A mstrolmd Nw.pc Vol. 137 0,1. 21 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31,19"6 ont. Community NewSpaper 48I'i.g. 754 mhé "-r- Bob Kranstz cleared of al assault chargeCs' Oie MCAEN BUTH The Champion * a A smiltihg "o Kranstz Iooked both happy and relieved as he left art Oakvillo courtroom. .Aliegations by six Mapechurst Déetention Contre inmates that thecorrectional officer assaultcd themt during a strip search go against evcrything he» belicves -in, Mr. Kranstz tesfified befôre being Chamber '- sponsors GTA refoýrm meeting The Milton Chatnber- of Com- merce is hoating a panel discus- Sion on the recommandations of the Golden Commission fat' r.reser Toronto Area reforitr The event is ohrThurady, Feb. 8 'et 7:30 a.m. at the Mudîjy Duck restaurant. Thoe panel includes Halton region al Chair Joyce Savoline, Milign Mayor Gord %rantz, Bur- liton Malyor Walter Mulkeaîch and Hilton S-UiS Mayor Marilyn Serleantson. *The business cpm nunity and pôbir are invilled tf, iifend thîs dis- cuesson on the iffipacs of the rec- oromendations on local businesses and esidents. Breàkast is ssivedi al 7:110 a m wîth the panei discussion com- men cîng 30 minutes tater. Questions wlI beasccepted f rom t he flo00e Tickets are $12 for Chamber members anU$16 for non-mom- bers. Cali 875-0581 to resarve YoSàiesaat Roadfatalities have decreased 'from 1994 total Hîghway latalîtîes in Ontaeio dacreasa i n 1995, according to. statistica eeleased yeliercfayr« In 1995. 844tle diad in the' l:5 iatailer vahicie collisions the QPPWinvestigated. The num- ,»e translate into a 4.4 per cent drap on f ap. crashes compared Io 1994. Figures also reveal that in 1996. fewee people were kilted ôn Ontario roada as tralfie deaiha daceaad by 4 par cend f coui 674 in 1994, - restiorat oftkLcrs George *<iunn and Miki Kaszycki and l.icutenani Tîm Pcdder. Mr. Kounst,.s supervisuîr, tcsitifed on the Iird day (if ihenelai Mîinday ihai no crrectionai officers sprayed any initales duning (bc routine searcht li's not aik)wed. sa4u Lieut. Pedder. who oveesai lthe searci n ibe shosier ares "f wouid get ini a great deai of' ir;Ihk am suq wouid ihie ofi- çer in que.çtion," Lieut. Peddcr denieul waening ilimate Dwigbf i-usey Tuot t tats about being sprayed. as Mr. IFacey baul tes- fified lcriiin the case Mr. Kaxayqku told lthe court an inte spesycul motter pris- oner during the strip searches, te lo$ the botule fromt ilie înstigating prisoner andl-put il on a neauhyiedge. Thec oter Iimautes whto altege they siere sprayed includeuf Josepht Pacheco. Mark Trent- *- mKRMISTZ on paja 2 ~,CASI 2!'3 9--~ ~ ~ us WB r m ro s s, 0100.00 Fm. @paie il wIU of OM . MIUOU MML. MMIW ISl oeulm of 1" Mit. ma MenkoehA.1,0:1 t904l9 Fi -j acquedbf assault. The proisinent tocai jiu-jitsu intrucior. whîî was thrice wortd champion, wasfsund n'lt guî tl' -I ofpx courlt of disaut F. owig a threc-day trat, which hcgant in Milton Niivemhcr 8 and wrapped up .in Oakvitte M9ilday, A% operatile of the Milton Schoolot 0f iu -iisu. Me. Kranýt,. 55, îîutd Ontario Court (provincial dii hum) that the charges involvtd acis coeîtrary it jtie philisgphy of martial arts' *' gocs h-yond ve thini 1 helievcen -i ret>l people Judge Doug Latirnjr cuilcd tor ieds-r in utc- , ourt fîiIiýssug un othursi yi .tcre~s r. Kr. nsti's [airr1 and col- Icagucs-wllcn the verdict wa% -rhi, i% flot a side show." Judge Latimer admonîshed heor dismissing the case. Jumlgc Latimer âaid the defence, led by tawycr John Liss. provcd reasonatife doutit ihai Mur. Kransti, spr;yed the inates* huttoci-. wiih ctein- ing sotution during a sirip iean:h on April 23.1I995. ,Me. Liss Suggcsted ihat the inmates wai5ed te, use ihe sfic- gat8)ins tg seek financiai coin- penatiom [rom the Minisiry of Correctimai Services. afthough te didn't prove te theory. Mr. Kransuz. who served in lthe navy. toid the court he betueves lte imates accused hîm ÔIT assauii beause he's unooe suict titan mosi otiier cor- rectionai officers when tl cones tojaîf promdw.