Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 1996, p. 23

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lid s. p ns AN&osvtI O m oout soUalil u. atftaimeBuhu ile PoM TAURUS IL. 4 c1or. l u. . m&Wi luury option, 48.000 miii ExIond.d wim*cic. FA DopeL $0.450. =uUo 837-1044. lI PONTIAC Outbir G!. Turbo, Aid. Spi O Asa. 1Xt AMfM Cac.. &triai. 11.0 M$7800. Cu«8id 8-1017 ilal 180 VCU(SWAMGolfd. 2 dooir. ka e aie pub. aordàed.' dom. cood snurat ordir SM0. 870470 or 070-5270 1007 PL.YMOUTH4 CARAVELLE >E. 4'dr. 2.51. 4 cyï4 auccorailc, Nomr baliiry, Jan '96. '1.300-00 or bot cie. Asins. Cul sitar 6. 853-3472. 1067 IIUIAU CL. 4 dont. 4 cluap isaisn poui bIxels. AhfU M . . =mln = ,cdo. ei ou miag. $1,750 oulll. le"8 OMC, JUIMY 4 X 4, palp.b.. -u rickis. naidulcdy souci. As la. $1500. Phn. 8&M- 04714 UIC. FBA. WCB. B.snkrupl? Nead mnocher chancit? Wi cm belli. Pusictu Auo C"i SALES & LEASING- NEW à USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS ITH FAULY VALUES IWE.BU - SELL - LEASEI ILARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEICLESIN MILTONI No RE.M - Phatur ,US Ilk i7n20 FOR SALE - EsIoldstm isisi ia noui y* çpeaisan 878-060. ARMAGUARD DEALERSHIP oeinn, palysrarui aprayoli trucki boa liners, purunu. taledi induistriel coolings Tumlrey deater pack- age. pu-otoct terMory. Ph. 403-480-»WuO. Fax 403-460-3002 INCOaE TAX Mti pAsl. $1700. o I cmmat ordy. F*WUil Match OisI. 57@MI COUPLE leoking for countryhouts In Cauçbeldb, W m If psil wvb.. bain. Cal Dwayne dopi, 854-250 DIMU WAREHGUOE 8PACE for 4 Imté Io stc ou bost Phono 006-844050. MATURHE adopt s.iIq 1 aBoisAaeso or stouft 11011146%ff, baa modupg. 8 EOO TOWNHOUSE, availabîs $stia~ 1.0OAion11. plus utos. Geai bhadonS. Kdim Asitl klaiQmuaýItW.. 878- 0407 4 BEDAON HOUIE, largo lot, llnisiiid bainent. foi* *pd-d ne pi. bu & Ma oeCE dom honto i Acion. dais ID pubâ admioas. Gu boni 3 bsaas eUh butumi. *, "Mul. $M 0--a NO ie- MUL l MOU AR wM1 aldo, pad&oc. hy*o. -W das la rceil. $40ehnau11. 854-M53. v bâientu à aplmo. osage. diii b idiusa & ali u "MAaiig 1L alt. WCN - AW. 2 à 3 bo' i kl, UP tmam. -k mii bréghit F pUlie8 Phoino S~6 100q.md C610>) 34= M. AFAMRW FOR NUIT Ilibn. Pbu. Cd nomt - Sp an. for appoliilt Lel-g 1 & 2 Bidrocas Apafimns magabie: ;on bus route, lraahly dicoelad, 2 appui-.a ances, on-Silo laundry, includes &Il ultimeos* O ieipr phions & cabIL). Friu parking, no: pes F Rîlirmnei roquted. CAMPIELLVILLE, atractive 2 bidroom gpart 2 Ui bigi- - - . 2 appgnus, big diii. a"hi imly M".i $876. kdu* tai and i . ro a Jeui Satoudn. wà 878- 777. FURNISNED. bschlor spsalflint. availabli .umiikiy. @i.g Ivité. P= =,a yima f lua duialavom paricig. 15 MWet0 Wun. $4116.per MIlo. Umi bided. nâts mnuari/n pils. 510-767-2142. OROUNO PLOOR, 2 bedreous. avillabli k-dvî. lrgetrac à OS wb ie- on M- LARGE 3 boisa.m (2 010111Y) $M5. Plus cdiii. AvOibl laised 1. 1M0. 1176-5M9 lier 4. LARGE country. oe bidroom apselmint, Caibslvili aria, availalsb Mitchu tlc., &Il udiSi induada. $7W0. mnci8ly. 8564-0534. OAICVIUJE - Large. balght. 2 biecco basmotul aparcrirecl. paring. large %lad, 2 «M-Oii MW laundry avallabli. $700. Inuclusive. 11011-1144- 503 ONE BEOROON APA TMENT. -pluces. aaii n. C Joe.7-UC DIREER Boi- h*qr owns.