,Dateine - 00M DATELIN Popl 14 inusteti ta se the Vii.r a lay a gante of gel downtIobuhir twi u rut bang out. For Tht Halton -more anfdrmation. cail the A. du # Saqqa IMilton Chiidren and Youth at the Milton L Cente at 876-1244, - (rons noan ta 2 'Junior Acisievers holts an Smith explains op assea at Bashop Rediftg strates the bene Secondary ScIsool froni,7 ta 9 chuan. BUng yoi p.m. in célébration of Rfs lOt For funIser info anstversary. Miltonians are NoTi AAlserson town'a youtl Blue sird nClub tacets rastre centre p.m. Tessie and démon- rats af tai chi Jr owe'iunch. rmataon, cail ut 877-9317. The MiIM &-mmos Actvity Centre's unn"a St. V.lmîtbe Luam n gS underway wîlh awo aittingsaiu 11:30 a.m. andi 12:30 p.m. Tht cosl is $5.50. For tickets, caii 875-1681. V~nAIliday Feis. 14 Tht Women's Information anti Support Centre of Hilton holàs "Wome's Nifhi Out" Instal a natural ga firepldce' today and don't pay untîl front 7-9 p.m.Fila? "Vhrt p.in. Etealaitnm is ptswided ehbrseà holàs fot etr di" Smat Etig"ishoa~he ythe Senior Citizens Band. 't dhm MiltaaaSesiars* Acdvlty centre aiso ofUtra coffre. con-b Ail seniors are weicome. Centre. 500 Claalh Dr.. frai, 9 versation and lin hibruay on Eveayane helps provide lunch. arn. ta noon and in det c.a- womien's issues. lie ceauris flac Evening Suar Rebekaa gency dçpariment af Milton at 917 Nijxsaing Rd. For inafor- Lodge holisà A .a party si District Hospital front 6-8 p.m. mnation, cal Sally ut 853-500. the Oddieilow'$ Hall (beside The cost is $15. For furiher Senior Cilizens Club 88 Knox presbytérian Church an infotmation or an appoitsait holds Valeatint Pet L»cký Main Street) ai 8 pr. TIse cent exil 875-168 1. Lunch ut the Royal Canadian ta $3. Chîsel fatigue syndrom Lcgion. 21 Chartes SL. tu 12:30 ltis Hot Meal DemI Diay ai ipffera meel a[ I pan. For the Milton Seniors' Activlty fuiher détails. cal 878-1802 or Centre. 5W Chils Dr. Enjoy a 876-3713., hot meal at 11:30 p.m. fol- The Milton Ch.ildren and - - owed by gurut speake Shetia Yauth Centre. 917 Nîpissini Henderson, who discuases tie' Rd., presnts "SlhIlp Willii Home Emergency Lifeline out Rivairy"' (rom 9-Il ar. plugs-n Thc event cos $60. whach file Mil»o Seniors' Activaty includes a book andl chiid catit centre, 500 Cida Dr.. pie- CalI 876-1244 to regtsler. sents tht Eveaing Enchre The Odyaaey Tem Ceature Parey featurisg prizes mnd light invites Milton youths to go rersmentu for $2.50 per per- IpowIing ai Roseiand Bowl an son. Eveaîtheginsait7,30 p.n. Burlingtan. Tht cost is $7, ~ Feb ~ shicIs includus three garnies, shtue tentai andt tramaportation. Thé Vîctorian Order af To sign upcall 876-1244. January e97 imagine. A fire like that ait the flick of a swmtch. , natural 1gas fireplace.T he ', s perfect home improvernent. off« Y w« Mou Pum fm Unisa G.. or. aMomie <Ju" Gm Amopk" Dooaw h*OA MAI", 14M& P L...I N L...~ Wid 010 atbctl "dbnt Hw171 Cam a UMM. Cm nuaï%± pqUwmy'97t oNaer Sdu Cfl Oodo ait pli " ptk o maidast 873.3M or 1l111102U-W4M pm f qmoonl ont Y~ aàm atol imit lmt0 IMAGINATIOI N ddy u~n as dm am *MbhS soeq FO R YO U R "irei. on*q Uni r«M Eo ;moow 8, muF«Jb raIK g. U:pac H O 'M.o u.t~ .dâ,~.he ,s ..L~Gfqo ~Mu. *8 MI4MINOR BALL REGNSHIRPVATION4 \11 - 10\dwspqangamu crao. MborflIShaiOkb aMa flan. Lagn 4%li? LOCTIN MITON A Rarol Shia 7621 ar 876. -2288ia a oy Horol 876621 Pr 3a Ol57aa