Super-bug invades Burlington's, Brant hospital Pl B PAUL MITCHISON nience in an akeady-avrcowded hospîtal, wits Joseph Brant Meisorial in December, then Slroe*h said. Tbjbactera cen be spread on bc. Special ta The. Champion carriers being separated frine tise test of tise updaled in January. wamnin* ho*pial staff of rails, donc knobs. or survive cos handa. patients according ta Jo Brant staff. pecasuons neceusai te hait thse sprent. "Its reitfly nos a problens wi lthe commwsity -~Seven peuple.were in isolation recently at While muc wtio acquire tise bug wilfbecnse Patients wilis VRE aie hein8 discharged frutt a whole." nid Mi. Stronacs. 'Wlsat you don' Burlington's Josephs Brant Mestonal Hospital. heal*hsrouisl tieir oses body defçnses. il bas hospilal if possible. wile others have been put sesot S to have titis in a factiity because.sonne carsying a hactenia for which there is no iceat- becclse a sertous Isealtit chreat ta chsose sehose in isclation, te lct tise diseilaie rin lis course . or lacer. nosseone wiso is susceptible could set i ment, iffinfunfty is already los. Staff who deal wtt infectad patienta antilessg and llewome sickL The pxesence of this so-called super bug wma Jo Brant*s acting clsief of medicine, Dr. lin aIdla seuah their isands aind lake oier sanitary In tise medical coosnmnity. lisere is concertn th firut discoverecl is msl-Deoemser. Since tisen. 10 Darcel. saidltieres nu reason for tise general precsuticins. . groset of certain bacterta. suris as VRE. is, <> ases have occurreci. The groset of tise isacteria population lu bie aoverly conceased". titosig il Among chose mosl ai nisk aré people seho's resesît of over-prcscribing antbitscs. The reut I pauenîf bas becs seen ai hospîtals acrosi will remaait a inconvenience for nM~dcal staff. dînease resistance is loseerei. tis as litote in is certain kinds af baceeria are becorttni.mcxi NiirtU Anrca. but only recently became s cotn, forcing increased testinq and separating of hespital intensive case and bure imita. and tise difficult te treat. Vancomycîn is a powtrfs cent in Haltisi li's kosn miedically as VRE or patentts. wiso've beep receiving antibtotics. - antibicitic. used onby in àosiias. andI suaîy a vancomycin-resistatt esterocciccus. -1 suspect il's going ta bu a problemt for susse VRE isas teen deteted in asigiýficant number a lastremon. -Tiere's so vaccine. ait trewtnt an4 nu tisset coufe.- sail Dr. Darcel -But it's sonse- of Asscrtcan'hosptas. Tisere have also becs Partof aospita's standard appriach tludea iniibiotic.* saîd Dr. Nîck Cuberciîc. a tlsitg liseihso i l l have tarecognize. si) thse reponed cases ai hlsnpas in Tiseoto andI else- ing seit tise bacteria. spart froin Separatin1 Burlinimin f amily docini. wisu said tise infection titreai of tl s mfisitzed." sehere. * patients weti tise bug., isielllng staff lu refrait likey cutibuitd tiu thse receni dçatit of an eIder- Moîst patients require tluree weeks for tiseir Dave Scinâci &f cte environtienlal diseases froin offersng aistibiotics snneccssarily. ly patient. , bodies lu isecune free of tise bu#. Fartunateîy. deparîmieal at Halton Regios. saisI numbers SaisI Cuboeovic. "If yos're giving antibiouct4 -lis% ca.sed priiblcms in thse United Staies and msmis don*t becosse til wile lisey are invadeil by asen't currently cqllected to crack tise prevatlence otberwlsc isealtisy peuple. seuls a raId or fia sse seere isipng we wouldnîi see it in Canada VRE. lisougis liere cas bu infctos and seoius ufVREý . isere an antibiotc cant kilI tise virai infection tir quite soîme orne, tlut il has amrved.- he saisI mtedicai coiâeîsences for certain patients. Area isospilals are ding a goud job af ensur- yîîu cien teach baclerta in your own body te'epeec ftebgi asnia nov- A neto oto ýltnwsise iigaanttesra fteifcin r eon eitn eteatboi. ti MAKE A DIFFRENCE! The Mifton Jaycees ~Wýy JAYCEES?- IHSavY u tmel l M LW le5us wd bul b>m, ,aauiy, iheC-mmkgy amdu Aucu asim <e.nue. Mdq '0 oe.ý paol. boalt, salte éd M u msen? il. Wmitm -Md t4. I"ynu M bp -.1 dl. mVpoià,y Mid dak«,mu W& or leu wllat. e 11sabioe FMa uk ycu effe? 24D e MI sucies? Do>. euMau" ie a lta u, liàtic oey cMMmy. te iet aui "A k newi goaces mW1daue Md I enaycsmidl yff s" une o Fine.ut more by caIigus St (905) 876-0692 (905) 878-6347 or CHECK OUT MUR WEB SITE: htp:itwwwi.Wors-muicsI L ý,UPER'PET 1 1 CANADA'S ORIGINAL SUPERSTORE FOR YOUR PET