Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 1996, p. 6

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1OPINION Tueco Cham. ceipi lIox'245. 191 Main Si E. MWo LIIE. mIleion. . IT45 à Miltun. Oini L9T 4N<> Ftitn îsnui I i F Q~Qi1A1 uAlPiiîng iai AiniLWigr 010M..78-23 L Buiiîngrnn POsu City Parent. Col Guaritian, Georgeown Inltepende Faxý 878-4943 Lemsay IiS Werký Maïttain iCi S Classimeai. 875-3.380 Mîrror Miasissaugi lNw hais I Ian Oiver Pblia lew is Niorth Mi Mmiro Saker lanOlver PuliserCialnIti 90Tis ut P.lertroi Nd in lr rea oo, Se.uturnn Userai Sciituisogt Mi liai linl, flis' Seniors ~ koen Heaaa Ci, niîiiîi Sîear AAflrliiin5 '5 acîsieA on t r TrisCase unie thnur ertri nuit port,"s ni the adneriis Tien Cmi. l'nu- n Minisi ingether air a maisoliati alicaimi lit tnehay Rîiri Su tina e it u ut sim e 5 amvtlilefsel a agi dbry Wedoeiday andi Fnday il 19 (lo 248) la M of Te Mirota Pltinim Vol of suburbai campies SeUlf kiea. mi. Barrie Anance Bramptn Guerdian, lixuanud i Waeo Coonecrison Eintmcuke nil St Fr.i Press Kingston lis iseet norni & Sun. M«Uliiir1 Pemoaquiliie arkt / Aurore ira Bannair. âstahmtlei e Beauri irîieb Tsay, Ostaus I Wlrrty I îst This iseet, Aécimsrd Mill I ITornoil / roi Undge I Gloisriule lribai. loden's oniison tal. A tr*Quni ni t lYpngmM$al Mo soguer sceupied litth o nimeus Seor ce inn lagnalure Win nul te charge lor, bai Ili ha polo loi ailse ariclicaie rate lir, Oit me aduerluennns nI hOrst Mr.ghreti*en, scrap.t/te GST Durmng the 1993 cetimn cumpaign Jean Chrmmen sid b'd "scrap the GST' Sherîr ,es Cupps even sid shbcd resîgo if tbe buleal lix L t wano eimnaedhyth% ovmmnt ' a !, sas over Isoat rago. Chances are yoau. me millions oif oiber Camiadmans. betieveal îba Mr, Chreimeos promise rmanl a campîffie eradicamox at the las. If yîsa sif kliese ibis. Santa bas sorte oei esiale ai tbe Noirth polte yoxu mîgbî kc inîrreird in. Righi tram tbe ouisei i Iecame clear ibai Prm Misisrer Chrelien had t mimntenion whag- saieser ut Sroppîng [hm GST. Insîcual. ible gos- erumenî's pruposeut action waa ii change tbe naime it NVAT.jsburr for "Nimional Value Addckat ths.iase e raie [rom lpcr cent Iu 1l0 Kr cent by milmagjiroviocial sales oXC-s in ibe new sinigle natioinal 'AT. anal Io bide the wbole mhmng by inxiuxtmng the mas in the sîmeker prce ut gaads anal sersices. Weil. are aIl nocu robai bappçncc lii Ibal idLa Il lassei about ibrec or laur nanxiscconds aller il hiI the public faioni. flic lîlesi extlmn Iu tbe debale s% a repo eli lied "Do tbe Rigbl Tbmng- by tbe Canadian Instîlule of Cbaricrcai Accîrunlanis 'Mic rmgbî îbîng, aceorxting lu Uic insltlae, îs eerily sîmîlar tg îbe NVAT proposcal by Oliassa. The anty ceai dit ference i% Ibal the îccîîunlanis sa> [bat tbe raie toutl bave Io0k i lelis 12 per cent 5h11. ibhe instîmule raîses% sonne poigoant con- ceris about the GST. Their slnd> esmîmates ibat prosincial sales laxes. ciimbincat wîmh thc aSr. cosl aroumi $280 million mo idminisier ami any- wbere belareen $t.3 billion and $1.9 billion in compliamnce espenses. In aditiorn. iber are thase abar argue ihL GST shrul