Congratulations to our Valentinei Winnefs Wùt O&MoN Mrs. P. Cheeseman of Milton won.Peggy's Gift Basket. I 'M I 9u~Lpick K!tthryn Wurster of Milton won the Gift Basket from Weekend Edition. l)ebbie Il>arll won the Gift Basket from Kational Trust Larry Molyneauk of Milton won the Bell Phone Centre Gift Basket. mu~u 1fl~ Catherine qutler of Milton wor - hoppcrsDTrug Mart Gift Bas D9 T ca, q i ca - euie ia (w I. SPECIAL EVENT FEB.21 - 24: 1996 CAR SHOW -tMARCH 1 - 23: Paseport Around the %d Win a trip to Dlmneyle MARON 16-23: DAT and'characters w * the Mai MARCH 1 6: * Irsh Dancers and Sco MARCH 23: Dlfney Falry Tale Fant for trip n the MARON 30: Wellness nilr ket APRIL 1-6: WVhat's Inside the BigI 55 ON"ARO ST. MILTON (905) 878-3900 FMiINffiMI ,«ak 1 -' pt: ditkmte 2 pst: Seii5 i lia .,D - i i ji1p t'iit at rkFj , eRU (ri f i l,', : 0per#t OPEN MON. - FR1. SUN.