Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 1996, p. 1

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Ont. Cofhiurity m-hwqpaper ~ ~ I ~ '~ ~ li Il Box 45i 11 ~ j i. 1111 lii ~ IuAKVlLLL, O A iuldcmuat ewac o.17N.2 WEDNESDAY PEBRUARY 21, 199§ ý2Pars 754 r(t d Road deficiencies may neyer go away Big week for Graham Paine I'S- beeti a good - eek'for Cn Champion pholographer Grh~,Pene - and a good onie for the newnpaper, too. The Canadian Champion has pled arcn.g the top lhreelnal. Utas ini four categorles of the annUel Orlfto Comrirty Newppers Assooliiton (OCNA) compeliltcn This rîewspappr has been cho- sIen among the top three acrosa Onlario. for fron?' page dfsplay (tabloid format) arid in thr.pmoto- grapbic calegoriesý Dent feàture photp (cofour>, beat feature photo iblack andwhilel and best.aportn -These are signîficant awarda, and Graham's accomplinliment in parlicular as Ixceptional," said Canadian Champion editor Rob Kelly. 'To place in the top lhreé for' a trio of awards iS extrernely rare. Every emnployee of this r4wpa- pur contrihutes la owmbewarda by hepmng put out a quality product on tfme." Mr. Kelly added. liht gives us the type of community crecibifiy and succesai needsd f0 display staff tulsotseffectivety.* The qardit presentet ion laikes place PC4 arch 30 at lte annuel OCNA convxention mn Toronto. Corne'en bqard wiffh Red Cross Te Milton branch of thte Canae- chan Red Crose Society lis neelcing cmfnmunty-mihded men, and wo- meçi fa loin its board of dieletirs. Those interesfod in îoining the board or ammply findingout mots information. cati caîf brarn1, mai- ager6usan LynchaIt 875-1459, Letters......... ...... 7 Dailine .......7-8 Sports . .11-12, 15 Classirled .. 3.. AUTO DODY SNOp ,1 ýYýarso The Town otf Milton may never c.atch Up wih ls CXNem4ed in he neIf> 10ycars is Si 19-6 million. rond deficiencies. according in John Miihews. "The province lias lin making us do ihesc 1dîrci[orAîfpdfiicworksý . upd.aie% esery year, said Mayîî Gord Kraniiý Provincial road ýulidies will r«ohhly lie jeune -Sone year. thie stady couis S25 U00 Now thai for rýoxd hy.1 99,k Mi» MaItliess suggcsted ai a thcy nio longer tequire thme siudly, we will lie able hi b receni general commitic meeting. <pend thme momicy on *sads ralier than identifying ALcarding lu a report hy Mr, Maiihews. the cost the road. iliai sse all knîîw are deLticieni. ut correcting cuiTent road deficiencies and thî,se. Councîflor walf y Hunier %uggesied lho&with ia l %ai *,.,rahLr t"i wfolesale recoflsiructitfl Mîo odrports will bic made eser> îIîo >car% in the future. saud Mr. Maithess., iîl major reports coming eveiy five year,. 0f Miuton*s 337 kiloicires (if roads. 15i2 km arc csisdered deli- cient, In addiioîn. Miltoîn hares mnienance cosis on a 50-." ksi, on 59.3 km uoultr road. i. * Hot off the, presses FaI emnMai n af Cu"h Tg"1r i l ffi ls t c ChLliine baffle fou ght on two fronts By BRAD REAUME The Chamlpion The halle to nd Mîlitîn iii clknne is niom hcing lought on lieu fris mine legal. one linancial. Ftnancially speaktng, CouneIcIlor Joîhn Cliallinor sas s fundlng lrom Halian Region ho Fms saier pipe prohlems viuld .llos lîr i differeni interpeatilin (il M inisiry mil Ens trîn nient I MOEs guidelînes. chi~l mî,uld resault i an end io local chlornnaliîîn On lie purely legal froînt, a crînsd of 2(X) lias sî,Ied a resmtunding -no- to lsvîng ciltine in [lion Tliursmiay nîght ai the Optimisi Clubithîe puhlic liad a chance ilu comment lai Halton Region's hîd tu gain anexemption ort Milton frum prosinial mater treatmnti guidelines. Some people aitackcd chlonne as a poison, ah- ens were concerrned about thie disturibution system, and still allers wanied alternatives explotid. Only one pelrson spokeJo, favaur of dlilonnain. citing the s'ulncrahiliiy of the distibhuion systcm as tlie reasoli Ilic MOE will deteniline if an exemption should hc granîed aller illcy sîfi ilie record of pasi and poltenial prohlems. and take iota acuun mimai Ili communtiy wants. Afier the meeting Mr. Cliallinor said il poiential risk could ble lssenied. ilirogliliin crreniprîi llten Ille M0tE mîghi es m e Iir guidelines in a dîf- le re xii .iskt for p change in legislation.' %aid Mr. Challinjî)r 'We jusi mini a re-inierpreta- tiîm îftife carrent gu fies Mayor GaçRd KranLr agreed wihh Mr. Cimallinor's approach. saying lic was confident Haflon Region wmll commit substantial flhnding tu improvemntis mn the Denry Road pipe which fias been the siurc. la, Ca r Febmuary 21 - 24/ The reporn has alrcady.speni consid- erahie dollars ta upgrade the pipes and we arc still puh- ing,- Mr. Krantz aiWhilc town offi- ois lobhy gl JhCelir aIorn o i he local watcr. Hallali Northi MPP Ted Cliudleigli agrcd the issiue ssas very mucl imn hi% hands. l'Im going Io emmtinue goi push ilus issue Ner>. veiy hard.- said Mr. Chudleigh. 1 salid Id fighi io keep chienne oui of Milton, and if il was minro- duced. I'd fighi ho Sel t oui. 1 will continue Ia ses. TWO-FAO#dT on II.ga 6 bitus

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