Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 1996, p. 18

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I Àe J~'Diffierent options for morigages available 11081U Management LtdI. Mill IN THE HEAAT 0F DOWNTOWN MILTON NEW US1N-,q Tni $14 1190 NEW KICHEN euF Jor $ 129,900 2 bdrrs 2 bâconies facng Nrt West. NIEW MIICE awpAFIooe$139,900 3 bdrms North Êast hiOn morring Sun, bàcony PENTHOUSIE$3M149,9p AiNIve 2 Warm 2 pWq sxe stoçg bd& rd sageo flito Ail mil riew owmrs You codJdbe rne of thw OPEN. HOUSE Sunday Neb. Ilth as 2- -4 PM If you wish ta view these pi-opertes pnior ta the Open Houses, please Cal: à - Properties ore moving once again. If you aof» lse. In maklng Abat mo e yurelf, pise cmli Camron GOeil for a current maket etialuaition &. -4 -MS "&O Y14 PAC - 5 MMi TO 4M1 Unique customn buill bungalowt, est-in kitctler, searatte dîiig, suniter living wfth cozy gas fireplace 4 bdim. mi1 wttl ensuite. n-a suite eifli sapflerI aritrance. Cal Chistie & Woods R. E. Ud. 878-20M. COMMERCIAL BUILDNG For sale, affordable. store or office, wailt-ir vauhi. ~eapOne sysiara, Mai Street expoasare. parmtg. Cal Yvon 878-2095~. PURCHASERS L a~for Land Faims? CAMA 878-2M For most ot us, taking omi a monigoe ic cmi ha ellp youmalice up dim amowtt neoesauyt in biggest financia comndtoieji we'Il cete ntakc. %boy tic honme you wawt if ycu have less t"a 25 And with today's uncerlainty over interest per cent of die purchaae price for' a down pey- rates, li's impotant tu learit ail ydua cao about ment and don't qualify for the tirst-limn e ftnancing options te helli you make thec nghi buyer's prograin. Or maybe ycai don't wani tu choice psy CMHC tees, or anticipate a Future risc in flic type of moalgage yuu qualîty for geiicr- rncomte, Yomu can taite oui a conventionsl fient ai h depentis on how mach you have for à morigage andi arrange a second munigage 10 %:own payment andti he amun you cao aftord gîve you the extra motiey yau neet lu y. each imon hi Wu rpsyntnî Hmee are saoneé Second mortgages uslly îçM more because meingage finance options available today. there's a higlier rîsk te the conder. The finit A Cmeavnic;ua Merifage is just dusit: dhm tcigagc boUder bas first nigbts on te pivapcaiy. mosi commontn way ot gefiing a loin te buy a A Flasd lista Mortotaga has lte same inter- bouse Il's olferet 1 bayers who have ai Icasa est rate trant heginning t0 cati, su yoti psy the 25 per cent of the purchase pice tu use as a samé ever: rninh until ils% finisheti dousn payment. The typical morigage loan is lucatuations in intetesi rates do nol affeFt il wnîien fuir a terni of 25 to P0 years. A Variable Rate, Floating or Adioltahia A lligh.Ratio Morfitge is a loint of more Rate Morgae is Kascd on the lending rate. titan 75 pcr'cet but ubaally 90 per cent or les Yosu astally maite a l'txeti motigage payntent, of a bornes purcbase price or apprsiseti valae. anti seen interesi rates taîl you pay pis iniçrest rît must ke insureti againsi lotis by the Canadca anti mare principal. If raes rise,, yon pay mmut Monigage andi Housing Corporation (CMHC) interesa. and kis gues to Uic principal.