Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 1996, p. 17

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SP..ORTS BRUEO90D TRAVEL É 7-2aO6 Bees buzz* off, Milton wins [- ,13 STEVE L.BLANC Spoelaita ohe Champion The Milîrin Merchants have humhl cd th Hamîlion Killy Becs in opecng rouis playoft action - and have nbvnd cm suc clisser ioîkh West Conference gicle. The Mi lion Junior A crew cljnched ths seules Saturday nighl ai Meunain Aren wîîlh a decisive 6-3 victory over tbeir steel town opponents. Thcy won tc sences 4-2. Milton hadl selt hcmsclves up ta cui mile flamilton Friday nighi ai Ilomne bu ie Becs tnAagd go prolong their seai by anolher 24 hours wîih a 4-3 overlins (briller. "The guyn were î.learly disappoinîci aflerFniday's loss, but sccmlid loase on III bus ride up to Hamilton ionmighi (Salurday and were oltay duning ie pie-gamce lalli.' said Merchanis skipper Gregg Camrganc. Afler sunrendcning a 3-1 lead in thie las l0mninulesofFiday'sgame-Iong wilt blowing nunterous scoring oppuites jr the opedmng fraine - Camrgsn was dcli. nitely pleased wilh lus club's iumnaeounc Saturday. 'We tere aggoesaive. we eie abrasivc and we were in ieir laces ail nighî. Thaim! whaî we're ail about, we're soi a culte hockey club," ke said. khs icanîs efforts in ganses ive and siu weoe ike'nighl and day. Wkere îkey were passive willu uheir lead Fniday. lkey wenc aigressive in pneieeing il Sagaurday. Whec tkey missed scoring chances Fuiday. lhey capîilied on almnt every c Saiurday. =n whcre Uaçe fig4tred a seilcoarmIl was a foregone conclusion Fnidsy, lky came: oui determined and ready for a tougb match Saiurday. Catoigan also cied a supeit, performance by mokie forward David DelMonte, say- ing. "He was absolutcly ouîslanding on hoth tiden of lthe pucL. He,-was abrasive and slirred up trouble for Hamiton-îll night." DelMonie alto stîrTed up back-îo-back goals - including a sborthandcd taly - la cake bit club frrnm a 4-2 lead to a 6-2 cttokehold lace in ime gaine. He was alto effective, as he b.d becs ail serles. in killing penalties wili special leants panner a~ '~ srcal wodchore oui tdem," said Rei of hit teammate. Tlmeir bard work klped Milton kill off 36 of 41 penalties oser lthe ts-gante senes. lite seules was 's McPhail, Haydar, Robert Gubala and Davy ,Au in alào drcc ais. Storybook ending to series Içyle 4eum couldn't have picked a bel- lime endie tean were fairly hernite in gain" qercodclunion ta his Royal Canadian four Zdlwo, fighsing offyuemes abflctaon Leion nor novice inedmwks' rtîamd mmtea ucamonx. two termes wiilu Oakvillc if ha imad dreamedt Mat Chuchmacb acorci lime wiinnj il UP hinS. $oal in gagne furt 3-2 squcaker. wtm Hoedng ia the final slowdown in dr ifeas nd Clayîon Holîman addimgUt beut-of-five sermes euth the Rangers, others. DraîMng attit cire Callard Hearna tunmied in a hat-trick - mrcudmng Miler mW Chis pedulla. an overintme gante winner - ta burY Hascsbgiigaeict3Iwie Oakville 3-2. am sbiinuntw'3- * Hisheuicsan ic iglt cre eo-old 'ith -a pair andi Elgin Reid drem 1cr he alto scoreli lus secaqnd af Uic aie ss Cr hs ottdliene nan will onîy ueo miracles rensahning in di ae s Pa*nhinc.p d - thirMle force an calra franme. Hi. ganie Caing 8ý"lPn the leammi. d4 wmnner aglne cith lSm Uan ue l use tam gostact isBrfl en 31 Kitlchcn. play in midbdM ion meilI soc taile an DhUmegn for Atsisting 'lu, game five were Scott ie zone dewamiotuipa. The 'Hacka wll CollaitI &M Sha)hn Millcer, chue Jamesa have honi-ice silvantage clith ge mue Canner tumed in lolisei clulch goeldlimgW. mastImnwevenql (fMmmdoy), 6:30 Wlmile Heu its d ie hem in ga i ve, pin. ÇLr« Axai. N1 A" ~ - g -~. pretty close, but special teants play did tl for us. Tbey'll play an even bigger mIle in e round(wo." , 1 d Playing anoiher big role in round anc p was nelminder Dave Doleckî, who was particularly impressive in lthe lasi fire r ganies ta win a big goaltending duel over a Hamilion star Ryan Geekie. 