Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 1996, p. 6

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OPINION ai H~a ta. 8o248.191 Main Su E . eIaues[mita Oit!f« tJT4NItBastS)noatttss an raeupttj1 Pi. lîtar. Ont 1.9T 4N9 Pubiahnsg A Dratrrbfirn LId, graap ai subrbair carapatais wahint rdea OflO~~' 1 Stn Pichnrrag Niews Adaertiaar. Barrie kiastics Brampiati Guardiair. " (905) 878-23'41 Bîuýrtisatan Pas!. Cita Parunt. Catlitigwad i Ilag Canrsir asFut Tari Nitra i ncake Guardias Giorgtown Iadepeiidmarl Actait Pies Prisa Fax: 878-4943 <tniagatatio is ulsi, Linsay %bi Wo Marhrar Ecaiotail Sun. Mi4"atai .1 Classîfied: 875-3300 Pesitirgaiatarr Murrar, MinainsiagaNea, Nowemmat / i Sata Era Baser, Q a OlvrNobh rthsumrtlrand Niais i&ti Yoak Mirror tiakait Beantr Otitta Taday, la Oivr aublshr Oshrawain O / iit Clunatai lis iteek Petsiuirg Tis Weik. AcRknani NeS! Olisçr <,etfrra u)ager Hill / Ttoiarss / Vauaghan Libera. Scuaraarogr Mîrrar uabridgi i Siauttmea Rs Kel> !diîir Tribune. Tada'a Smssiors ~'4'.4~n Kats Husman ir, ar iagir SAdaerrirg i9 accepaeit as tie condiion triar an the saisi ai a tyrsparu 't"ÇSgi . ote~ tfancîc.r errai ntsa portion ai the adaeirsitg sipace accapini! by tire nrrtiaa item, * titi Colin'o ~4.aiMnager tagitsit "th a rasnnable siane>c.sti ni! t as chargeA for, but Tedsft > Rirai!i 9,.j e l~.5aifit M r i eè Plid tac at iti alttlrbt rae Tt Pub- naaeTasrsn it aèttacasgrize adatinr<ts ai decain Good direction, but jury still out' Ontarro Finance Mimier erne bacs auggest- cd Lue mena the reason tor ihc draop in Con- servattire pofautarli> mus a pair job ut communi- cation lretmcca his pan>y iurM <h public. lieuri Hieur! Now mbai's tac gîang io about i<! bath esening sorue ona-inisier cf tir NDP or Libeal goveriment ta heurd predicling doasu and glodili risse n irasîus Toiy initiatives. But puai iellrng us lise> are mro!sg ta nu longer a gond enough respoisse. Wlrilc i suppotri lise direction cf the Mîke Harri guvernirenl. pauuticulaely afime 10 yeaax ut NDP and Liberal incompelence. I aise temem- ber that ihese disasitnos yenm began on a fassis datione oft paîttical largcsse approveal b> previasa Casaservatise gasieramnenis. Thç three parties seemed likeal peas in a pcta. Afier a aine-day session us te firai since before Chnsimas -lus aile ont the omnibus ill tlîey arc nom ugain in reces omitl cacly Match. If1 coun- parcdl this achedule las iheir complaînts aborut <cachera havîng excessive preparaiion lime. i masuld haire tas suggesi at MPPos arc makîng tcachers looak ise masiual There arc maîy changes being made and I avant tas se <hem debuted. Municipal Affaira Mîsîster AI Lcuch aaid las! meek he likes thc Goldent repoîri recasumeidaiioia on Acinal Value Assesameni jor priiper4, taxation. anrd iuleas sastsethîng belter popas up kc îniends Io makle that ayalem lam. Whos .uppoînied hîsa dtctaiorî Whai happeised tas th variasus siodîca compird b> prasperty ownera evaluaaing fair taxation'? Tlsey recomn tiended Uit Value Assesstieni. .. There are 17 Metro Torontos MPPs and 17 MPPs [ron ils suburba regiass i'd tîke tas sec tr regional MPPs gel logeiber and make a alatesin haras <bey masuld vaste regardiqg the propoardl OTA touitl View Point i haire kcar] aur MIPP Ted Chudligh say ir isa'i in fasor oft <i. Wîi k gei mal inpput. or msii t be a cabinet decision'? More ta hope usai cirpeciation I stuIirlîie thîs gasienimeni tas bc tir mais! open me hase cspcrtcnced in ycucs. Sas rhy dîd <hk NDP hase tas Irak <ke docament last meek on educationai casis, shcming icachers unly reprisen! approxii- mately 50 per cent ut thasse cassis' If