be relaînedin %orsne larirr because con- sumpîlun rases are preferable Io iîber types of taxes - nîablv tricorne tases. Alîbaagb ail Taxes k.!t lises dîsiort econummc efficicncy. masi patîcy roonks contenit ibat is tier mu encoaurage sav- îng oser spending, wbmch is exacil> waa thk GST dues. Ba is relarnmng thk GST tbe nigbl ibing la duo s Ibis wbi Prme Minîsier Chrelien promisext' Wîruhdnt thk rigbi îbîng kc o scrap ik.GST apromiscd -10 gel nid of il campieteiy? Thai arauli sîmptîf> the systm qxackty. mle bi men- lion tbe revenue GST eliminalion stauti gerber aic 1com ihe underground cconumy. Jlest blal a minute. siy the colacs - were are you gîîîng Iu fîod the SI 5 billion needcd in replace the GSTi Fic ansarer is. noarbere. Huis abrout reducîsg spcnxng lu accmmate a grâat ual reducion and oamrmghl elîminarion of tbe GSI" Wr csalal sait. for exansple. by cbapping oser $5 billion bunded outiîn business granis eser yent 11t atonie cauld radIoa redutîan af 2 per cent or 3 pet cent in the firs yenr Ottawsa coutl stop daling ntoney mu cei special inltmsi in thk land anad reruen ibai revenue lu ancrage Canadiens mn the forre ofGSTelimmùnaiin Lui*s hope Mr. Chretien*s nea yenrs resala- lion is lu duo waa ke tard k isaulit dui ami crap tbe GSTi Afier att. we'd ail haie la sec Sbemta Coppv rcsîgo araulaI are L*-i'rî raik taxas'" iua fcuarure nenîire of the Ontarioî Tacpauîaro beraoion A strong clase for a much long Sbîîuld our chrîdren be mn sebool'ail year round" We have oite cf ei shortesl scbaol years among isestern indusirialiied narrons. Buib Canada anal ihe Unitedi Sutates reqaire chihairci lu go bo sebool for only 190-200 days per year. Asman siadenis. on the omber banal. attendl fi) nmore days cf vcbaol cadi ycan' by the rime ihk> bine complteed the rarcîft grade., mbey bave riceisea four marryeur. ai scboaýng. Untl recenly. no one bad usidied isheiber ibese aeira days are impartant. Do kIdo teaçn marc or nre ihe enlia dayn a staste off lime' There is onl> anc public schant mn North Amnîca tiaibbu officiaIt> edopleal an exiendeal progrant. a smaîl elementar> ochoal in Greensbara. North Caratîna Thoae chîlitren atiend 220 dayx ai oclaxi, campareit la 190 for neigbaxang bits. In 1991, JulieuPranicraàgraôialituetithei Umiversity af Naurth Caolina. begamo lgo compar the progressofa 90 chilitren aha attend thal escalei achoal progrn and a moatcheit goop ai 91 lituienta isba allndth Urgular achoo pro- n \rin the '9Os Shk cleverl> measureit a vauiel> ai *ffcrelil kanits cf progess - acaitmic, rcaaanng abilîr>, social relatianibipa, phyxîcal itevetirpeneul Nit fanily rclatoianlps. Her preimmîniar resulia. ccvenng aj)inqi ai tisa yean (bintcgaeen aid firs Vale), nuggeit Uian tlhete am aignificant bieflla t due cledil paogram. B> due end af due fism aummet (afice kàes4ngamen) dmc iiffurmoiea acre dMaette. Thic cruendeit yenr utudenla mnaie tisice as mach pcagveaa duning the sommerr pencod in -an. S- knaWaledsi math. thooegb thkrn aras ne apparent effecî an nacabealar. À new year brings new resolve' Fave, four, e. tra w, anc . Huppy Newr Yen'! As tic