Open houses -provide vàl If youve ever bougisî or solda =o. you'tè oyuromeor hiie sonteofii lutts poalfaiilwith open houle aniie rnic Repair ady Unat'ghtly cracks4 2ý .you they co play in titi sale or puhase of&a born. walkway or slips flet couci prove t loe. afety Open bouses are a marketing litai which cao bazard. Andi ton't leave sas andti lya srewn Ibelp #ive a hoineexpasure. aliowing*several around ltse front or backyards. Titis. detraci itential purchasers It view pmhperties over lte front your homne rnakini il look like an obsthcie course ai a day or lwo - usijally on a weknd. course. They citulti also prove ta be itazardous 3: I addition lto holding open bouses for te if momeone Irippei ove te. -- Spublic. reat essaie pracîltoners aiso conduct If your Iim or Vijin& loaks dirly,.vash il on boses for aliter rea4 estale prbfesibnas. using an appopriate cieaning solution. <Your Titis gives lten a chance ltu plomose lteir lîsI- hardware store cao probabiy give lou tipa on ings witt ither practitInss wbo may bave suit- what's best to use.) Andi if your paîntwork ia able buyers who would lie interesteti in tese peeling or blislering. it's tinte for samse caasmet- Iperticular propenties. , c surgery. A litde paint cao go a long way la Hints for VendIoU., enhance" the inarketsbility and cufb appeal of y 11r:ttit h~ orne If you're unable tu, taulIde lte job If you*re a. vendor. yorja ttteprites- bUý11fire a profensionai for bestlesuits. sional wîll provide you selith *51e belpful hinl os how lto make your properîy mçgre mac- kesable. Indoors open up curlains anti blinda to ]et in *.Fîrst og ail. your properly shoult ie in top- as mucit natural ligbl as possible.sTitis bepo snt condition ro croate a favorable andi lasting . show your homne la ita beat ativanlage Anti be t'irsî impression with polestial buyers. Keep sjire Il1ouve any cliflerout of siglil anti your l.wn irimoset anti tidy. Aiso makl suri reazeanje furniture ibat mrght Impede uiffic dit ail treej. hitiges and sitruis look neuf - t1ow.'L not snruly..Int brai4#es litait blockt lts-vise Rooms sitouit also bc liaougbly sirei anti as _______________*___ ft as possible - parcuary if you have pets J ST LSEDI or soliseune in your family is a mkr vaai.liaiel Premhis for (Ws Day I ~~ Your realor isill recommedd tihat you hcave table role in ho-me buyin lthe premisea tiuring the oh0 bouse to beli lor to sie w*t suggestions b.e or shi mi maki prospective buyers I as coinfortabiî havi. . 4- anti relaxai as possible. If you're in lihe houa-i.efo uyr p4baeff ane likeiy la bc mmar intimiti"a antid'isf. syr iq~bt reluclanl la give your borde lte Ibarougit view. on lihe flip, aide of thei coin, if you*re a buyer ing it4dnervea. anlenting open litaia. keep in nslnd that viw- YoQw>sst people la fuliy appreciale ail the ing an apen bouse ta a pivilige. Ittributes yituràmhi t ol offér - int hiy AWa keep ii in unt lthlie riafor on dyty la may, ot fiel like opfng cloaes anti cupsari acting as haut af lie ven*ttr's belaf. lne salea- or taiking about tiecorating possibilitlîu if pihaon diti i tciawit wiith lte tarsie respect you're in the bouse. Malte arrangemsents fln you wouid give lise ventiar. you, your citilticin anuflj D bave a day-long Whins aktu l idtntify yourself at an open outing tiuring lise open Rioua. (After ail. you bouse, ytui idit sigo the giisi regisser. Tihe, donît sivan Fidojumtping on orbarki4g ai vaitar basthe rhM qti myou sigthe prospective buyecs - anti you eliny doi nargister. proviff your flan. aduIeiaa;7ee wanflhttasm la nsakeniy lit fluffy. yauc phoane l6umitu.4 indoor casouilie back toor.) , . "tes aet inspael erImmat wantering Seurralabnugleh oa pkhtétlie lam pre- - Siari ~sent If lise riaior is busy tait until hi or the ta Before you lavi% put ail persassal priuperty able la show you arounti. Afs.r ail. th. risi like jiwelry. miedicationa anti fragile items sýeII csaas prolst-aona)w Pe a"e point out lise oui of itarm's way. in s safe. securi storage féaltutes of lis a>use illettwa any questions place. i)an'î ~e anyiney liusg ari.To .you. -uy bave. m&k. aur. evsring is sectire and'reatiy tu When attentiing open Mdii. it's alan impar- recense visitesq qk inapect your bonse with lant l clarify Up front PIIa yau're workis ili youc reaior julit you leave. -paticulaty if yau've bien ý'lwtn bafiles Realtoit knsqw thé '* inportant 10 cantroli Wilh antber real estoui professianai. Kiepin traffic in anti oui of open houais anti la bave'a mind that lthe realor you're workng wiib bas regîster fer ahl visitos loafino. gone lto a lot of effort on your boitaf Anti won'î If you bave any pkrlcular concas about lise Set pidsa comifiission if you swlcb 10 anoher open.,, in'i . hi afraitid t alk; la your reai- riat. $2299OO.---. Malin fluor lamlly ro4o V* a catieral celino anti two skylighta. Renavaltid 'Barzollî' kilcitan. WaIk-oul lowor level. Cable T.V., lown wqter & asoool bus lto front libr Country ambiance with titwn convenienca. Husge 26'xs W0 garge/work- stop with a 16* clhar hoeit. Ca fllhu La"ho IR (416) 2422 417 M M M TIM IIIIIIIII LRA fL E ST Mr JoY &eTJ UP= fihles rie se.à c.b. L.- REAL ESTA . sTD 189-ain tree - 7flf ROYAL LEPAGE RoyCIl LePlige ReaS Estote Servctifi Ltd. l5Fau e ilihomte fmalr..p cogy de 4 badroom. eunken Uvln rm ih a 'lutelrainî. FP. llpaoffe .R., itolV ,Qo à à aM wo tyle kil. and a roi :%. loIms m. whieh lit neoda cmN soltr m~s. brila Pdond id aodu 101. $14,000. BRAZEUI'N -eu 8794101. 42 ft wuI 109 gmidd AbqW us @W o sf IN à u'lva otw MohdIr eg' à