«d iulia iWMla Ma 1,1906l. 87&1726. INEUN-OalSrsa Su coraccinel 2bosm tuppu flcr an cistu fsssodnoe. SM3. I*cs ili uM a "ys ad - adoaiasic. 2monfu ril ad A-1 resieusai rquirs. (91R) 2741- 5778. TWO Aparimii<tî available, 1bsdroem basernint $50 moniS, and 1 bidrosan éparit- ment $600. mentdu machl1st. suit single M elu. 970748. A MUGE surisny mcm ln Use countlry, nosr lwy. 401 a $loeMOsI. Utilsi ickudid. 78-1134. HOUlE Io1w &hesUais. privecti baoia.mt. llihles. bsat lui.$400. $425. smais. 05- soi-mi1. !4IUI MUsAmO AVIiMMB FURNBI4ED ROON loir MM1 $IOOAaMIti. FiM & lut Indui a. of touas. plsi cd 87&- 0107. GIlE FURMiD nom in boase ou ia mii c. Noen.Mau criu 8 117811174. WOOOED Lot 1.5 acrst. tutls of iltn sortes frm luccutci iof OMM. $167.00. M78-101. i1 nnow i u8Lu REABOMALE OUgUAL UNITS lu roi 1.2»0 - 3.200 sq IL Simb Son0ai, on =uiii M064715-121011 or 10.7-37 Aiody la movi lis. $M6. a44441111, leY -agi. 11 alUennd Pay tdI yur spali omeon how nwch yu cmr by oendlnim thm à LM~ Une Mompg future ln Wed. FIb. 14th epeclal Valetln section. nu cana"i Commlon wa d M1M theprF«"uuto te,1 ~~ ~ Ht Wu "tk FmotWa of On"Io 327 ODn HOM BR»n NE DAAMHOE lii hidai, lIwm. dUê BRAND JNEW~m FoRE YOu hmWood bo.. 3 biaft -M au ,paW 1" Fr e O1111 110r 870-1318 NI TIHuuE -ia csroa in DureS Pulk 41 COI1111 AM M M YOIUMU. b M dimu»S "i ani eni l aser HUS leai, liuicbls vW»aue.Lom o aqi« SAT. & SM.12 NOON - 6P.M. lot- Ah a.t hu M.-ou pud M",y M2.7 mm.i=ie 401, No. 1136, 900M air nosa 878420 i;i;A Lead too slim to yield titie i The Sanulsione Transport AA Miges couldnlt holti onlo a one-goal leati, andi evensa- ally loit diher hoiti on lthe citah stosiip tile ai the receni Humiterview HuskulAi nvialuna journanieni - falling l0 Mictigan's Si. Clair un '>1final, Milton look an early I -0 ativaniage un lthe cýampionship match and itelti once, iî uni laie un ît"~ond.Tiru MlsWan ieam scoreti muith j'ici cightiimupslcft tu even lings up and cien on n~ s fnas for ihe w kst ma Sq Iru loca51 . posted a 2_ 1 recrdu po play, droppung itosq Humberview 2-I and Flint, Michigan 7-3 before lostng 5-4 io Commaîll Tlrey reiroundiet front the loss mt a 2-1 deci- sion oser West Nupussing un te semifinals. -Andiem Hanhloli led the ailaci mt four goals ami iwo assusîs during the tourimeni while leammate Ttfrner hat hec anti Luce Rtliti anti Ji!n Elluson talluedti ce Du-swing singles vicee Adam Rooke. Dan McDuffe, Ben Wilson, Dariyl Van Loosen anti Grahtam Dau-ling, mito aliojuicketi up uwo assista. Two hat tricha in win of week A itusy scitedule recnily itas seen lthe Halidn Humrcane minoe atounas posi a min. tue anud pair of basses againsi sommie feisuy ouppositon - s ieir regular season campatgn mnds tiown lIo a close. fiaitons min camnç un a 9-1 timittsng io Stoney Creek, uih hita-trucks counti by Adiam Kemp andi Totit Gulmore. Peter Scitbz, Kyle Qutincey and 8u-eut Roirison atidet singles wite Roinson anti Danny Syvrel itait Iwo assuis euh.t Prior o tiu the 'Canes suffereti 7-4 anti 5-3 losses 10 Wellandi anti SI. Cathrnnes respecive- by. Countrng goals în lce losang efforts were Rep Hockey Robianson with three andi Schultz- Adamn Ruti, Aaron Harrison and Derek Templelon with one each. Quincey drew tree assisis wih Iwo cacit front Syvret, Aruty Alaue andi Derek Grras The 'Canes also