Halton teacherst;o -n-luâ ax Tu i Teacher a siromg p Crs .protes About 1 five leacli con verge Action Da prolât o agion of L Tme OF sands of PC massives Harrs' pro comncidenta rally against system cutbacks 011IYNELL lion mn Ham lion ibis weekenid Women's Tcachcrs of Ontario, an4 the ,7he Chamion There wîil kc pickets, parades and rallies Frencli language teachers federation will r loday and Saturday mn Hamilton. fleclaIter march on Hamilton lu protest, among ouber o sfrem Hallon Regmon will have day us expected Io have lime grealest patm,.m- Ihings. lthe $600 million in announced reience ai ifois weekepd's woek- paion wih a 12:30 p.m. rally ouuside funding cuis to edu,.aion, .I.aly mn Hamilton. Copps Colieuni "Ai ibis point mn fimie the govcrnmeni ,200 educaomi, represenfing ail Several Halon-haned orgaiaiions and has fi lake a look ai mli il's doing fi wi 't ing fcderations mn Halion. wmil unions will bc visible ai lime Iwo days of dismanile the educamon sytm as Sic on Sleeliçwn for -Hamilton demonsrations. but nome will likely have a know ii,"staied Brock- ysýa pre-plapned weekend of hmgimer profile titanithe region's lecacers. The dmrecior$if edmicaion for lthe Hialion ganî,ed hy flué'Oniaio Fedçr- Rlithard Brock. prcsidenit limte Halmon Roman Cathoic Scmoo)t Board samîd lic zsd béur (OFLi. elemenlaiy chapîni of mime Ontamo En lism no comment on thme prois. Hossever Fred L hopesîseveral mens of ihou- Camimolte Teacmers Association <F , Ssneency said a lemier hq.s killisAi l t(*mh 5j ople wtlJ sim* ijit oradgainst samd Halton unils oft he OECT <e oi, leacers union represen.mlles saying iending cuis ptoposcd hy Mmke (Intant, Secondary Scmools Teachers Fed- any mea.ker sshî lakes offi iiotk Fnday , Io vmncmai gosemmeni. whmcm. nul eratun, lime Ontalitu Public. Scimools attend lime rail) wîll ke dîkkei a da' 's ria> Ily, is holding a policy ciînven- Teaicers Federamtimte Fe&raion of and mnay kc suhjeci lte animer discinline >4i c.*, >tue, <rns ~'~*ns .4 i A .9 *ut Ksd Hallon leachers prepare l0 vol .ce thoîr concerne Io the Provincial gavernimenî e a maluive lwo.dey labour protesl In Hamilton. One moère 14ck at can People intercsied in commènting on Greaier ToronIcArea (GTA relurtn -ii1 hac a.sectnPcmance ai Toiwn Hall Monday nigmi Tusun ciiuncil heard suimssions fmom seveeal people lais week ils Milton puts logeiher a postion on lime mralter. Debate was sPaeked by eiî recenl release of GTA refoemi proposais by Aine Goiden«s panel. P'eople %imu wism to speak Monday nîgmi siould regsmer wt Ijie lown clent ai 878-.7211. Mayor Gord Kranti; aIse invmîed wnî len submmssmin.% 1$leMonday meeing beensai 73 0p.m. Milton wiîl make i presenaitn Timursday tu lime provincial pariel gaimcnng commenis on the Golden Report. CAROILE MRIAY'S SWIM BOUTIQUE FASHION SHOW 'i Â.e & £"- 9e u' ,a Q 99b pniucd Il. 11-1e Hea 1, c te&eFunaU F CIBcI -Main Branch 147 Main St. E. Mitton 878-2321 Fr1., Feb. 23 Sat., Feb. 24 Financlal Centre 400 Main St. E. Milton. 875-2233 10:0Oarn- 8:00 prn 10:00 arn - 3:00 Pm Mon., Feb. 26 to Thurs. Feb. 29 10:00 arn to 8:00 Pmn EXTENDED HOURS '17' IDOULEi .goSET3I IOIEEN 29 SEr399I [RRS