1I can'l waut Iot play Brantalea now,"' said Dulecka. anticipatlng a second round sçries wiiu lthe -firsi-place Blues, "We were a ling1e dis- tcodraged aBter losing gaine rive, but we 5came in here tonight knowin clieries -was ours tu Win. Personally, I lhif 1 played abgi uin round on&." J Alog IhDelMontg's two-goa perfor- numance, Reilihil James, Cary Holland aad Jeff Hasydar notcbed goals in thk termes clinckr. Haydar, wbp was ueccntly nasned as the West 66S~Àc's Misa lmprovnd Player,' was thme biggesî sparkplug on 1offense throgmoffti th eries, He collected 1six goals and four assisis. *Drswing asssts on Utc fghi wcîc Jante, Reid, Kevin Lambl, Bian Jonçs. Bill Encra, Sleve Adams and capucan SteiMoarke. Quaeterbacking Ihé defeisive efforts werelick MacDonald, Mark McPhail and JeffAtur. Milton led,3-1 afier the firsi and 5-2 kading inia dm fina 20 minutes of play. Despile a stellar performance Fniday nigmi ai Memnoclal, Doleeki couldn't conte Up with a backlîmd "ia by Ed McGrane in lie final 30 seconds, which foced the *extra fraine and thkir eventualtefeat. flic Becs needed jusi over a minute ta win in avertimt, when captian tirent Aîichison slanted honte an upsWamn bHast ta exteil thk senies ta anotier gagne. Doleeki gave up another third period goal but was nearly flawless tirough te fient two franiles wilis key gInve naves and diving leg stops. His teammases had several oppoituiities ta buey Hasmilton in the first - wmth ueo breakaways for Clarke and a couple of widc-open nets - but inslead trailcd I-_o ai the intermission. Clarke redeed hintucîf un dik second wila back-to-back goals just two-and-a- hart Mfinutes apart. Adding thecalier mark- e five minutes lacer was Reid. MacDonald helped set un haut of C1jake» n ols whii. Milton wresilers brought home Iwo medaît mnd Sprenger cas forced ini the defenaive position.. tioe%- to si finismes front tde AiI-Onari provincial chere Port Credf s Br'in Meelmr gcared a match hight4oo championsips tibm puai weekend ai tying ulê ciii only jcar se" O ndamsainini. Meuker *CetgaCollage. tien came ouit on tlip aliger a tpugli udden-death over- The Ontario Fedleratian (Shoails Aibletic tante ba"l. Assia"u (OFSAA) fila, whc fqured almgosil Despite tise bearubreaking lots, Sprenger cas no 500 wrle*rs. markcd die aid af dim higli uchool se.- douil lim die danins wrea i n has 194 Ib. cei sais. Laîcally. iadmo nwkadlie end of t»o outsand- clus tiis session. gaing 35-2 teith eigli glus, a silver ing lugm uchool cancers, as hmila District 's Victor apd a mre to bus credit. plwg an Ontauio EapAfr Spremgee and EC. Dnnry't Chris Price timjoyed ilsir' Cmpiotuhlp. finalOFSAA conipetillon. Wih over 80 clos undff ilis beirover the pai Iwo flash joined Chis Denich un thme evcning flis, yeN, lie Ïrill be a.lap contaider for a nationa nmnth placing second and sixi respectively. Dasmich. cho ai lie Canadan Ciampianahips un Oshawa in Iwo renuas for aime ai son, escmed a icat izelleai. weaks. e nmailing bin oviy ie BAift OFSAA medalisi in Dnuy Chria. Deniti, si 149 lima, waa equally impressive, W lmt. soOd4rng l0- giquoties in i openinj ueo matches. * Spienge. cas jusi ou mseonds acay Nrmbco-Pul HalTim.t of'otil l>eny was Denichus ItoU oppo- *il.g Miklon't second-evee OFSAA chamipion. Despite tient in thme quauefinalls wmme Denicli casse OUe on fighung thme lu kg~ weekaid he cus etjym a peafeci top 4-0. »--«unidnt Si gving *às in in ntaer h s. lInm sentis, Dumielgi 4 at isgl velule match, 2- Aller opeigllmg euth a pair of 10-0 decisjona. 1, ta Humsis Norn Liait. Movi iat dic butna *Sprenger recor&id a pin vlcsory mn ie quairfinalls nm"dbrecket, ha acored a 6-1 decWS o ver Mille umId dlm prevaileli 3-0 over Andece Garret un lie Braiacnmmader cf Churchill *i follbwed lais wiih a slemis. He cwu aijoying a 3.0 laed in ie It cUtiwN o n.c~m idal eiumum virbry la a remmb clit -us 18 ecoa" renunun MoIf WO p Peilsd by a queiiomal MaI by lima offiai. 70MIDAU. PR 10ll f A Humlon playe rffnis li KUp wMt hâs Motn cuntepm in frtc ii t dwlng lMW l B»Iuu-MIn Meetmnt- «u.. &Mon dojimlltml è uni wemc on to mn" mwM&l. Giapplers colleet t>yo medals

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