High school student threiatened withknife, police say c4 A 15-year-old Milton District lthieves fue osruptîng the tbief Hallon from a rural residence. tere I ligh Sclioul student was churcb andrutaurat I> lc I t~ rRegional Police sid. A laser seized. threatened by a knife-wlelding Ao iè M otterincuar w primer was found haJf-way oui Two Mitn youtbs. aged 13 youlth standing numiîde a class- A .nlbncuasw a Nndow. polîceçaid. Cltarged and 14. are each charged wîiti i-nom, police said. Hae~to aLuirAee However. the cuiprît teas fledper being unsuccessful. writl break- enter and fl ief s a possps>ion of break-in torils A group of ibree maie youtbs biouse fîillowing a moytime unsuccessf<il in pryîng off a 53-year-old main of fno fined and possession of sicilien prop- it approachedthie studenti n the brak-in4Fbruary 13. screen front a teindute and no Suspect nabbed address. erty under $5.(X), hWailssy Ç'ebruary 12 and one <if The fhief forced olpen a rear eau-y was gained. In break-inluh arse ancagd îhiem prwiauced a large knîfe. teindote somelîme belween Anoîber thief lefi empty- &t5iletdMnbre jsaid Hallon Regional police n1ofl antd 2. 10 p.<o The Iiiss handed from Kentucky Frîed A man was arresîed follow- outslde Carame teit perjury ci Acting Sergeani John Dîmm. toialled $275. Chicken on Main Street. ng a break-in ai a Main Sireet A police officer noiicedl lwo A 42-yeat-«Id Ba-ion Stree 9 A lb5ear-oId Miltoin youlb A tbief als> atiempied to Someeime oversîghî Feb, 7. insurance company Feb. J4 ý <vpitiui)king characlers man faces a perjury charge is charged ssilb assauli wilb a break inio Knox Preshylerian the dulpoît enîered the fast lîv<d A snowplow operator dr<îse standing ouiside a Highway 25 afler aIlegeýI1y Iying ai a Dec, w eapirn n connection vilrîbe (harch <in Main Street, outiets office and îrued il) int« the loi «if Lonergani service sieiion ai 1:20> a m. 11 bail hearing. The suspect S12:40 ptn incident. semîphi l-ebruary 13 and 14 b"ei open ibe sale The cl<uli lnsitince ai 10:401 pmn i nier. Februry 7 and made an inier-<a ettî?'nbhî j propamne 5<rcb and pcv bar, beliesed «'bisve beet> stolen a -patu rai gos fi replace today and" don't pay uritil January '97 an«lne[ sasieci %,lien ne a«i egedly gase fls intormalion belote thte Court. pilite sas Family rushes to helpi their stricken daughter - rom PÂMILY on page 1 second. mîiney is required io belp offset ieing coýis. Budget cuihacks ai ie Red Crotss leave no monev toi laih ork foîr mute $bail U).doni)rs per weck. accordint>o Betb Amr. clerk in ihe bune marnite departient of tbe Ilamillon uhapter ot ibe Redi Cross. Ms Arnef %àid lah <soik for donor, bevond the SO per week must te done by a pris aie cytnpan ai a (o,, t about $.50 per jooir a sont wbicli is beymind tbe man% ol the Schiiz famîly ifany signit'îcanî number (if dînors icsîeed Ms Barge. a nurse as<Miltîin District Hiuspital in tlhe iniensse cre ana, bas set up the Deidre Scbuiltz Fund il the Royal Batnk in Mifion Mai to accept donations fori entra lah tests Dehhîe Rennie. lte batik manager of custiimer service. says anyî<ne ssîsb îng lu donalle cari sumply let lellers knoss aid their deposit <sîli bce su directed. Deidre is unable lii make any bLioid tir bei-self Wutbîîi plateleis bier blntd wîll not clioi and <sititit whbite bloid cris bier immune systemt will nul defenti ber NdJv friim even the simplei of diseams. Eacb transfusimn sbe bas lessens the chances for a match tuble founti. She bas already bad ni, iranstusions. accourd- îng lu Ms Barge. Minor sympiomas of lte dîsease. sacli as palenless and fatiýue. bail been apparent for sorme nie, sait. Mis. Scbilz but lte cibld began ta show substanuial bruisîng tbe family did nli suspect uts- titing serlous, A blood lest lasi week llagged tirouble andi a quic k uue~ iîl the Hospitat for Sick Chiltiren in Toroîntoî ast Fniday ronfirnied thi teorn. "Even if tee are unable lu finti a match loe Deidre 1 teani t g'el more peuple on lte hune marriiw registry." laind Mis. Schoiiz. allia a nurse ai Milton District Hospital. -rhere were 27 chîld-en on ltai ward (ai Sîek Citildren's' Hospital) andi ltey ail neeti tvne mttiow as raonnas possible 1 dîînî teani anoliier moter bai ng lu hear the are nul enougit peuple n the lise~ Dononr are requiredti l attend an information session iii make thn fWly ateare of lte steps ltai lead up lu a ma-rot dunaion Thou Icteresauti in joining lthe boelo marruw regitry shoulti rail lthe local citaptir of lte Red Cross ai 875-1459. LNLRr IMAGINATION F OR Y OU R A natural gas fi replace. TJ-m perfect home improvement. WJth our attractive "don't pay 'tii janiuaryt97t" offer plus Çhe option of malcing easy payrnrents on your monthiy gas bill', there are no meaisons for putting off your dream of owning a hatural gas §ireplace. Ru»Membe to esake ciiivoastqe of the defned p.y"nt 4 off-r y-u -as purchose f-e Union Gos or a Member Union Gaz Flreploce Deoier befor March I6, M. Hurryl Cml a Union Gus Sales Olfice today at 873-3072 or 1l800-263-9970 and asc about othLr lIltéd tienne fireplace savinga. Union Guis Energy For You tD..h. ê,si .d o,..oic...<o<"y.d« e.04 Lir- G. W. M.,. U-. G. F. h. D.M. AM W-. .çpbn" Ob .<& M.vh 16. 19% Th- h. ý t..1Y pq., p.t %e ba. à f.fR1 r oy pp..d Instail 1