MI Peoni oustedfrom -committee ower côinflict we -ML Deoni made il clear ta the board lc expecteti tflettcn be uccepteti as information ninly, and not as an item on whicli the bonrd sitoutd net. He saîd tht late protides - and Ms LeMay ageeil -ilat îînty a rutepayer, not ite board or a teacher's union. can Ir> Io remîîve a irustee U der these cîrcumsianccs. Alter the meeting N541 Deii. a seveu-year membher of the boauds salaty cammitted. suas initial 1> upset about hein1 ounst- cd. but later tunril phtlqsapbi- cýal biut flie situation. Monst trustees tark ar<iund these conf fiets,- he saitcd. ilSa>tlve hcen trying Io fîud ouf fraie fthc chair suit t %uas remos Ld t don*t have an> idca Whethcr t dccido tu apprit or no t donti knasu" Saltening lis posîiuin sonne- sult MIr. Deoni added. 'Ise kuoten Boit Boyte for yeurs I don't thînk iherc suas anythîng vîndîctîne abouit ibis tl caufd be aftnuistc and sa> bc suas Iiîokîng alter mý [test fntfrests." he added suiti a faugh. Ms LeMa> sud. 'ltematin yîîu mas take sonnettan off a cammîttet IN lîir*te good ut the suhole hourd. 1 don't base ta gîve an officiai reason f huil pou çan'i gel ticd up in (con- fluets-m persanalieIs." Oakvîlle Trustee ICesîn O'Connor cininnft th, board the salai>i commif tee sN, infact. an aid bac cmii>. oit a standing anc. Therefrure. its memhers andl chair shaufld le appoînfed b> therNbard chair, lâuf efecfed b> trustees, as bas becs fiait penclce. As a resuti of the diange. Ms LeMay tîlI Lèdcci tbree Inîstees (from a list ai aliiteil naines untuppoint a salai> comitet chair in time for the mîxt fuit bonrd meeting, slated for Fes. 27. Tie qeachter salary eomnee tilt he an important ont in t1996 farthe [lin Catlîitî board hecause tir elementary and secotidary scluuol teacirrs' iontrat expire Aug. 31. Old glasses help lothers, An aid pair aI glases uxiuld mnean impruseti siglit for isu- aIl> impatresi people in desel: uiptng cousines A pragrain sponsareti b> Lenscrafiers and Lions Club Iernatiuonal ums fIl, gise the gîît af sîgbt ta thase in treei An angaîng prograru. Gise the Gufi ai Sîghi cîîllccts. cieurs, classifies sud peescrhes used eye glasses and parts ouf eye gl&sses andi seuils ihei tii delupîng counicies. The Fiaiion Regional Pice Sers ce sN askmgn ihe public fuir their u.ssttnecin funiheni lthe succeNs (if fie prograin Ulnsuanteil çye glaises can ho talein In an> police station in the rtgiim',Tbe Mlun-saiuun sN koatd a< 5% King St. (ust soutl ast ,if ows Hall, The Wîîrld Healtit Organ-- îlauîîîn estimait, [bat t"iftlh- of tlhe ourfld tirulafitîns cee sigiti cosld ho imprirs eilh~l c:>e glissesý NOTICE TO CITIZENS PU BLIC MEETING WÂTER CHLORINATION VARIANCE APPLICATION. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1996 Milion Opomisi Building 311 Coîmmercial Street Milion. Ontaio 7:30 p.m At uis Noscieber 29, 1995 meeting. Regîiînai Cauncil vated ta apply tii the Minister (if Lnergy ami Lnvironntr for a isarance from the requuremesi for conrmntiaus chion- nanaon of tir Kelso well water suppi> ami tii ask th a requurement for standby chlorination of the Kelso well waer supply be imposed instetd As a part of "ia appli- ction, tir Region is holding tdus public meeting tai heu firont the citiceus oif the aiea. lThe Chaimmani of Halton regioi insvîtes membens af the public td&camment on tie issue ai conunsuous ehiormatioi of d iwaï?Fupply. Verbal subinissins witt beacceped uith timeeting and comment (arns wîli bc avaidaetict ta canwlete nd eturn. Wntten sibinussions shtU bc farwarled tai tir Office af tbe Ontr ai tir aidiess biS belote no Inter tian Thumdy. Felnmar 29, 1996.- For fitier information. piant cont=:t ion Eagleuitaqs Regionat Gent Regiona Mwuepalîty of Hilton Hilton Regionat Centre 1 [dl Branle Ronit Cvle, <gaq (905)S78-8t113 t