lougiti theur way Io a 4-4 draw wih Oakville. ithanks laugely'tsi a imo-goal effort ity Quincey. Sitigles were counied hy Gilmore and <3rcaves mitile Syvrel chappet iun watt two assistsa Hawks can' buck a hurricane mind Revcnge wm neve- any sweeter chan fu- the Halton Hurrcane minoir novices last me-ekenti. miten ihey clippei the Camberidge Hawks' mtngs andi capturethe ric hampionsitip irophy ai rthe Windsor Tournamewnt Haliti stouiset itack aller du-opptng a 3-0 dcci- 510fl i0 Cambridge in chter ihird gante of the toumnament andi etigei rtheir nemcesis 3-2 in the final sitowdown, While able Io put lthe previous loss itehanti., tem, the 'Canes baâti o ontend maith sortie extra ti adversty un lthe citampaonstup tilt -uncluting iwo goals calied itack on cit and a penalty %htot awardei to te Hawks.. Tuey managel tsi fight rthrougt itis ativeu-sty andi daimt tle itumamreni tuilc. Ieaing the waytin the finals mîith a pair of goals mas Tyler Hoirdes, mito scoreti fuse un totai duning the isorinmeni andi was itonoreti as lthe MVP un lthe finals. AInsi sconing mas Mark Hutlrersione mito atideti anotiter eéarlier in the day. Counting te otiter goals mere Creigiton Reid. Tylee Gill and Paul Sitarples Motries. Humbter- ssine andi Retid ail hati tiare assusts as welI. En rouie Io rthe finals. Halton beau Cingua- couts' 3-I and rien douitlesi iosi Windsor 4-2. B antam Winterhawks hang ini w ith overtime win in Oakville The jaycee major baniam A Winierhawks eliminatton Monday nught, rthey wilI face needeti overfime In keep iheir playofU itopes Oakville in the ruitier matci ius Saiurday un ilive Saiurday in Osirville, scoring a 3-2 tiller Osille. te ligltt off elîminsiion. aving Itn ulueir previnus two Snes by ies- tlieu 5-4 conta, s dticerrusiet MatoD dlem cacne out flying andi mccc rewardeti for liacir eariy effoprts witen Eric Craag scored front Justin Amtun tSigve iliair taill the leti Oakville diin't lire loni Io cuise lb. advau- tope but lte 'Hawks ment ahel again ou a goal by lamie Uigitiîmll a suints going Io Mail Brown aid PaatPH&salfeliL lite hmi leat msnagadei In aven tilingi up one again and lb. 1810 weusl into overtime. miscre, Ar1rne tiammad itoane a tugejilapshot mt « falli a minute bit on db. clocir. Hiai goal eare 0? umo-onon treai midi Mike Depe#banaekr ' Woffing lte net for Jus fini paitbqoa victo- ry vies ion Foley. Counîtng goals an Millon's previeus gsmc were Dcpelsmaekcr mt a trce anti Rymn Bouskili miti lb. oE)aer. Arome anti Jay Enair ecith drew imo ami(s. If te fayotes were succesaful in faghting off Cecily's in the skating show Milton resaieni Cccily Reâlivo ill b. coni- peimng au tii wek's Canauan Figure Saing Ctsmpionstipn in Ottawa, iteginning totimy (Wetinesasy) antif iannang ibeaugi tait Suntiay. A member of lthe Milton Skating..Ciub. Reaivo îa curu-ntly training in Cambrtuidge wuith lte Presion tea a&M is bing coacb.d by inter- niuonaliy trowneti Kerry Leilci. Rcniivo. along with heu- new panner Scott Corofool. mali b. skating un lte Senior Pairs eveni ai lihe Nationals. Ste anti Cocufoot wiil also b. aming up mils anither couple in lb. lesser known' FomW comupetion. Television'coverage of the competalion miii beguin itoaosî Cflusàdyl. a

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