aii TIME TO GO TO FLORIDA - BÂSEBAIL j SEASON COMING Vea, tise BLUE JAYS ire bitck . or Swtt be wîth their firbt game ai DUNEDIN Marcis ?nd, Wow, think- ing baseballi n tht,, weather. well thse temperature this week in Florida was around 23 I4sius. hmmm, and wr kr.owit wilbe icarmer in the next tese weelrs - flot a bad thougist! Wr don t know buse thse team wîill hi Ibis year but thoughts of tisaI green grass a nd those warm breezes combined weti the sound of the crack of the bail on thse bat You Cen catIi&<13> 733.9302 in Purmedin go Set information about thse Jays scisedule. (SU)> 73340429 for reservationa .-top pruce 99 per cest, pls service charge, with games tak- îng place ait during the month of March. Or you cati themn in Toronto at 14161 341-1000. The way the local teams, r t Leafs in hockey are play- ing, ut méikes the Fiorida scerre even qtiore invllungl There are soute 20 leams in spring training in Floride so you have a reat choîce. Monreai Expos are in West Palm Beach and thse rest are spread acrosa tise state andi from top 10, bol- tom. Wr have tise scired airs and con- lacIs for ai tise leams. so cati us or tbis nerespaper for info. If you can use it. icys play Baltimore on Macci 7th aI Dunedun Stadium - likeiy a hot ticket' Tisere are gooci packages ho Floricda sehici in, still one of tise most poputar wmfter get-awey spots- See your local travel prolessonai for assistance, and if you are driving souIs, be sure 10 see thrm for yur OUT 0F PROVINCE INSURM-CE COVEIAGE' 14 44 How &bout MYRTLE BEACH, Souths Caroimna - they celebrete Ibeir 35th annuel Cao Am Festival Ma'rch Ylh ,ihroug tl7th. Beach gamnes, mul! pr~oduecgile sport- ing evenîs, family particupation Ts front 4pd centre inciuding a parade to entértain. Cali 1-8010-356-30)16 for -The warr ia om betwees two air carrt- ers more than ever these days - witi tise latent saivo being tise ativrot of CANADIAN ~IKRLINES SHUT- TLE aimrd ait the business tî-avrtter. initiaily yost. thiê traveiier seili bermefil -L but ian tise long run, we wonder! Tise U.S. cabiers have inched lhiser flugisI coats up by a few dollars for spring timé travei so whal's ini store for us' Walch for tise AIR CANADA -CANADIAN batîr to heat tmp even more and gel clown and dîrtyr Guide dog sehool saved from Haltoni taxes* av BRAD AEAUU fil die provincial level. Siveral ogiter orgmuliaions Thse CIwrSani in liaon have pehmano l eidont tisouges i- isilion. Despige an i1 -yeur oversighl, a guide dog sdlaemc Tis Licons Foundalian. a refgRerid charity. hmi mn Oukvmil filet wes lineliy colleretid provincial "been olseretng e scisool in Oakville for i1i yeus assessors wiil escape a pontoin of ts property providingg guid ogs to serve thone titit sigist. taxes. . inng or mottility impair- Recenlyregionai counicii decideti to wsîve tielles. Ttey produce about Halion's portion of the scitool's annuel poperly 50 dogs per year. 503 since tas bilt. glespite e tecomniendation aitie comnit- tise progrant began. Dogs are tee level not tc0 support tie exemnption. Tise Town gises tu people from actais of Oakvîiie lied already appruivet att exemplîort Canada. Eacit dog takes 18 fothne nu~ cîrunslaices Oav.i Ma o th lue o"ri nt faso fortieuns cicisoolces savil Ma o ti le train otof i Anise Mulvalê ceniet her eppeal go couricil alter scisool wiiis'n annuel bu= failing tu generat supporilfnxtt menhirs of lise get of $2.3 million, rebîci atimninislratîon andi finance consittee last week. coîfls frans colporatte spon- 1W uil Severel couiclors slnod finm, however, unwill- jois aMt privage doncitions. Thec propemly lait issue ing tc0 set a P."edA of waiving propety taxes, erose when btey recently epplmed for a building no0 satter how wortliwiile tise organîzation. permit go, expanti. Titi siene toiti developirresit fees But counicil waivet tise region's portion of lise woult hi due. acisool fax bill andi supported a mnove toIncate a An atenspt et Oakville counicil to have lie grttup permanent exemption tismeugi privait jçgisietton exempteti fromg devbecatise du *~~~ beas dry~v....~e t- .Vaý/ittne 9atulti 5-couv F-or Rservi us1 a" RESTAURANT PROGRAM a4 C iSlaD. .4~~~ç' Theooreslfurantsicaoefin offer meais o égu ain in fat and sal in a smalae-tri. .swlronmmnt ursuvCD tRmU or olier healfry chokci upa requiert. Nblrnilve Burtunglon Racquit Club) ganio Cale Chops - Branl Chape - oceu Ceder sporuifs A#"iW club Cd"t~ The. Hana HM»i. moIon mfl* at-tUtus Ragonid Centre Holiday lmn H~ja HUI Citai Centre Paraiso 4111e Or.snel Chape- Fboviese The Pearl Street Cale .Slaty Lau TMi RMMlu "e DO YOURSELF A FAVOUJkTHIIS VA LENTINE'S DAY->INE4 It IN ONE OP THESE PARTICIPATING RESTAUJRANTS?!!!* * , If tenu woMi Mu. more vilarmation about Itais Pr fl . li ag e ai 2 5 60 . xi . 8 RA w y 2 5 à& D . r r y R d . altidid nta psy propurty fixes bockfire wh mise wus disoveell fise ascaio s"id nut have been freed ft ptopety taxi. They Ili~ bien mi. queigtly eded to tle Mex moils, lit ýhoo e .e en"a bill for pavpesty taims is $23,3 Qof wich $3,069 it de regiona pailo. *lbhe site hies always been a school, thure have nevér becs property taxei plait] on it,- laW Mayor Muivale to tise commiflige. *"Tis facity is life- cisanging. fil amazîng." Burington Counclillor Raips Sehoitens sait lie symptsize i tis lite Lions Potndation anti Mayoe Muivale. but couttn't understant why rocipelsls of tige guide dogs psy notising for te service. Councillors heard lise public scisool board, wich recelves the lergest portion of properly taxes, dol not support an exemption. "Dollams hein& erodet fromt lie fax bisq is an issue for Igl governlnents," searneti Buclington Counciltor Jack Dennison air commrttee5 "Permanent exemption stiouitst hi granteti (0 anyone. That wouid jusi bc comrpoundmlfng 9rrors lsthave hein going on for 10Oyecu." 1