqe. 565 split mus mhdi.ieq&u bebavkxlemicnttg'or motos~ ddi A ¶ IL/lO HP, *Uvwb foh . Lcccquita am wa ace c" iiet place ai CHERIS Famlly Rqoucce Cenlu, 50 Chilla Dr..,florin9:30 luii:30 am.The portait' la as" reti by Preascib Asacasment anti j, A Trining in Haltes, (CATCIPATII) and tihe * MutaIkS DIstrc Hoai Fouredatian. Ccii au McCcemak gl 875-4636,. Wueil-"m Mer. V7 Laim er invitait ta Naighhemabal COffu lieau front 9.10 ta 11 a.rnk ai Haltest Centesutial Massa i 5 Ontao si. 'flc vent, Ilci by thse Millter Christian Ledit, CoUic Houe incuds 4 L ~ an interlude of musical acleciions ad guest * sped akraolyn WC"a Thse spatial festin la a -skin cum peaenttl by ste Soap Belty Sito. A&ti isfmus(e&e ibbysititnlisPeavtdo a m u' Thý Wamen'a information kri Support NIVJ.Ifl Cenise 0ef Haitos 917 Nipisslng Rd., pregnts )RQMISEa VA ý tise iselns properties of ist& Cati Saily _______________ otrm ipfrmtnatoflft 853-58M9. dÙ%iPla iCO k m«~ stle iyu-m . '~~ Thse VictWian Oiter of Notais boNts a tout - ca" chute ai tise Mdilton Seorem' Activity cote il $15. For funr in formation or adt W*oxt.u cou lU-68t. Puase irs ty appimm onty. I ~X/ 4 . '.% .4. p cma Mdt "Yuste involvoti with the *M4 ocii- drej5 0%0 want 99 ICRI' CPR ýAu chokial nudloiuwia for infient uand chIli castiit lmb oem M sslu a 9 a&m. CJIl 978-4330 Icar MMr S, Jiis Ambulance hoids a aud bru aid wMd hautatr cqs (CPR-Lcvel A). %is modyctn.which nrieets industry. business aiocrneiraquirements, contimmc Match 30. For mssOe information aied rqs cn aill , 8784330. 'Ise Arsstiis Society hokis ils third on"a 10- 'Wf SUBa-Odt-AMrlhilaM.lA.Tbm ai vasn- gus ipeations in Halion. 9rIzcý mnchAdng, a trip lei *isd3omhsica Repulie am! OaM to indivis!@ u scadtanna seho brins in thaëghas affot of plcs.ro resiUtr. caN (905>i12.228I. iufdlay Mgr. 24 Thse lHaltçn-PetI Brancis of the.Omiarlo mmqidSoety mccl i n thé lawer tevet of Ccs" qnch Ujbffl, 15 Çental Pubk Qe., il 4W Thst guest speakcer is Maris Copeflsolhcs Sevîts, who speaks on"jrcrCemeiccses and Archacologmeal 1rct V ismaa amn wcicau. -oisday Mir. 23 7-1- "1