Ont. c m oni91920'P BO 5je A hk~ Neapapt ~rnI.I N. 26 VEJESAYMlARV I% 2, ou Nommneres in for chamber awards The nanine.. for 1995 Milton Chamber of Commerce commr4ty awardas have been annournced. The nomne.. lire: lm9 ClIn of #»i Yser Betty Ingle, Scott Early and Dlccy' Deumner. 1995 Suslnfon Ptraon.of thie Yser: Carol McDonald (McIAor- koting Enterfrises). Botty tigle (Rennax Mifown. Realty) and Bob Newman Roert Newmaln Shows). 1996 CI Orgaenfiatin cgtad. éer: The Unk* Fo4ndaStO, Milton Hiatonical Soeaety and tdm business population and cilt4en6of taie *Tom of Mito.> lm9 Civir improvement: of»e 4ear: ý nFto S$rvco, mwaidlfie Milton Hoflkckirs Soietif. - The recipiet wqbe éiricunced et a.l§rn evenng ai Hatton Hil$ riah pecltkm of the yur th5 valo ou* community go n"on' dm POoU ohungs -bd oqnwtlcend y t iwd unir nid organizmtiois in laie year go0e by, .sUd ch.an*er presidenit Mihe ioroi W re foflu- nat. té worc ti a town withtis typecOf tieetalet. - O Foýr tickes or more Iformationi, ecriathe Che,,be et 97e1-osai. Watvh for Prosies cf eech ricus- ne. in upcoming issues of Thor Chamirtm.. Letqrg ........... ... 7 Datuien ............. le SP . .............172 01ia1111ffn ..":.... 12 Raga ... REI-RU board Lays*off 19500 av BOB KELLY * In a drâtrnatic responseo M *ai has been characteriz&i locaily as fogt-dragging by -the provincial goverment the Hikon Board of Ed;aÉ annotancç4 it wih l ay off 1,5wE eIpicyes yqeiay. l nc.hadcd in the sweeping cutback ansouncement were 380 highi school eohem492 elemenrnmy arboolxines tisa muperntendents and 53 cantract eaploy- ses speciaIiýingin ahait eàdoiat 1 n mid-Mtay. Ntnlher cui wifl 6e no bard nienms wbile no frehav bren 0& preli.nlny indicll r oan11 board are 25 per cent of mahnagemuent jolie .wlbaeLoet fie move is in response la adiae Provincial ftudng mollbecks, =ii iol some, exient a backhiaa froue thie board herape ?ui'î park haaat YOpra cd guletnesfor coping iifi Far- octlg "lA diange, bard soit Say. la fruslration, Milton Truste. Tim Kingsbury siammed 'lme ba-calle '10a1 kit' "John Suobelen. dhe provincial oduca- lim ilmistejr, lms mid 1e wouid prvd* as an eeea1c rmedm ID belli cape iid 'by td us ise wmid have dut 'moi kitl.ca Feby I.' Mir. Kingtiay", *11ba chai" Ille board fiance conunitles, said 'Veil, we émnt bave li. 1ieseil feý el 1111 we're beaag heM haule." tjader die cucmaamee the bard iait aaticlpte a $10Y Ia $15 millian Aiding shtfali snd pI-n accordiagly. ha said. The e.w fiscal year sturts oit April 1. Wildiaut a foraa budget a iti me de bondf cau't ode a preperty tux lev far - mNALTON an pffl Parent plead for big turnout c iviug a blond saMpl &"idy "idk Save dbie Me of a flve-year-cld Mile girl An aftemoaa cb lain ta ld a lli bons nams elah for Dem.e kIclts. wbba6ei mm o a rse, lie*ei insemae, ail be field a Ilifiiap laia FIIaU oc iuat, Deidm's pdWma Cias Schahs nd Lis VuCnd -Schahs befui dis publuic ID attend dm clic dif a prell coneniceî ihetn District NoqÉw FRidy. 17he only tllin dut wik sev ont dmghar's kf. sa. bane amwow wp@m" sàdi ai esseoina Ms VuiCle-Schaêz. "W. imed peeple in beomn bon. aiuao, om Mm fliaenmaiog people in dtu (bons - --e Sw g." flischaês fMaIy -ua laime «1. Nuo lu*aglsw hdfflibluic qiailc aunia or Wdh" dure me 2W Io3W0c" a yar in Camais Mliauaeorb*idepie HoIY Rce.Y Scal jaeu" hii hloëe du dIy Io prodise lier own blaed - ed- catit pMeIats. md wwde relia ce Igla ifecon - @Wnii on a inai ladaàtaruhu& * l. n MM cdieSM idie uble jmt like dW mvielie aom nhis dedièl." Us V&Iraf-d I ~Schoêz un "A MMl or f lu. a wmpl cald se. maI1 prove deedly for ber.- sililt yeqold ZwWn d cmn-yau-okl Daire - u e tc- ed go e if*$y ould provide a scimbte siph (a 25 parceau rance), bat 0y mauid ont NOMe cfrdis ll.ODOCMaiui c--day in di1e beai.aam reg- Delda Shelt bm upisaimchasi, ar do Ore mouiSe, we Winlm 5e r,' laid. lua Das. frne 11.011*.3y diesa aum in 2UW IO*foo<f rie i . - irm uç.a 4