Good carpet can make a big difference ini your home - A gondi carpet cas atitan air offelegmSaor Cbooedg style asd cullier - Keep tie flor Gise colours ktcf thouglttgrea-ok"- Fqr. itvy-trsfflc areas like kitchens 'cozy wumtis Io any roou mn yosur home. V/bat treatmre simple ta malle redecorating elsier. or ing swstcit in the shwroom coult ovecpower entrance htalls, citoos a carpet witlî à h Ishoulti you lSk.for wtess you set ont tn buy s if them*s s chance younâlu decitie te use dms yslur Iving rom. Bring sanspies honme, or have high-desssity pile Litais specially desiguei ises onte? mm, for sotnetsng else.A more netitral decor tisent deliveret. andi Isy tses out on thse Iluor high-yalume trafffic. A twist-wveave est u. Hem arestme pointers. misa appeals le prospective home huyets. arotint the room. Hoo Idoles thse ligitt affect shows few foot peints. as______________________________________ tiem as tise day gSm on? Stair carpesa itelp solve notte problentis, I W ý h9 IMR ALTY W O B L D M M ii over your options, for s feo tisys, sud ti, they takefor néire wsl adw thetn tsabler *~ EJIfl KILFOND mEurTN INC, niuzom out a vuiety off calctitxut sisdes. You could pets, sud wcar out (agmer. You shoalddu 500 Ae., M ltoninscsslorase à bolti spléls off colour soits s bor- high-densisy carpet in %ie samei coloura 50Steeles Av. itnder or centrepicce on a mare iteutral isadk- pluather picce for coloetr cSutinufity. ft maye j_ w.uywonw876-0633 u4Hour 4- ed Seme rcmnd.- be wortit bsaying snd storing extra carpeSaendprnshud qwo ta léc o-u icl; SUPER - BUILDING LOT. F.. M na". s tuaut mise 4 Do 1àé, 14 . To h % room. Large patterns, particularly colotirfti anes, and clark colotirs scens ta, decrease a room s sire. Busy patterns cati b distracting and make decoratini chaniges difficuli. Light colours wiII malte a mort opens up, and appear isoae spscîoua. QsaWitcounts - When il colinets to, carpet uaiy 6 elydo get what you psy for. The ~~j density of a carpes is based on the numiser off yams per square trit. and thse more yass. tise more durable the carpet. Eai.piece off yars iwiss oui fron Ithe carpes hacking, arnd lthe grçaier the twist. the higher thse quality. The 1 a on 6OW twists add resiliency, and spring hack inia shape IsR ltItt plt as hen titryre crusited. 50 WooItiê tiiarpets are generally the best quslity, andi alto thse most expensive. Tisere are excel- lent syntlsetic coupets ots te markcet. You lovet * your carpesto b N "ealient sud soit under foot, with good resisiauce to soiling. They shoslid Nc *treaird Io provide maximum protection sgsinsi *ditisand damage. m »U ons Vo ~n Wisat wnrks wuil where - Be practical, anti .I 12 y 3 mtos Fol ask itow well wulIl titis stand Up ta puppies. dirty osI « ceak s 'hoes. mucky kids, juice andi colal spsis' A sub- AM deti patsent can minimize tie effects off spilîs anti stasins and aed. for rpet eu- asa ven t t Family mcom carpes sisoulti be tougit enougit Io it prectôcal, yet soft enasagi ta bc comforn- able. Stain-rmistn treausments ae worth it hèere. The itcdmooms tie place to go frsun ce off soft single-ssade carpet tst maites yau wiren ta get oui off bed on colti moîsngs It misa cuis down on noise Bstitroom carpets shouli bc moisture-resis tant. mtldrw proof andi hase an easy-to-dean weave. Il tapoc an"si - Go for the lest installa- tion and finish for s gond-lookng carpet that wîll fast for yesrs. If the carpet's in sections. make sure tie pile. or rap, -n tise sasse way. If scarms sun perpendicular to thse largesi sin- dow, ticyl bc parallel. ta rsys off loglt..lccep seams~ ont of iteavy-traffic: arem. A eain actoe a doorway woill show ssgîss off voesu sud tea. For tise plustscst look. have thse pile lesa tosoards the doorway. Oss stairs, have tise nap nsnnsng from top ta botsom witit thse directio off ie isap layîng clown tise stairs. If your home ls ises snd yoore puttsng carpes on top off concrete. malle sure therr's no mais- turc problein. Concrete cas retin vante mois- tiare for montits efflet teing laid, anst il cas wick if up froms thse grouiss. RE~ MOIE IILJOUR Pmc 878-2M8 m.E876-4577 FQENCE Salesç Reprmsniatn'e 070-777 Offirxq 878-0231 R. 825-4485 Tor. Une HEATHER ASHBEE SaIft Rtnmeia5ve 878-7777 RosItne 875-4698 'Toorio Lin. 825-4485 R»s.: 875-30»0 for, purceab. of elIM lot or houss. Ask me! *UILDYtOUR OREAM HOME IN COUNTRY LANE ESTATES, MOFFAT ý0 Ai. lofa. Ab", '11 AMM tsé IMU ESTATES 511 1nuduw $Im t z_ Is" I 0 b . COM "1711 lu ue»uy 2 - a. lawmT iv l t, .10aiug lasisar 21Md 0- - ta Th"s wa gul ou *M US iawy a UMWmytes. 4 qms IIn hU asister hum4 Plise.t issit. plus 4£à 2 dm ie* I. -uM l. ta In uo «M fscr wy ilssn, 680.. anidsd bussuei idi ei b« a deas*.av gentll. SIS8SC.101, Cd Ssersl et 11171.777 - WLUWtowrrmis 150 t'. Or, trom' Ica mirdaCO .005eK Cail M lm ai. si 51 m f I.M one ;t Cas te, 5511 mei iionSiStf 09 obAtee i 71 UW3