MILTON mFlesh-seating disease' reports flot alarming n Irmm FMU en pae 1 Becaulisr anre few cases, vary over fine peakng -in Jçnuasy Laboratcry Centre for Disea maini and there ùil nic people cm lte i igier p.ohelslity cf idenis eeis yeu. Co"ra mn Dul said lise fac tise m1do te prolect tieseieves from il1 fying tis oc"a indiviésal dms sau "Il a wsnter disealse your ane moite cule repodhd in tise siu dsease. Hover neucl attenfio Accoedang te Iel Canada, th1e inre ikly t0 Set more cases now mndeisdil du e th11e saune factars hLA~ H!EPis relqieti mmmediely if signs anmd basseria Ieadng te the infection ca rehan in summer," si said. "Liai cause mare seascinal cases of cg NgilS ai 1:w & siî Pm synçtoms occur. Tisent h ne vaccine maste body liseougs cul. W11en a year,alt was ai il peakis ni, boit and fis - infections tisrough Il andi nating can be domne o ncrease casi occurs, il Idt be wasled, loi ibis Janchai tisen werel nearty as nom ne thdioal immniclanan wtcedfor symplais iear mais cases across dm1 wuvinee. 'Pgseyat7.ooAB:lspm 11i il th tim of th yea whe sugs ineto.Bt nps atmýd x Conference amns Soouynt2 lONe l tpScaIIy rec cases, min se lsais If redines. beffins tel11l pea tere wîiI 11e sonwlhan like20 inada aiy oths tim o~f tise year, said arosint a cul ant r isen a irenen- cases in tise province ibis year. In to lessen violence 12 MONKEY'S Ms Carson. -And, boeause il occurs dous amisut of pain, sec s docto b9 ien were abouti 340 cases. up 12M KEY'7S&91Bf in cycles cr in groupings, is nol a inmniedately. Wîith necmiczng fasci- frein 210 in 1994, 179 in 1993, asnd A youl conference sIl il iMhye , : cosscerni [bat we bled four cases in aii, blood supl Ie huasae (issue is 143 c6ses in 1992, tise fii year sta- involses police, iseasi officiais'a Jauai slcpped anti infecteti areas msust bce titis were collelei. hourd cf education wiII hc bsel ne .JURMN I . Statîstics for 1995 sisedt tiere surgscally reinoveti. Deali occurs in lise gcond new is is nil continu- insais lu te seaul oui violence. Sialday g? 2 l OL wenc seve cases cf invasive Group 30Oto 50 per celnt of cases. inl t0 steulsl gel worse, but ill an T'cis e l aplnlge Cnisss Celui wi A slreptceccus. which under law Dr. Allason MeGeer a niâceaéloi important disease in tise sense thuai preses -Youis Reaching for 9_an nbssh repaiseti Il doclors But fise gîst ai Mount Sinai snd Princesil iê's a new diseaie anti tisere's a lot ere - Solutions Ic Violeiel Fidrca SAIXH of lasi year's seven Halien cases Margares hooaia in Tcnso. is one~ neet c lain aiol il." said Dr. Ma. A~ Siasday g a t. IlereY reporaiul Jansary-alse cf ujAeestlgacrs in the Ontuic MeGeer. De c.sfet te adjusi tiseïr Anycce intereste i s welconse For reasorts cf cossrmdenialy ileG6pA Strepoccca Study practices. tise seaid, "se people are patciaule in dis froe evefi. To rei isali depaieeloss ol cilsa wisere és pAI igneti-M P co c aie nfsIaa g " etmng tise besi trestmeni li telo for infornaion il jadqui lise cases bave oiécurred mn liaison, about lie ésease She selt tise poeva availlable for il." Scisalinan os Lynda Levins i9 ________________ sed NS Carson. lence cf group A streplocaccus will - Dr. Dan Kerlesz, epudologfist ai Haltion Ripe Cnisss Centre. 825-362 MMILO GOSPEL HALL HOIY RMUA" MAN 30M Ontario St. N. '1 CATNOUIC PANIOi GRACE ANGLICUN 87-22 ln8 légn SI, Miln . CH URCH 100 .93ekf ra T y 78-9>44 317 Main St. E., Mihon 114Il8 am-Si.iitiy SeasMMTisa 878-2411 W4 pi m-Gospel Servhice Sa5srdoy Evu"an 510 p m Flai. Dr. Markt McDermott Weday7:3Opmr s*ia9àM. 1030s &M n Prayer Menti ard Bil Re"dng OUff LADY 0F VICTORY SUNDAY SERVICES "hIl ewc ide ller dm n lau Mlton lslghte & 10:30 own lody m~ Ile. Ma"s ai 10 30 a m. SuwMsy Infant and Todiee Programn 1 Peter 2.2 ST. FETil CHURCH' Churci, Scheel Ml nTet 9a gur MIDWEEK ___1 fen mm, Twéei. cae" Wynaa Tue. et 7 00 pin c ~BAHA'I 'i-'-' ronrirTuset1:0a FAITH Tues.i Auit7:0p .~ 12 Main. St. at Jamais ie ~n , .h~-Iù. . .s. Milon, Ont. Ce# chrhofcefrIisprit 1-d -A -i if ... ,n.l, 876-896 i drnsie .M«0,..,nis. Il Robai Hyde RIl ElaneLongIrit uewiy woleesa 41sais Oresclor of Mwlc -Judy Hallte n milOF UTM SudayFeb. 11. 199 10:30 Il. KNOX EpIln VI 1 PRESBVTERIAN Momning Worship Belps iebtu" Un ieeSe CHURCH ai Church School hrLmINMofF&dW ý70 Main Strle E., Mifton O onDT11: SUNDAY WOASHP Missiter-Tfils Il Lai .CO EUF 9:30 am CHOOSE UFE Nursery & Church Sch Dacnas Minîster-Colleen Smith i fall c ami m«" dueboue, Minister 10:30 AUA. ao epaien -1hl 7:30soi The Re. sha»n cri Nusery & OHI SudySYoo . uth Group Leader Nursry &Sundy ScholDonne Permson For mre informaion ceaI: 8784MU. For further infornuitioî cal Parking fil Mary S!reetp«a~s ~ 8 82 0 Id A 11 W e4a.eei yess 8 15»0 dmi- -*»a .tai dOb@ SNAFERUARY 11, lmW SUI FRIENJD DAVI 4 :46alm r udlSb fuir AI Ao 10:46 a.m. tltefi* My' Loue Alite Y Go Oit RWeAITOWp NaEWl N 9m O4C (M Au» Wd5*4i 8:B:UP.m. ENING MGI.E RALL Peies Rsgg. 1 adeIl Tim LINO 1961 r f UW 98M 1 lse. 14 Mrn ci1 t(*e Il iercMW"4004 ideUW CwomI.UJstT ap dbo36 ¶98o M p. Ou. d si 98 -.Iw i a se ai Id se IdI te 5- bcs bAm Ten~ iru.~ ue.M 1s4 PU 2"wllaesl -10789 ma urC1.8tlJ "meoM .. in n muauno-8ewwm marni l a - Pun jet"ai pelsi ow m UmmMlYNWflm UJYIV 1.4P J. yP as mm IM IJU MATIO «U87*lf oeil sslelle *S MW »r .8mB Pl10AIM 04PU 89N 8 .abl i duhds