Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Feb 1996, p. 24

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-Adverîsement - SHqPIN INTHE I CARBBEAN - A REAL DEAL! Why are prices s0 gret in duty fi, Q Canibbean mlanti jewetry, pltofumne andi lituir molles - ilts Utaune thieis am isn ýý-- tant,, import dube'., tir gos erament tarifin. Tht- ttintimY ut th, iland, i, hanet un tinm and ail1 nales made arr a hcuieht fiu tht tcntmiî The. local gos- t ntul >tntra tifundn hv' isaY f ias ing tht pteopIe tho nvil the o, in- Tuîrk.a and Caicos. is fat becomung a poputar destination for Canadians. .oiv tol renidet, alttnough 1in aste thts inUitt luketpthtîIr isIand t s..rst','tin-tif thtc ftnî-nt K-hss .iii ail tht I.artbbei titis iii l,,t s oeld n ttîp dis ung arvan. a t hampiuînshtp golf tcourne and fine t-tather -sshat murcould one ànkrSAN. DAl S Rt-SORTS h-an >et-n tht light anti ha, purchant. the Roai v a] a Rtntrt and Villa.. ni Provot Ocîginal>, ntarted in laiata, tht chan miii spend US $7 nult ltin sandalizing the pritperty ttî bnîîg thetr-ttal ti) 1l s ser' pupular drears hoit- day locations in 5 ctins, The all'îsctuive vacation package is 'the ssay lo go' Itîr us Canadian hottday- t'r,' The s.runty tif a no-surprise holi da) sshtre ytu doî t hasetoamriemîth a potrteitul oii canhti mitre appealing titans es el. icudmg Itir ntalite titre arti liue day lunket.. Signature Vacatioins for enaropie. hasirnître thaui 70 pntperten tii tilfer tstth the fuil rdei Diamnn Sonnet Bay Rentiet in Nuevoi Valia. Mesuco in typical of these -we t-ted the liocation iout tivet New Yearn anti lîunti everythtng abtouit i i, te exceptional! This. style N vatatioin in deiuîttely 'the uîay Io go!' Ever becs lu Mirabel Airport in Montreat. tif ert reterr-ituh as the ma"o tîke ni canadian aviation? Unies.. Yeu are un a charter. ttr trav'elling an cargo. sou wion t gel there in tIhe future, Unie of the ht-ni miteir att-ports builf lun 1971;) il has cttnt Canadua taspayers sone $6 i- lion, il n nul fecasible for- regutar nehedule camrers. Ontit-htit1 ttilwan tike ..i-ngawtholttiîn undertneroo-but dtnrtedt RmeininWwihenplans met't platse fitr a nîmîlar ait-punI norheaat of Torntou Imu, yea-. agît Your professiont travel agency likely haastd% ili he plac rytu maft n tar- el to or lt crise nhp yîis mani tui .ai tit ifnxiitheitht-y an gel îtne-a gitot ssavtîget aleelttffihat next venture -gise th- itt.i ottrstis dro inurand pck Your Profe ss nal Full Sersice, f mrmuniv lnerlred Trwwf-4gey Sentrex ffovices look sharp in playoffs Thet Sentrex t5ajoi novice Hujrcanen siartedilteir ('TA ptay- of s in fine fotin bst weekeisd, ti natfg the Chtnguaçousy Blues Great goalîenting. tenactoas ctitckisg asti kautîful play mailing att combînet in Halion's lopsideti vt .ctory. gîrtng filen the earty leat inu tke kst of tire senes. Leating the ncorng parade for lie 'Canes mas Jonathian Souttigate miti tour goals. whte Jay Sprague taltieti ticîe anti coltecteti tirc assisis. Rep Hockey. Alto, scormul a pair.eath wee Teor Pietz anti Siephen Leblanc. who alto drew an assisi- Malt Bitnzemiki scoreti once and atideti an assisi. Robert Sgartiossa noichet the caier single and Davidi Titteinans picked up tbret assists. Mati Lyonsdia two kîlpers wbitt single assi ment to Mai Reeti, lIn curlinge W.I. Dick strikes. grold WlI. Dick Middle School students swqtt up a stoin t weekend i Guelph, as they $trsuck gold a[ the John Deere Elemmntary Sehool Provincial Curling Charupionships. fic Wildcats' nnk toppeti a clams of 60 GOtaro thoota for the pmtsvèm ciai tille. tji*hng the tIlrte.a comnpoetiosýwitlha perfect 8-0 utmvini. Headng-up the étan wus ihp Leilti Azmsuung. wbo viras jointif by vice Mati Liltte, second Davidi Ellîs and ternI Lynday Jonc. The teai was coacheti by lanit ilie adKen ýnmoII<g. r------------------i i SKI FREE THIS WEEKEND - I Brlng In this co>Jpon anytimeI Feb. 23 24or arch 2, 3 and wlth overy linf ticket purcha8ed recelve A SECOND LIFT TICKET I of equal value or Iess FREE JuCai us 1-800-461-1212 1Ius 10 kmi north of Hwy. 8D on Alrport Roýd. 1 -L --- -- ----- ---- Join the fun'~ Go0«W foodi Good MualcI »Lots ýfPrizeal le&STER ËIÀ DI.NNER & DANCIE March 30 at Optimist Building *j. *E«1ly Ird Draw f or whae, Matc 4. * Frst Door Pri» holtèlfdlnna theatr Tic kets at Gateway Newsstand in the Mai, Deiacourt's, Coulter Music, Optimist Bldg., Bils Auto Body . or cali 876-2383. Sponhor: Rotary