ou wont /fl¶Ltf s 87É-8161 Milton -i cal! for Pla reservation * (905) Aborigeinal youth'learning horticulture Young Abonginals (rmn across Ontaioi are gening (lest hand training in the field of hmitcultire am landscapn e hk b a joint effort ýy Landlscape e:an m lt Ontanio Horticuliural Hani Resources Council.' Mxt two agencies have joined forces 10 renew their 12-week training program . which this year las been designed exclu-~ sively for Aboniginal youth j SDIN lThe second-yeue cour e îpart of ' SOLO,. LandscaKeOnlanio's,,n-ng I1nitIative i o mrate a flow of peupl oa hle humeca rixe and landscape indusgry,» according tui Tenry Murphy, Lantiscape <intaio's direc obyGRA tor of education. 2oiSG HAPJNE rite objective is tcu introdutce the stu- Inatructa Kmn Parlicar (lsh) shows Aborigina atudents Tadd APPI.by an dents Io the field of horticulture su ihey Cathy Momlngstar the fealuree of the ygiiow ceclar trn. The atudents are have a better fccl for it and can matie a among 20 enrolled In tite »original, horticulture prograin et 4andacup decision on whetiler or not ihey wish tu Ontario. putsue itas a caceFe,' he said. The course. held ai Landscape Ontario on rFAth Line, lias an eneulimnent of 20 stu- A j dents front such areas as Toronto, Fort Erie, Belleville and Six Nations near Brantford. "We have a nice mix of situ- dents front bath the city and various reser- vions,- Mr. Murphy said. 0ow inl its fith week. the profirant offrs everytlting front tree planlîng bo mixing FuII Ytotal of eîght experts have heçn heought in compauty. who has, taughl for 12 years ai HumbherCollege. "Lasi Yeue xe had about 50U studlenià su titis year's souiller group mnakes for a bel- s DA ~tee education for the situdents. Wîih mosi FulLobSter &New York Steak on.... haud nts I i eua Si Natins nuer Roast2 99f&F! $ education exelier on." .i........$ 9 5 we Ken Parter, ssho has iteen b<ouFit te RIj ......$1C9in as flie course's coordinatog and fuît tirne "*********"*"»»**.......JL P Finstiuctor. He said this projecti s unique Ail 3 'nclude choc r~ ~ for native stiJdefls. roil plus coffee P"Ie egt2 haventq heard of another project Dn o fpîaz to U mx d egsera/ geared specifically to native suei.I Vaé,ine 5- 9 p», offee an introduction intc aIl aspects o! - horticulture and gîves lhem the hands-on Dùftfflexperience ltats so important," Me, - al0 Avadable, Whai 1 like aitout lit courve is that flie (90) 84~I9,7 students are leanîng (rom the experts. ls !like a gathering of the aIllstars in the i< ndustly.' Nret t#r fa e,s.I/Nf! Wy UL7l4~ MILTON* JIU-JITSU, SEUDEUNCU I NU CONRDRNCE i mm a OUÏNSSE 1 ima lut WNOU FMEY 1 1. Omw iW. r 1 78-104 or 632-3100 1 I SPCMA ONE ma*LESSON i MONTNS ANDIUI mi 1'muum -OI ME -J-- - - SPECIAL FOR TrO ON . vaiennl i (jfl