«n' raiti or lthe Morigage Insarance Corporation of rise in rates may iman your original payotee CLUada (NMICC)ý aren'r enoagb to caver bolà principal an i nter- The First-Tinte Buyer'n Progrant was rit cosis. and you rnay have tu increase your establisheti by tbe CMHC anti schetluled t0 run payments. utirai 1998. lits desigcd to belp people hbo ornie variable rate mortgages can be cotivetieti bave neyer oseneti a borne hefore. andi otters Io fixeti rate morigages to Ici you lock-in ai a linancing of up ta 95 per cent of lite purcbase specific rate irais ie. a price. se your down payment cao be as fow as 5 Ant Opeai Morteage lets you rcpay yuur per cent. l'o be elgible. yoz mussi bny a honte morigage when you want. witbout penity. has un Canada in use as yîsxr main resitience. Yu usually sliorier tern (six months ta a year) ant santL have o*x;ed yuur rsnt home tiuring the bias a hugber ixteresi rate ilsan a Closed previouns1 lieucrs. but il )ou*ie applying wîih Mo.-tgage. which bas Uic secanity of lixeti pay- ai %sptu or a, inenti. uanl> (ne (if you oeeds lu ments ail long-terni financing. A closed mon. mccl the reqaîremenis The mongage term gage canel e prepaîid or reneguîiated. andi if nit kx five ýears. and iun ail CMIIC insared yu makie extra payrnenîs, yoa rnay pay a i rasîgages a prernuum penalty. Tbey can range Amir six mônibi lu as asaally 2.5 per centi- much il 15 years. ibougb une-to-five year us added Iu lthe mort- terins are mont commun. 192 ilusion Street gage anti paid off ie VendorTake Rock imans dmc seller offers lu on, ont., UIT lU2 monmblly installments. pravide sorte or &U ufthei futancing, asually ai Second Mortzages a lower rate Ibmn tbose olierei by aier tentiers. If yoa have gooti ~TTF eqdity in your borne, CH IS I & WOOS or want in bclp à spe- ~i ~U~4"giph. cific bayer. you can -m PO=a utIAL IA TI autrtm. 1122 Dorval Dr., Oakvie STE VEN J. PO 3B38-sOo ..875-j' Improving your odds agamnst Canala' #1 killer 189 Main Street, Miit(,n 1 hold a finit or second Marllage. Thia Way. dlé buyer beneffita fronm a louait inflereat rate. ad bis mmagage paym enta gave thc seller a nioth ly incarne. , Mortiagffe Day Downa or Tak* Sackq Imans dm Seller offers ta prepay Sem ofthei interesi ta tise lender. If. for exaniple, a seller buys lthe interest rate down tram 10 par cerk 10 eighî per cent on a SI100.000 moilgage for a year. dic buyer saèves moe tita SI_0 in inter- eut peymenta. ltai amurnt ta addet lu Uicpur- chase price of thebouate. Aiannlng a Melgap Allosn UI& baycer to take over the seller's mortgage. pruviding Uie normal lening critena is met. A low.rae, long *lerm mngage tsa vcry attractive sellini point. Perdisg a Mortgager means takng tiW dme ynta alrcidy bave alung whei you nove. It you net jre financtng. you cao blentheUi exiat- îng morigage wimih a new am nBy keepmng your muntgage, yiqa dotrt bave Io psy early dis. charge penabfias A Pre.Appreved M.ecîgage contes tramt your lendingiastaitutîon anti lets yon kattw wita yu cao afford to huy andi bow much youll1 be payîng every mentit. Their interest raies are usually guaraaieeti for 30 Io 90days, which cati gîve you tane tu lind'a h&~se and compteur lte transicttôh belte the rate gimarattice expires. Remember Uic propcriy you huy bas tu qualits tor finamaing bitoure you gel final approval. Swlteb a Martiale is if you're, flt bappy wîi your cornent entier Finajacîi institutions elen bave special liransler" offrs leairact new business. This savea yoa muney if Yeua wsnî tu muse, anti change yoar entier. bui avoîid new nmcgage cos. lthe existi% tender may reqaîre a tee unlets yosa have an open muelgage, or your murigage us op lor renewal Voir realtor can answer ai yoar questions about mongage, fincing options tu help you male, fuice ngbi cboîce about Ihe biggest invewt ment yqulil probabty eser maillo. % 3 This adrie àa provudcd bs localR.ealtors andi te Ontario Real Eatî 'Associations (OREA)for thie bneflr.r4coisamnrs iii alv rail flate Markce._ -

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