jLcd&UUtJ lead to impaired driving charges AWotd Avenub famity goi a heîng forccd ro hand over tise cols- Mau arraleilaller car-0t r ashcT The driver of thc Mustang was fanee4mdyf m ingwhes tents of hispockets. Two peuple were lucky .oecape takeis-oMiltonDistrict Hospital for 5a Cur cabhinto the frý of lhiser A young Milton mnisl police lie injury &fier a 1988 Ford Mustang x-raýt amd oel8agd. hlouse. r was walking cr.. lied int A 26-year.old Streetsville.mais A 1989 Oldsmobile went oui of along Hilton t he Mau of a faces charges of impaired dniving conro ad it hehateai3: fû Avenue lam~ary Police B lotte tr&ctor-tgl anr diin witli ovçr the lega[ linmii ar.,. Halis Regional Police sal4l 9 shortly &fier et Unit a( osf alcoM is his blood. liselimag was stîli bigassessed noon whes he Mais and Charon feIawatafboca n pr ess timte ,. was'topped by ain acquantance who Ointario siecs A main was arrested for impaireli A 23y -Ild Woodward Avenue demaisded tht lihe empty his pockes. he car, travelling westbouisd on drving after a vehicle crasled into a masface char ges qi impaired dri- Main Street. weisi dihagh a redi dig tc asoaWd aiesdaFrsyLs ving anli drsving wiili rver thse leq As lie did su, thse roblser kacked and andI struçk the iracior.-trailer in the fecru rvligwson glimii of alcosol in his Moisi punchel tise 18.year-old viiitim and rear fast Wednesday ai rnîdnight. un Deety Roal whes it wesî out of jtoolits cigareties and lighter. police police said convroi ai 9:30 p.m. No ont was huit. Muba mltlued reports iisdicate. The tractor-irailer. whmch wss A 36-year.old Toronto mas faces on s treil A Milton mais was asrcsted is cois- sottbound on Ontario Street. wCist charges of impaared chiving iMd i- A 1 9.yeat-old mani laces a rribbry section wih thse incident Friday out of conirol and hit a cernent ving witis p ver thse legail Imi of alco- charge aller another mans reporled nigst. neicas ai tise intersection. hol i u liibloid. FOR 30OYEARS IN A ROW... CANADA'S i # TRUCK. INTRODUCING '16 FORD F-SERI.ES "XLS"4x2 - - ~ -OR 5.0 LI1RESI- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND -LONG WHELBASE IaiuD own $3600 IN NO CIARG EXTRAS. *~~1 oeus SmuL~1~ahU LUM TIME OFFERt L M" %flMNRUI&3 1 Iw'.R~ LEMMUelUI -19s ta sLS' 4 2J4 4r.g.tîas . long s.iaaiawih 802A u s. iL alg a,u.tic .îtranbl = 4..nn ofs.u Um m 555f l5.S mo iea4ni fr.. li nd ..ic i l .. . n ....a......t. Ut.d............. in .aa I . l . .u ai .M i .............mnai.bA Tip-off leads to man's arrest A mais las tieeis arresteil aid eharged wmth possession of stolen progiesty afte police wen: tippd off. Halbis Regional Police stoppait a ecw- tor-traiter unit. which blt been stolen front Duarhami Reglon. jui as ii entered Hwy. 401 fromt Trafalgar Road ai 6:50 &cm.Jlanuaiy 15. Police hali recivçd a tip thti a atomesn tnack ws in lise ares. lise 30 year-old Oshsawa mais who wns airested was alsie charged wits Posea" of Isea-in tocis. lise thefi rit a piem.e of costruaction eqsipmnist front a yard os Steeles Avenue has insestigalors wondcriisg if sonicune saw the diriisg action, but didtst realie it was a crime i( te tisse. Oin Wednesday. Jas. 3. staff werc ai the yard ai James Downs & Sons ai 13693 Stecel Ave. is Milton ail7 a. Everythisg appeared tri h in order and ernployees lefi thse yard ris bast- nss. Upon rctumsing ai I1 a ta., iî s'as discovered sornerie had drives off with ait air compressor triller anit. Marks~ lefin sthe snriw iisdicated the culpril ucd a vehicle wîth dla wheels is the rt u 0tri the compressor. lise., lire tracts also saggested tise thief drove west os Steeles Avenue Irri t ie yard. Stoles was ais "Atlas Cipco- air conipressor tradler tisai wis. yellow and liaI a single aide. Despite ils age. the unit wis apiarestly un excellent condi- tios. Buying a replacemnt today would cost at least $15.000. If you bave information tisai coull ldeify the persois respossible for this Ilsefi, cail Ch-me Stopprs. If you have any information tisai lemds to ais aret us ibis or aiy olisr case, you may bce eligible for a cash rewaed of up to $ 1,000 Yoit need not gîve your siante aisd your information Will lic trcatel willi complete anonyniity. Crime Stoppera dmc sot subscribe tu caIl displiy. Caîl 1-800-668-5151 or 825-TIPS <lisais 825-8477). Crime Stoppera of Hlion is operaied by a board of directors msade iq of 18 -civilians frot ail a réas of Hali Region. lIse rewrdfibi resis front tse financial support of business. induas- try, services club; and privait cilmze'u. Thse board of di rectois raises thse moitey, decidfà on thse omoant of rewards, Èl#,dlacitiqlly pays the resssusl. Crime Stofpera àx ùicoqiorat- ed as a charittabie orgmzaioeu there fore ail donations to thse reuu'rdJbid are tAs dductb1e