*OUR READERS WRITE ne. being hi a Mar Dur E*hr. Waung ai Maàplehuw rime lam couple of virhi is a clase o s feeling of liergai inie Vwetbm Waas 1 evarrlilhig e Soai crsruing Oie rwu alluma dte amny Huns govenaesie. you quickly leara vho yne fred and alis am. Cciiy tu mou repartisa o nie lwfng tiacim dis vcrk dispute. hey have actssally brhem- fiaid (0 diey usually do). Visils continue. cantee is frcely givra oui by iiaimtnr toyîng la buy cff maigs- faveand diryamgivrn lue ruslhlivisicml gol:30&mn. §0ala WhiW do the coniectianal officers je in reture? hmus bléaatly disdbiy sies. l re se ad stff mt ast on licaital widi anoke i mnsa. n dhie a rmnt of Oue manies M -agr me-ly lad "ye-'* Pepl. vie me ing pmid -irnn ania- of -apéy-i-, I.o -uY i Mapleiau uiag dis diafaur. fthly kairmgjhi à significant group cf them ane ta i pirmaaienily releaied. mmo afiertis Oas cvo. ?lae do ne havi my uunicy o>vu. ie cor- rouicol afficers a dry anc yau i <ns. rweli anl -Sigb-w dci a v7 difflesai job.m diai ty- t rimes Wî r*e focuid inia dis job action by lil yeu Mili eu O die miuly doationas pou havi t.srlflsby glivra neu prcket Mc. dicy an <mach qpe- Ca"i She wants Harria to poeaerve joba Ilis lar ai a aie o mue Me Haria lion. s 16 y olà I m vridig you bocafr ci die ieduaWmio cis. 1 lvein à a d "aiw callsil Mflion, ald go tu NM»c Dui*e W*g S&"oc. Yiuiray noi principal Moli ma Ofai cubais. Wikai Ode (u houns mi lad ksairo vi had liop (Md.ar mdcc body jomant Oie figli ur 1cr erat- ecm WC havi cardis cli sow nippait four trmâhos krmn <i radis tard vi aimh lataiers. Weree orO nei <rcaciersri uati e In. The govrnaiiai ua and la say vi don't cme abut m.ythiaug dui's soi <Me! On bual of dmi auudem ivery re via a kiag Yeula plisse ructuider die &fier effecis of vis die Savinuomla bu ss neo flautr. WC don't "i il's loir dii.dci gavesmu. cmi sali say Miy "md hopfa Ms utine dmi vi May havi. lobs aie liad emogo fusil. but vit thi Ik of Thoughd ui miena Plaisnt Sur lai loir biflda*y ladfy Dmr Eikar. Wr me always leasiait bo e the yof aide lads. Wllh du ha M&1 rdd ite i tell yen lao h v i fa.ily surprisid me by puttiag ptak fhloqm n mdie m a. aiaaoi A toas. dmwuaarc md d al tva' sieste diute flry laid mm die fl ald demid ID ige Happy inday" te Mis I dd't lut rai ya.t a@" ald uâ "'i ksur me. 1 tbuispr il vau amie of ths svaei anes r ir sia unl laa MI-i ta mmIor taMilisc Ofu ci Yesu& ai "ody me dauait, %pritudéi diluts Bnidli" jarvs i. waclera is iII i u lainieur if no imssible. Clames tue Naf vidi 30 saudma. bu if Oie goven.- merais Pli guesug h d ine wii be 40-50 i- drants pet class. =h~ny hachur dit am leci viii have to tescli *me classes; 19hey vcuit lie abi ta ge rxtta help avoine becmne of die insièrd ieS 1 u ra <camoie a differene for und &W. I'm So.ng ta sii by "m let ycu du" ouy neutina. Ail l*m asýaig for iisyaur support. Pkas lry and mûae a differecci Double take on columna h lba bien n.y imspessiont diti rie Champrin lis ripuiewntid a singuiuly narrow puint o ai ew. This, hovever, Iea -n absolte péinacle on Oie cois.. page ofia miaiFriday aiin. Il wouM apqçiar Oi agrement could m i cloque limi ie tva cohans rrgwing dit GTA meeting, Ta povie santie viddina ycu caveragi. oie of' dirai gindumm wiii havi go change poslitin an die pou"tca spiciMn. lle direction is obviais. Wheni yati an on tie nigN "palit", any change is la Oie leii. D. W. 91111LIIII 5*.r, ataie: Due to a composition errer whic viol isu ceL Drad Reaumo 's columa o4f Fniey. Fîb. 23. u reprnîed wuai. Pal Kelly' «wam as *VeU As Our amise reur dieri Yp.i a, V int hWu tva nghr.vmg cohuewiiu moyùug mcsiy di am Au.g. Ar woula have bien moare anusg if webai ulipped sme Iefl.wug svaimamuit, ier ow 4àmr o.auby ,tuaOie. but. as aany hachey iemuil U e)you. geai kft viages sa: ut on agristspy tAise days. Leglon chmerng for Joul fi depafflunt fie Royal Caudian Lgnm (Sm"cl 136) vould Mei on i tis (mom la piéicly tiai die JilIta Mm Deiaiument ,ema.In - qàchly aral oeim-- Iy la noi catiin sie roi hours af die mncnilng. an Suoiy. rib. I8. W4idwilsé dr paimagit reqinue die LUsin vould surely havi bien draiptyd. We alliai <aki aur lire 4gftu -1cfr pataud and it taiilla lmis sao- Iy exprienced dira oe ruh just 1cr imrls adi effectve ner local rue dtiita Wa Ossir aguin tr Oue firefigIsirs of Mlakn. vi tliu* you for youe prompt imprime tri ner aluni nid fcr dim saïckerping of the Rayai Canadan Ligian in the yeu la cote. PiumaWo *-Whf 5~ u uae ljgagr - LARGER Çailing Area SAME 1Low Price The sanie Iow price of $16.95 Pier month thatgot you to Toronto befooe now gets you ail the wýay .to Ailrora in the North, and Ajax.inthe East - Cati as oiten as you wish! TaIk as long as you like! See for yourself hoW easily you can mnake those long distanoe catis local! 7a Ds FRE TRA OFE jdmda4 ma 44.dm T * I I f p i