FUIIC In1 C000111 OF iM CIT OF USOM TM(E NOTICE ew tel C*a of ht CoepMeft tfh CWy of tduMUaga pud Su-i40O on h 111dayf lay. US adolSato 34cfhP aatlO<t 11.0,1900, .P3 13 A ND TAIrE NOTICIE tU "i Persan or ~MMc MlW OPO th On"t M~miiSnl a hr byla S bA ait Wbvi Dml cf hn Cy e iuuao nawu l r- sat h 1901 dW i faks l M, à noaltes of alpialaifilia cult h ablala telh bca aft h liaoot Mlpli of tie r1 noenglbwh aS afequ sn h ct ~ i 120 baIt 10 hll MM*ta Of Fil 1 Ody ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M MWeloao à~iM maW 511.ki4m, mil te *m a 4 m~a essi. A o -i cf appi MW i las BW uiipuia uneloilla esaita, a %sle et 1Wu MW l i le Ca - et u a b Il a IIO e ~auma et pff. EXPIUNATIO OF THf PUUE MN ElfECT OF Tif 9V-tAt Till %ylca oroands élction 2 acf Sched*j 'Y ta WMts 22C 01 bycaPme la ~ M lomma: area-mbuuuK.mgcfelle h deMon ocf kt wS resuant dorait stocp Ne tda PM., <b> ta d iote h pahtoi ace for- Raaioan Ceoan KM Retial COeM abM LAMd use 00we uss Fut Survie Restaurant 16. Sospo par l0OGA-Pàstaur Convemieaca Restaurant (5> 15.2 spac par lOrnI'GFA-Resla Tata-ouf Ratturoot 10. aspects per 100WWGFA-RuAS Canot Sb"p (5) 13.0-p0C par IOOVWGFA-Risttu (0) ta amend tacisca (5) t0 pesaS. a -iiba ta raqirarnant for a ditae-Owsugf aidoa accamal vm a camaaal resaurat s dolit shtp (d) ta andn th aeinealao of Colneolence Centr for th proviaion ot parlwrg fr N srie restauralta. cufuia rilnts. tala-ca retmmins and donut seffl as palut h0 AIladintels m CyCO fM &W dmgatadedbyy-Wa5M. Tl ille blçiabbl-a 9&atu insection in ait cth dsrng reoidlar basWe tome Fwltwtio onop egar t 4m 10 ut-a ' 1 'Ima m"00 âRepaitfthClly Têtmce L JiitaA.M.CT. C.M.C.. Cky aat 11M -b&m KK. Hou M.d Ddh A&: uài flai, &4w bw aï 270 Main Ste mmt A reflective look back at the last haif -of. 1995 Milton pceved once again jib 1995 dhor jasait tosns con le big7h p. nw.7b" h excaemelr, imgedy. usudlocreme dcsig foc local residers. Frot Aie speing olmyts ei MP edaaicgbsda yni ta dit cioaasg ,nnu oft hiday mSeon, At con- . Hiltonwo P etCx* ule ié nuamty :as chockfoHu ci iy cial cuthaks annced by the Mdtvln"a gova<nlm Here's a brief nd. wn of Aie second ha(f 1995 in oe kc clesurly undecnscd, Due la unereaitiatc finincial Milton. l7efirs: instWbnenh was p"ihWo crtier Ahis projectiona sied econmc perfcreinnce expectaulut Monde.set by dm fermer NDP govemmeit Mr. Chudleigm aa ie Ontaio derficit sould ni i $ 10.6 billion if left unchecked. »Cula were announied te selfare. culture5 healtis. - Smochers found lames Oscar Thomaca five days cue.' adminstaration, subway conajruction And th1e aler bis lune disappearance. tying face up in a dense jobsOnlano paugcm. but Mr. ,CtudLelgh streued the bushe ad bog near a trait about 300 inèires acuta of bis major highway ccnstruction poojecl socle as hishways \Moffat torel. His beagle. Topnoich. ws calledl a hero 403 &" 407 wers nt affecteid by the construction alter hi%1 bocrks led a sêarch teamn toi the elderiy Firait cuts. Lmne reaident. 1he mer. se yelled his nainne, the - Wlieelchar aihleste Ryan LewSoiiy oetumaed home more he barked," said volunteer searcher Lynno 10 compicte dm1 fumai alretch cfibia 5,700 crosanscaa McBralney. -malt tor. At Milton Mailt, the enlergetic 19-yeàr-cl - Diapute ovec youlh centre bide hecaied up abler an wheeled elle final 40 km of ie k ne-monlh clanpegn., allocation of Jllei to a choitci gmoup ta open a drap-io which 11e created te relis asanmea of the Milton. centre et die former Jackson's Bari. '1igp knew based Link Foundation - a prograin designed te, about our plans (for a drop-tn cent&) W~year. It's enicourage ailier physiaell