iagte OlivEs Taylorwshm te1exa mme Dimic Hospital : = O Fertw 1, 1996 Pissai lst fins Vrtaideits Paul mmd Loué ftaIsy @Md bBvie and Chof Ginore. Fiit niece for Daniealle, Jeanine,. Leanris end Sruvion. Spacs0f bulbe fa Dr. Koelawla Maid lu O.S nssn staff. iit - sj ROGERS ~ ~ ~ ~ in 0w ",sl (isNaos> otn ire plaed Io anriounrce the birth of tfsi daugiltr Victoria Dsevi. 9 Rat a oz&.. as Milln District Hospital on Fobrusny 15, 1M.6 as 1:15 pis. A Mille sister for Aisailds l grini0fiid foW Olga Nadatin ot Milon tard 2nid graidofluli for jack a Oawn Rogfers of Youngsteuri. New York. A specilt ttiank you te Dr. Wan f4unter and tu OSB staff A vary spéali luank you ln Dadfy fer being s woriderl oach. PC4UTd ienssd Kam n sir et Mailon * are plemisi be ainourice the berr of hir son Dylani Nicos waughng 6 do 14 oz. ai Milton Disri Hospital on Febnsu 13. 1996. Proud grantlparflts ant pion .ni Shirley lsno and Jas laid Joann Sdcoi In ofilliton. Spsdd ia ts te Or. ling. Or. Robinson MWd Oe ey friendy, O.B. staff. 12 PocrM PHOTOGAAP4V -mnal R.lssa. Cal Ssss or 14 W dnc Srv ce WEDOS NO pIoTor.AApmy- i00-I 15s fumais ln album plus negaSies. 15 pesas expenence. Pas- "ané sd reasonabtl. Ptr Perfect W*dding PhcrtOgrsphyý 90639-4710 I WEOOING PLAtiNER for windows user friordly software. icludes Io do cillardast, orgsaiazefs. check bat à budgstaig hinIs, Send $20-00 Io. Dearhegb, Suite 476, 420 Main Street E ., Unit C. Milan., Oris LOT 5GI 1 Ha-y - 1xtf AiiMoe ln te drtios 100101 Lova âwl MoZOiGi ar Le ua eds <lii-.f aud Coul laniie-.,ui of Moill urîeA i nmuuce the rsiggemnfl of lhieu .auaîhfif Tuai., Anlky Kelly. ne 'It Vic Mil DerluY (houl 'Im il Wr -nih gîentniai> year of Mr & Mes Datt Bîllînglmor iii an lenn f(> ntuuce h scriltageurca e ir shir ('hrlc i Mr. Chrisi,flflrn Sist '" vun Mr, & mis. Grnt Soneu, r < muagrru Weldins lui I.- in Gcu .Autust24. 1996l. - D a v id a n d U aY .a I D ,w n % a rc P c . s d il. affiffier the Mamng ifr ffainer DoaI. î(;cege Dumni jo Mjreritel Nain' iPeggyh e0 Deaths UAILEY, Koeneti L - AI fNe rssdsnoe in Mites on Mondai. Fbar 91 96 aike b.WMi esaado (nos Corp>) LevNW fat*a of Ken &-bd fis aille Jais of Cludiasi Ji. Phl and f i lfe Bart and Tii aid fNa wMj CUey gos of Millin. Ais lavai by g.ab~drli Duais and Nifitole. Jutiln. COUarts s-d Ryui Baaly. Suraived by fié brother Cave Salsy and sigter Dorotfiy Priass bolfi of Woodateck. Prodeceased by brofilera Jim. Owen sand Récari and :sZr Eliuabeth Sasiry aid Mata Troms. R.aflug ai OUt J. USMi Eady FUMIars Hom, 21 Jaimes; Stnset. tass fren 2 - 4 And 7 - O p.m, Wedriesday. Futairiarda wit bs heu on Thursay al11-WA.M. wrinnneamet bfol- ow in Evergrsor Comltery, Miin lsi kms of floers donaséona l ts illiotn Distrc Hoal Foundstioa or Ohe Canadieni CacOr Society woufd fis appraated by fOU Faauêlii CASTLE. Jean - On Sakwdoy. Psbrmr 174s. 190. jean (ries MaowasIt of Million,beoa %aie ef Alua Caste. Loiasl m 1011ei Of Oleis aid Tarir Ibel of rgesasi. Sll, méssesi by fier moir-f-fa Elizabeth aid fier huaband Dat WsS of osaretmsan A rvaséd livnait swAryau ia io on TsdY,% Febnuary 2»5 In Evarmss Case" y. n hi lta af bas duidcm't OU Cw"ama Cancer a ' essAi bu apprsciated by tha f afnfY Aomrigssnll #%rougit OU Jàaslsfd, Pa""I Nai0 21 Jams Si., Maiton. SMUF Ut.ClM Fuhm - On Sasardey, February 11h. 1996,i g hntes H&vi, Walsrte. On- Wbe in fNe Md u. Oai Smill fortMssf of ~ie balavai hmsbad et Ou lMM Myra (ris Nuit>. Sady miss" by fiés son GeOrg ai daugflssr-in-law Dons of Mitdmay endi gruudehldss Aand, ai Wdk~al, D&vé of Ed- monton and Hasiar ct Toronto. As par Mr. Salls requsaf cren fin hm tieMM pln h flou et ftonas sapasasions et symipalfly mati fs ain n orist of a donation te Kaies Pra- byipeial Clorafi. Mgon. ATamar-e tirouigil Ous j. Scott Es.fy Fu" Nains% 21 J-a S5. WAaiSRI, Franki Wrights - As the Haamilton Genaral Hospital on Fridey. Fabiussy lUli, 1Mt, nl fil rmaS of à ou accèédent on JanamY 151h. Frankl W"né et Millets batova fsehal ai Cor (riir Cour>. Lovq fim~ of Carofyr Md Siar fluabasai Ridwsd croto Lonu undo Harire of Caladosit Baty and fiés, wb Mary aid Fruankamd fies aile JO-AMI 80 01 Skncos Ceadai Caled&a Judy laid f ir flSbénd Psrc W&é ai Efiai, Dilafead hiier fiiba Waller Shuofa Nusvite, Tracy l0npy aid frind Cris Vorde of Tilisonbarg arid Raiiy aind Nefils lfa ROsaf Camubridge. SMOy ' ls by 26 grisdaSar andi 7 grast "rsscNlsba Ose Wreller ai Lkoyd, Rossat Bi, Enmia andi Aler Pmdwàmsd by fuis brother Cadi Funerîl Service s frOid froor "i j. SVII lafy FiseraS Noms 21 Jaaias St. Miio on Mondait Creaina fofe 190 On.at Si. Cý!iMýZ.. Bfonze Ma fiers, M«ou.mntM Monrker Cmatary Lettening ClassfiedCLAàSIFIED HOURI' yoOr classified Hotline 8 Il5-at:3 3 00 la%0e assis