Club et Milton Proc.eda for Childrn wifth Physloal DI.abiIU. la-so Vieira, Jareti Gobea anti Howie Martin. SPtting the, neindi"ng dunies for a flawles Performanice were Robert Smithi andi Kyie Russeli. Garie two of tteres là sel f or irimorrowt (Saturday) aftqnoion ai Vîioria Park Arena in Bramnpton while gaine thrce would go Sunday ai 3 pin. in Hittsburgh. Atoins flnlastrongly The manor atoin Hurritases fin- isheti up the regular selison on a high note, winning thece of their tat tour gaines to grab fourîth spot i the standings andi an impresslve 14-7-2 rer o th year. Two of the wins camne againsi Burtîngton. as Hatton st.oreti back- to-back 2-t anti 7-2 decîsion. Sconing over the two gaine.. wcee Kyle Quincey wiîb three, Danny Syvret wutb fwo ui)MLB -Robinson. Andy Alarme. ToUti Gîtmt and. Adant Kemp wi singles. The other victory mas againsi Guelph,. in a topsideti 7-t decision. white theur.final regutar scanon tons i mas a 3-t defeaitu Oakvitle. Peter Sebutil tounîtti two goals over tkec gaies white singles went Io Kemp, Ginmore Quincey, Syvret. Robinson and Aaien Harrison. Milton fail in six garies MitIon's New Venture Traset mncir atont Winîeebawks pusked fi te the lmut, but fiti to Fergas in sx garies tiunng opeming round OMHA ..ptaytiosns tasi weekenti. Their final defeai. aBfer startung the sertes sn tine ftilm. came un a 4-I0 tieision Io gise Fergus the stries. Craîg Pattcettîn totiJ on bis kai in the lfit.ît perisJ but allometi Imo quîck gotaIs car> in th, middlle fraie. lady .McGîhtton look oser tlhe gaaltentiing dulies. Ieeig in iwo motre lu %cat Militans taie. Gante tise oii uk selles% ende ins a 2-I lois% wtiîtr Patterson hacksttppei hils teant Io a 3- I in in gainte four Tyler tîtlman scoreti tise in that showdown mtite teamnate Daqiti Browsn recortird the othe< Thie team wmut sow trytktir iurk in the Tri Counly routairobin playoffs. The Iceman cornet/i after three-year wait. Sînte the urn0e Milton traîner Ben Waltac,1Ptrçt hamiisseti mints Iceman as a yearling, kc was ctonfident lic had a future tbotmng star on hi% hands. He just tittini ralize the future woutti kc tiee yeairs away. Su mmile il's buco a long ruai I ille1 race- trark, tht watt has keen woeth tl Now a fsitly mature four year tîtti Yenils Iceinan s% ltiait> retarding ti. train- ersaith ain io upfrlot lime un Hoof [o ak'i B eat Iparkling hperfor- manice in the $27,400 finéri of the Genral Brock Troting Stries. Untier a confident drive front Oakvitltes Rtck Zenin thet gelded son of Balancei Image caseti hi.. way to the leati efore Oct hall- mite mark ant i hen put askay a tird-quarter challeni; from Saijo. Taening into the stretcb Zeron Ittoketi oser bis shoalder for more challengers but sont entergeti as Yenîts Iceman coastei ta a tree-lengil victory in 1:59. 1. an inpressive livré gises tht day. long tains which hati drenckethe racîng sinp. Saijo mas second wtt Super Steath Ilurd. A fulI-Iliadmer to fret-for-ai competof Yentls Image, Yestls leian has now won att neves starts for Waltace anti co-owntr Densus Klein lance. launchtng fis cancer bark on Deceinher Il. 1 woulin't havt iatieti my blouse for hum wken kc iraintil do"e Ils a two- year-aii.'- recalteti Waltace. -He showtti ton mucb t b k juat anoker borme. Thes ki starieti gmawmng like a duck out of walte. In the Iwo anti a haif years I've hatl im în k lukely only heen training for a year anti a half and heen in the fietld the ciller year. Evety tisse t ment to pick him up kc ai grawn i anoler spot" Whitt Yentis Icenian resenthleti a big. awkward kqti during hi, growl.h splis. lits owners ne lont failli in las potestial. We juat waiteti anti hat l t tint tieseop,' saiti Wallace. 'Patience is a sinut. filiook three yeaes before everytiting caughi up In Nexi up for Yenils Icenan IN the Hiramt Woodruff Stlles ai tht Meadowlanin, whicti is Ncheleti tu begîn in laie Fehniiy. Big'splash for duo Mîlton% tiing duo of ('tis anti Robi Taylor carne up wîîti hig showings ai the recent Snowbati Classîtc Dtstng Meet in Scarborosgb. Tht Tier Ili reel featureti' participants front Londion, Eiobicttke. Gloucester, Kitchener. Burlingion. Scarborough. the Uivesrsity of Tomtoc anti cstn Baf(ako.. lu the 19-conipetitor ont mnttet spningboarti event, 13-year-olti Chnis stnick'gol with a total score of 155, wMcit alider beotter .Rob. 1 6. wps just 21 points behinti for fasith phice.

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