We have the technology o Environqint end Enery Minster Brandit Eiliott (aitting> iemgrn the ins end otto Comvmwite treealment plant operaion vie computer modem Iink-.p with t1heE opf lIcole Sequin, à computer apecialiat. at lte Milton fIrm Tltorbuen Penn Liai. Laird Smith, ltae pretaideni of the conauitlng engineering company, loolici on during the ministee vieit Wedneady. -Rockwell*ponsors tech challenge lThe third ainuai Engineering Challenge us se qogo. The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO). Hanmion Chapter. wîII presenit a meal problein to stu- dents in grades 7 and 8 science anti technoioy classes ain 15 Hailon schoots Tbese siudenis wtll work wriîh crie of Urt engineers 10 solve lte probienu. designut by engunemn ai Rockwell Autorottve in Mil»a. and ie- Last year about 800 studenis (rom 12 schools worked with ieir tcachers anti engmneers in prepuu- Lion fur lte challenge day. Prize for lte 1996 challenge wthl include tour. T- sins, traplttes anti plaques. The Prolessional Engtneering Challenge 1996 is sponsoreti by lte Hatmilton chapter of the PEO, Rockweil International Suspension Systens, Milton, anti bath Halton bannI of education. lThe challenge is limîte t 020 teats. A Rockwell tour anti pairnng up tetit engineers will taite place on Thursday, Feb. 22. lTbe actual challenge day sa Siutday May I1, hron 8:30 a.m. t0 1 pn uti J. T. Tuck public scitoclitn Bwilington. For mart deutils on lte challenge andi haw tc enter it caîl Baob Laree ain 335-3663, ext. 3205 or Cesare DUDanao a& 632-63 14. ext. 350.