Halton's politiciansproble report and possible effects to residents Ir7j 77 'Money Week kfthWaIy Hunter" A Liv interview with Dr. Calv'n Stiller Chairman & C.E.O of L Canadian Modical Discoveries Fund I ors. -MW e" ' P"eW e4 i ad B éwa " 6mo (q &ù<summ m.i . -4Glf Outga "" dsuss&oi» -à1k gdo â Psds -Ma. 27ý -Main Street Eau, Milton *rkmsOOLDEN caspagll immesaticn Jan. 1 of Hlakon regson-wide nu"ce vallse Ursas- C Titea figures auso cpisdered thtl Torug Simili me u é. t usx ilàg taxation M«islssu inçkaing mabd meass - umua Mdl a poliey tu have lassnsCar ay à blme perumtag of ie tas Joad dam ,rsdg prupertées. Mr. ÇbudMeih eAindd cveayone tha mou of ie ondlyig repents of die GTr>. whicli will expmmSie die tas Uies, am rep.' reasut by Tory mmP Who me ma inégressed ix m naaeu mm In addition Angle Golden an lier GrA reforgn reporsugmgg -die firma dg noishdmeûp Toeau'sstaxpblents, dmeMPP. nu". Mr. 0 ~tieil calNal imto question dis advutag of an equalized taxs ysas. saying equsahzod taxes don't tome codsqe- d <on betwesn m Kqdts "Vu*gmu is doing ruser stil. sorie say on die bacs of Menu, Toronto, but Toranto fasled to respond go tsai pressure," Mr. Osssdiegh un. He Saitd a repart on educatian. expected go lie reteased moon, "iodk go liand in hand wsth tis Golden Report to fuel reform. "Any discussion in dus area withosju educatia fnsdoing being involved Es hlf lsarned ai lisa and meaninglcas ai wont." In addition 10 taxation, OIs discussion touchati on govemnanse. Burtington Mayor Walter Mulkewich saithe di Ideral govem. metis lwiscng lss relevant ta citizens nid lie advocpte local andi provincial govemments deail with nmen affars. lHe said lis 1 fears refori sull pruduce tour levels 'JOOB1gr of gaverninent. daeWw local. regional, s ~ ui Orcater Toronto d Caunicil and pm udp -As a taxpayer 1id belmeve peoplee slt 1 E ý not talerai higlier lniCbI taxes or another level of govern- ment,"' aireed Ms. Savoline. lIawsver, slse quoted di& Golden Report Syng dis cas of Rteonai gavergunent is $107 Inîhlon or aise psr cela higlier tuin tis casa of proposel clianges. SIse sen- dersd aloud if gua one lier cmn was a reasonale casa for a orei responsive local representation. considering thie reduced voice local reprssenalves viould have inaà Greater Touronto Counail. 'lle deliate shoeuld foncus on dlie roise 0ocA goveriem" sied Mayo-ttulkewicl>. whli posnted daide proposeti Geai Toronsto Caunicil as mur of a titility serving dis Taronto aim dm ianodisr signiricant level 0< govesnrgent. 'Ifis repart says mny of dis responsihuiubtes1will Uevolved matde loa grivemnsats. We am ing govenmnenas for dise 2 1si.eaa longer se put ul off and tais ig dis cass hle we are Ia maks n ssary "D (Mri Geaier Toronto C il) is dis mm~ tsssdsinotic e-p .ever Sme, ' addssf Mt. Saeise i Seven-PU ceai of the representatives would lie Metro l'acisssd md ouned. flues would nos bce issicl interest in dainga autside M m sse mn igi ticket peoiscax, wdd tame piace Assetiter tapir of discusion wsea àa got ommeua dis uffnit oigmiti . lisavier desuuai suspmggasd in dis Ne iaN deveiena seould faveu kttul a" a.pty lot proptimala usiNA sussent amth - -rp mdM w -H &0 Phut s,pOpdW akm fie W>- vils wSlad bcs puston dis boadeuino." Mayor Kmuu smid Ocs ta ttiaMf cen- c esu ligesa are dis inquleuisata of =eah.dy seaier u ime adt dis tai 13.os' in Milie bu gob l I~ bc*h in Mmu md la Se fiutiq of deveop f -.em atdei Mayor MustuiIL UNAUq He s»W lie thoht eersnaa.by populaion eWer dmamme bm of »m- i l î aupruasital equmast ly HM-s Mis Mayor Serjsuuaem u âe cily lea- -osal 1 -- Halton Region'a Gaon Rfflon 1- 1 8 . Se psepowd ehu QUC LBSEVC TOPUC: Canadian MiedIcal Discoverles Fund TIM: 7:00 pin on Monday Febriiaiy 12, 1996 on Hilton Cable 4