diaabied people ten ltte unfoalunate duoi ba proposait wenc nmi cooaideced aa pan in camnmuty qirs soit flms. Or1 saine tine," said Camel Belin. exectuve dlrector ai - Town counicil reaffiomd la previcus support for tht-Milian Children va Youih Centre. Hec group sub- regioanal Maut Value Aaseusment (MIVA) 4 elle nau- mitled a second peopoaol shcrtly liter fiundil been oowest of margins. as Mayor Gord Kranlz brake a 4-4 allocatedtatiste cuch group. tie. "Implememtation of MVA is sell on ila way. White admittîng the Town knes of their plans, Them e s not mucli hope held oul fcr a awitch e Unit municipal director of lire services Jeunifer Valse Asssment. or even a pilai project in the near Reynolds said the commiltees mou4 important focus future," said municipal Treasurer Jim McQueen. *was ta open a location for youth as sonon as possible." MVA sus due ta be implernientedl in ianueri 1996. - Througb rough economic limes, Milton District - The Sib-iet noen-profil housing project vias; axed, Hospital inaal la ho alance ils attntuat budget. le loué abter tise Ontario govemnienu ended ila 30-day morata- SI 5,177,552 ta rn Or hosplia dueng the 1994195 fis- mumt -on non-profit taiusiisg and cane"e 385 0f<50 cat year. Despite a small drap in pràdincial Minisuiy af planned prajects ta save an eaiimaied $500 million Health funding. the haspital increoupi ils revenue ta avec dis nerit fue yeus. $ 15,567,064 ove the pq year, for a net icome ai l'be cancled Rcbeit Street projeco whlch bonlers $389.512. According qc esecutîve direclor Brian tise Miléon Fairgmounds wu4iaoved fte an Onario Brady. Milton District Hospital remained financially Municipal Board (0MB> heaurag but consinaction liait bealthy a( a lime when teveraloliaec hoapitals wert not begun ai ell lue f die venaaenmaaw. forced to intraduce sevec coft-cutinomues. - A scesan sas ltilled aida I0-yenw-cu guri injured durtng a devasalting iso-vehicle crash ai Dey sit: Tremain rmalle. 111e collision between a van an * A Halton rganhzallon began fortming an aenti- pick-up truck clainacth lité o1ef lune t-lfnd, 68, of p<tvertY grcup taeadfreas ell nee" cf <lle rgOun's Milîside Doive. Niccle GyoMdngA passen the 1k mo esiumtd 1a kbc " 17 famalleas. 111e Halion truck, was taken ta Tarante's lRapital ç Sick Social Planing Couacil ac"ieald Ila firet meeting for châtent " dm fo 1llaing mcuath. seul Lyan Calderbmnk cf the Il sas believed th1e quick efforts cf lwo qcarb-y-j~ Halian Region loras niay have aed die glula fié onl o a mrved as a sealthy milan, accd in Marly saya w., wlth Somof0the hlghest avarnage feai- ly and individual incarne levels in Ontaro." Ma Caldeitianl "al. "But thia weali is nult evenly.distiibuted." -Members af Lise regional health and social services pcmmlto aappoeed a plan Ibai would aua pevaie.and aemnl-privale monte et Attendaste - Nmihan hom foe lie agad - caos à htghff cost nI sec- ornuendatian. expecteat lo genarate SI115,000 mImai folly Implenacnted sas auppoaied destpue aoma canaSsae the new apprasich woeilàdia- a tsO4omW aysacn. -Miltonas fait <air asassador sqe astripped osf 11cr crown by the Haton Ag"icuura Society for noimInal wuql- doaag. Mma decialon came sjien dm f*i * < bond led-that Audirey CnqOAjan 24, of 0WocdvdAvenuehlialeaareet seekend in jail aller lwice failing ta appelr in colet on a4mad.oel"a charg. *Exec<ive m4mbers.of dIm Milton Children and Yauth Centre (MCYC) farged ahend villis lia plss for a laisa centree despite à lalct of suppafl tons $6.000 te mier deop-ln o n Mill .We re la th1e mîdat cf developta;l lhings," aal MCYC exective dIesel 6 78-4171 *au .llmnps14