It's been.ixactly 3OYears since Ilood started offiçiating in NHL Todal marks the 3Othaonniversary of Milton native Bruce Hood's debut ai' a National Hockey Leagqse (NHL) oefeeee. Cm 1966 Fe=y9. tU6 - tihe mid-way point of UseIQé I~L ~soe- when refmm-i n-cNuefScnuy Momrsos tld Mr. Hood lie was to referee a gamie between thse Toronto Maple Leafs and the New York 0 Rangers ai Maple Led Garclens. lse fact Usai my linit gaine would be so ckfose to hoe C' inoronto, onty added to my enlhusiastn." sdMe. wlso began bis career wlses tie NHL fêta team. W He a~ le was nervous befote ganse lime, belie*vngNl4.802 pairs of eyes seere sianing iglst as nie.' Fouwaely for him.éIse g a ~ n othls ly wsUs no figisis and lisle pussmng 9st~svn He ,eceved positive revews frons hsl is peers ansd Use press, begsnning bis frssitfsil 21-year car on agond note. BueMo "Sign Up fbr The hI Summier' W SUMMIER LEAGUE, JIJLY, AUGUST 193RMUSUM 93 Affà XVAUM 0 niAGESIO 20 6 Cyl. 5L SPW -o«swo rboe, 6 ku .ml ýb EVENING GAMLS AMuI4ol oeis (Iuwod b aub sulsuls dm5 ~ . * **p ", "i. -k L . DRURY 47,7A 'L 85 . S& $34wIu s $3 FEE $70." 285*mwé,DAY CAMP! * S JULy 5'rl119TH AGES8 16 FEE $120." BOYS & GI a FER. M11 & 10111 fui mue P~u aide 854-2714 JUST ARRIVED J'rJ'-J Ji~LkkJ~ ~) 1993 MAXiIVI m 1992 PoNTIAC GRÂr4,WP1u-x 1991 M(AXIM Caif WiIIie for détals. U .ALL VICHICLIES SOLD BACKRD @Y 34 VICARS EXP*mIIIIIIIM. J, .1