the tacts are correct teachers ahould kc sa.rcauing bine murdet' ai uncr union represenia- tares for ic bing ot thîs inforatnaione preesios- ly If tbey are corecti than asur local schcul board incubera, mhas consinl promasie ther dea 11at teacher aalaiy and beneft't packages absous 80 tas 90 per cent ast sysicm casis. don'i kîcai ahat dry are ialing uhbout. Surprise. surprise Whai <a tir trulih? t tink as aciers me are prcpared [o face thé mauth, Uifortuuaicly mosi ofat ia e reccîse ar opinions. Lîstcîîng <as tir deies on tir omnibus bill aid ihe atltîcas of tir siaiemenîs fron5maay opposation MPPa conviîced me aguin tisa! i made <ke oghî chforce in suppotting Mîke Has btso I muni a better ruîîasnalc <han jus! knomtng i pîcked the irat of thace isud ottenîga. Mr. Eves ta correci. Wr nerd iuprasvcd coin- munîcaions. Holding your ground right èho mlerces a fine uine usai purcnist>y <o malt. Wr mai! <as gi~ vort cbiidren choicea. freedais and it±eidence sas ity'l len ta! think for tiruseaca, fret confident.anai self-reliant.'On thc other hand, mc can'! gise tlaaaira math freedomu We haaç Io proiecih<eu, set lrmîu.s and dtscipline <hem, Tise question Ihent s tair du - s c oig you teIl ashen yoa'me beiag appr opnairîy tirio, 'i L the 9 0 taxi permîsîe iiiltar s<nict'. ti u Ose Satarda> mapsinî yîrur lIt ycar astells, s yci t'v cs iaSi tied] tir go Ir a mirait tisai nigis! sstth his trecnd ' Dastd." Yel cl hrm rt's ok.îy, if Hast do yaiu h.andlc such situations espec<atty ta be dires hi, h.ssrs tira Ht agee Stars <re cati> chitd-rearig ycars. mhîch aili pluy a ii'ctask rrita acousd aid tHhae arc"t darne. major asile in mhat kiid ast a persun ycir cttîld He tomnes to yasu aid oancy faîr the mîtt becsme. moiai and yiou say. "lu' sur'> but yor choies Tir ogiiîhîng ta tube firro - 'lum sorry. but aient daine su yatu'l hast tas miss tise moiait me had an agrecuent. 1 undersianai has mach tic's stuaîed. Be pleads muS yiia "A&%s. yiu ýaai tarir mrth Davtl id arg tas tise nii. pet.. Mou. i forgîri lu soirn. reall> I sacar l'Il bui bherna a mcasai yiiu hase ciscres aid me ail doi tiru tiimirrsm and lIl di is> cxtra choies have mure rcapiaibiliîies s obe ou t ciire. If <i you mati. lac ires dytng lu sectiîs moiai lias mas su important. yasu should haire done yasur nuet [air <o Daaid. Aid irIl bate mie aid mirer cisorea rîgisi amay." 'aci you shouid go do invtle a gaîn Please, Mont!' aoueihîig else. Don't bang accoid for <he argua- Wisa do yasu do? lils a te> mouenti<n thc metat, (eca and pcu<iirg deiretapuene of carry pareil und cirer chîid. Masa paries dca't do dius. me>y gise <n. Ail 1I r 114E$3CIS FACIsG SeRfl, LAYoppSi -MAY CEASE ToEXb7TAs Vf-KN@N M- ANDiTUE FEDSl ARE TALKI NG ABOT TMINe LiS, MOe. FOR IV-~ POESNI REFLECF TUqE CANADIA IDENTfl4 He 'v handy, and a good cook too 19 <s flie Suiday masmng on tir hontse froni. i ans hasrded b> sonds trou oupsais' The 12-j yeac-asid <a marmîng up mîttt scules isefore launchlng <ni irr tiassicul paeces on tir pi" <n use liaingrocu. From tir 17-ycar-oid'a bcd- rccm juai aiscre my isasemeni office comea isistag <Jr muait cf my yasuth - Sas Francisco (Bc Sture To Wear Sonne Rasaen <n Ycur flair>. i consider piayîng tir lateai Clueftains' record- îng, isut il mouli resulti n a caccptany cf ' sounda. Aso <a tir livingin, mass iikeiy mîils casa- On t/k Homefront <on atutîrd in tus caca, site heabti, lais meekayl>e marchei ici or isedrascu muth a pomer aircudy cirer. Be la readiig one cf tir piper- sceadriser tas fia <Jr traise cf ces isea -i w as isatka i regulari> ad ndomi>y geais off thr puis- threaeii to casilapse. lic <ibrai> shelves. Be milI utce himselt a and- Tcogtty. cor wbhite csl, aiho mus eijsying <t mich moni ansd ratu <cihs arucir betore suc- lcisaimly lie-ini ats ffe. aieetthed. ilaci muikeai cumbiig t0 ai afterncci sirsea. tas tir caige cf tJhe be for a ciccer inspection cf Beîng <he inveterule curly oiser. hubsy huas issa hubsy an isaha nasy tos Tuugtty bas compcicai hîs mcekend jobs. Be has repluceai aitce jumped up ciato my desk and propelcai <he brokan asuidaor lîght ut cor fruit door. tes- hîmacîf up tas tir suali mundcmsiil. scaitening cuci tise bisement cerlîng regîstera usai unre my pageai ail cirer tIse thaca' in tir prascesa. Be ta tsaîgiig preturicusiy <n tise mec rasasu and our mise <o taise tttiough tise ieidcm mili bis brui- hedrccu. tighicieai up tir fcling dasor ito my er and fclîne neighiscr, fluffy mwhite B. i (ici tas office su <t dcciiil coniiall> tomne off ifs kc casiuseal m«h cor B.T.) mist peening in ai îrack. aid cmin as i mas attîl aider tir marrt us. covers snuggled> mîtis a gocnd tomante noirci. Our ii-ycar.old sonis occapîrd mîttt spreadig hisLg, iloe i livingr.si 1.. He as tttriled miels hîs laest acquisiicn. frot lié e in h e e d hîs older broiir. mhc auld ttam severai sels lasi ice ii th e e n d eaeaing. I au afraad tas ask tise caeau n piste cisilairen car i<s mirre yir "bhitons" are aid isut bath parties Secli sa«ticfid wiîh tise deal hum las posh thet nflaey quîckiy kmit miin tas tjally, the youige.t iniserns a ast asf crfully cry, apulugiie. algue or gel muai If yorc a suif preserveti Legas frott hîs brosSfer cah iChisinsas tourS for a aineere apasiogy. yasur chilairen mili aid on hts tt<rahduy. but i gaucss ec ycongater kc tir brai apulogizers ta tir morld. Tise> mîl couidi't maie for <Jr next cfferng <n May. leari nuthîng about tise importance cf dastng Silence nom reigis fros ubuve. tirir choies, honoffsng agreements mîis th ers. Ocps. i sproie lia sce. Nom tir lSn <s prise- Sorti parents don't gie in, bu( tiry uakc a ttsrag hi% Frunch hais. the minduas are îbrat- dîfîcrent kînai of mîstuke. Tie> siaird <hetr fig Aid oh nu' Nasi sattird asitis th isonca. grcond. but ties traies tas erytbig use child <he 12 yeaa'-ild has desa.ended ire lasm irinner Sas% tas sa> and atsmcr ati question cidesal>. saîctuni aid spied my tii asitle.5 S ac re- lise pçpblcur ta, thc chîld il neyer quit tryîang taadig meý as long as yau'me sutl standing <the Bie <bink.s me tst tir day lires ahcai. Litera tas mite irs stIl gui a chance <as go <o tir marvie as long -atll wa> imitai. i haire tas contrass My main as youare stil lîs<cîîag. Sas, il mîlI escalale. fi comploai <a tisai I'm alrciai> recvig replies mîll ircomne as argumenit, e tia figii Sain, <rom tieida i miote <n laie December. hi uppears he*s nasi cari lticataig i<r mhai yasu'rc aaytag tir> mec su) happy tas fraally fiezaromu me tir> lit«s jus! planning what tas sa> acat. trviag tas carulda'i hrm tIr mat ii months or su tas repi>. figure oi misat'il gel yci tas change yor mind su luo back ai the sainse number oft raters i asme It cai kc Indy lut tas bc finmi<n the face rof a before i ment on titis letter mnhîing catch-up. amer!, leur> -cyca chilmisu <s lteraliy beggtng Alrcuad> the moutha and siasmucha in tii yo <as ici hîm go îu tir moie. Yo mu> ulsas hcusehotd aie hegglng an aismer las <Jr question dread yatar chilais mocai tir test cf <Jr evening. *Wlsai' for dînner7' lum gcîng la pick up Soue if you dotai ici bâtm go. bref is uttemonsus huhi> ca piepare a easy Butiyou aredoing the nghi tuing. steai He's scgodiaiaSm f ting. 1 1

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