Ex-Crown iawyer can Be TIM WIIITNELL Specual te The Champion A former Italtuin Croiin attoîrney cani( susualuze the provincial gineruiment clos_ ing ciiurthuus un Barlunptuin and Ouksulle as put if cuisu ctutting measures. Jum Treleaven was teactung tii lealis uuf a i.uniideuîual prelumunars reput fronm the M nir> uiftuhe Attoirney General. Thlar reputr isas iiîauned retenti> lis a Tîîrîntuî rcis.paper and puepuututs i.iuarîhiiùses un liarlungtiin andj Oak, îllc as [x,,isslle target. fii ciling, Lndcr lie plan. lias wsuîi&he alinuurlieu hi lic exsing 'Pu(is%ncual (leneral Div," dii r t ii liuse oni Steeles Asenue un Stultuiui ..7iua e gui mii i pui icial i ciinrtruiums un Mitun ihai aie aluaays hiuv. thiee mure iBarlirWtun ltha are huuus auj isui mure unOakvutle, if Multun liad ail surts uit extrà sPace. t cîîald sec ut hauçpening. naylie. lia thes duini., Mr. Trele.uscn nuiied. Mtr Trelcasen u, tlie dircetur il Croiin aiiiimess for lie icnîral.siiail repuuîn. and lie aci. ung d urectuir fuir thie ientral isesi area' islicl inciujes Flaltuin AN Cruiss auuuirnes un Ilatun fronm 1972- tu). Mr. Treleasen acknuiss'edg/ i heard tlie recent rumlilings icirlias eluîsungs fie saud liere nay lue e ment Il, sliuttin1g uiuiin cîîuris unilr ceins liaile duiesut put mach stuif nt aç uQg here, t1 lunos Iliere are ail] suris (if rumuurs gîîung ariuand (but) I've never seen any Plan thii ncludes Bnrltnguin it defiles luigIc Pi Me Wlien 1 suas a Cruisn attormey un laluion I'd say 7> per cent of criminal case' carne lrum suil uit Ilighway 5S 1 tili1. Burluuguuin aud Qalisille sucre tncluuled un a lengihy tsit cuimpîled liy the (riininal Lais Dusvistin uit the Attoirney- (iencraI' souffuce Suit uir Attorney- fiencral Chartes Harnuçk apparent> pre- puil a lii ii¶ i.iicomunuits ushere cur- (hases i.iiad lie shuut ului*. %ili a sayjung, -11 nuire huan S.i lItnil! in annuall>. Jînathuin \ivck. an inftrmaiun olitcer iui lic uoffice, sali the li ui ci iarihuuses s cuiniidenuual and represen -a 'cix eantx pieluminais ic eu -c Fie oudlul iut cuirý firm 'peuiuaîuun aboutiah lsatts uf taiii tues un Burlingiuin auj O)aks ilI auj added nu, turne frampe lias lien setli)c ithe mnisir> un uts "rattinaluzauuin* uit i.ourt uiperauing Wli maces thc dca ofit a Bartunguun clii sure suimesuhut puzelung fuir untcresîed uilisersers like Mr. Treleaven us lie facuIlyu lucicuedl u Plains Ruîad East auj Brant Stracei% us ci thait four yeacs uîld To SUli it dusun woatd likçly mean lircaking un enisig Jease suith propery uuwncr Bruani Village bvelutpnints Inc. sud Tony Mîllîngioni a privat consultant suho worked withl Casuidur Construction. builder o1f thc cnurihutuse in 1992. Mr. Milungtuiu salut the proiunce lias a (ire pîns-Fise ycar cease agrcenmentilu culd lireak early. liai wuald resuli un ishat lie temmeil a "faurly hein> fine. Ail un ail. Mr. Millînytuin said lie ranit 'c thc Burlingtin cuarrhuuuse ling clisd. In tact.b li aid lie" lieaed.tumuirs Oakîtîle's curti lding cuîuld lie shat duissu iil thie i.ascluiad lieing shutued tii Barlngîn. >- One Earlungiiin lau' ver saud fuis main cuînçem is thie incinîence luil lie pulic.r lis licen a runtur liii ilirc e iri ilai isas never takeni scriiaslx blte,- lui une mlai susno. 'aid Daîid (juidardý sui pruc t['cs tainil sa lin un rlinguin. 1 i..in se lhie us ruuuîn liir i.iinsuluda jion. the taculites un Oakîtîle art inade 't see sense quate. i thînli they have enugl cuurhous es un Milton ithat are undewtiiized - uni the General Dusîstion.'puutei Mr. Godant, Thungl he can see (lie ratuonale, fromt purely financual perspective. li e lleves ut isuli lie an injustice lii cout7t users iii annalgannate the facilities ini talton Oipoipulatioin centres aie su wudelv duspersed ut malues sense iii have ulire curihuses. Hois doi peuple un Burltîi gel ti coiurtiun Miltoin- usiied MrGidard. nuîting there us ni, public transit lietweeni ithe lieu centres -l sîlI le incuinenient for laisser. sse cuiuld adtaptI til. ut iuhemc ire a luit if sin- gle iruitlers isho use ithe ll,41j tamily coint 1 see ut as den>îng îliem access tii the cuart systemn- inci osing court You tue go:l ueo (provincial) couflrtoms i Milton rthat are always busy, tAree more in. Barlungton flua: are busv , " anal wo more in Oakville. j k fMilton had ail sortis of ' eflra space, i coulal sec iz happening maybe, but -e - Jin, beleaven fw4 r qlaba Cr.va Corn,> 'w I C4NADA'S BEST SELLINGUM COMPACT TRUCK... iYOUR CÀOICE... FORD RANGER WITH PIF 431A ONE PRICE u.As C"i sking Gaina~3-9 o ir u . \ "sum eusu u uWIt IOB --d 1- .11n - n-uni jd z 2 =unsu pusu A,4JUST GOT EVEN USE ROUNDS 'leu Ncol 15M LNJH l&aMEM.îu FORD 0F GOLF AI cf heL n AMIFM clou * an S cas- power atitenna AM'M steren 4 FLV il0kn5490 t.536MO n fl ThesGreter TopnweAna.1 541 y,W ' 172999* $fl 999* 'l152299* S14,999* i Ct'O DfrES A3& u bou n Ps 4"u 1-u bc mcé. eu L- une al W . s erss EXECUIV GOLF GUIDErauarnFR dem $f000lFOR Ple eeeoeol IîA U MERCURY al. Aàtew Vs aloe MD.. "Mt 655 Main treet E.,'Milton è 18,75.-3673 *uSIuns.,agsuuundu1-iu