bits. loubby anit I qumclly twaeagbo in 1996. lakimg oeai actues; Uhc dir espmns o!fe ice ion the lkeu ai aur carnage. I feit regreafut lit albter yen. never la be espermenceallan, bail conne ican ed and punsd it lit ory e:O n Year's. lbahugbl o resalumans 1cudmk ami I actuatll came up wmlb a couple. In the end'-~ one6 n I decîdeal nal tu praclaam 1kem as w.chbu uIo onat keep lhem in mmi as I storE my way rbrougb 1996 1 diii. bostever. camne Up wmîb aller refic- lion%. Andbherelbhey am. althffugbiiwa nevertheccil'sfJouit ball1ektyflim To bape forý By Uic lime our 17 yenr aId flîes mnt oaur livex in tbe unri place. off la ltaly an Matcb 7, are aie bapîng bis baie Dîllo bNs nu îdj of our nelanmalus plans n arîlI bave gocaro back ta ils angî,!a lîghl broars contmnues Ia rack up points agamasl Ibe alber In an unespcled (la us) retrelliaus ouibura tic fem in thc bousehalit. Thlb alian ofth îk by came bame laxi Auguol fram tbe cas Cast pecking oràtr is arandraus Ia beliold. sparling blcacbed baie (bal bau smnce rangeit Andl I can hope dmle Uie ara yaunger ebîlden from a pale orange ta aobînlhng whbite lHe bas stîlî discover the ys of neainess? us ibal àskng taken advanmagc af ibis Mgle la esperinent aribh foa mucb'r4Haw tbey con live mo sucb dîsoeder ib@ fondl cotaurmng. lacking himcif in the bathmroot beyood me. Thul ibey mmpose cbaas beyand arîîb îhe titille Plastic bailla ingbllY bciOmig ibeir moi iat aur communal living areax an Uic spîce rack. ibeio prmling ta us bils latesi pues my patience sars xbh&& - green far ibe Christmas season, fol- Ta look forard la: Ile len's depaimace for barrit b> lavenider Mi ltrsetrd Europe in a fear araks arîli tesiure a reasanable We are aise baping la fi a home for Dillo, faood bill 1 may appeaer dîsarganizeal because 1 cil numnber fîve ibal hobby laves la baie. sbop an a daily biais rallber thbm areki>. bul 1 co Assure yau fiaîn a arek's saaI> Wald lam nu lanrger ibhar o days arîlb ibe groarîng anc er scho lyear daubt "b ke ailI ever ke huge. but Our beau- Importantl>. lbey faund t i bis gup, arbîcb pale bus espandeal iota mar cf a flmSd-eu tig- developed tihe firsi xummer. aras maîntainct lue isba requifes an oîrageou qmaantlY cf fami ibiaugb tbe nesi yeni if eb". 11wc faloaring 1 -m forecd ta mark certian foada ami a "D onil sommer, the gap widemuit fumtlmer. Ind thei eal!" label l0 entsure Our oeil n'sa, iW ndoack estended itays vetoe acadoecaly benePicial. amid is sil intac ago net gobbled up by "Uic mouib' ic gains obeaneit iere foun te la durable. Ta ai W. fo I w>aani ta catch uop an my Nais, an> lcving Noni >Anerican parce nt Il cocramepandence mn 1996 aoit I dant aani la ev arro (eiessly) about nacrificing tbe childs kc bebimi aegain. litan't dinh ibm alau mocach mn. social a mroiona wcllbeing in ardur ta par- aook af iMY§eif. se grades ai a fuiare cagcer. Nids bi thio age On a sirtalar noie. I stan t imprve MY> pet- need la pli> ta bpr> Un, hee pmarts diit. Let tult regad. bottat af ala sé tardlle, J ihbe kbita abile Uic> conr. vagit ta arrive al> la appioielilo. nuclainga Mai sa. Ms Frazier foonit thaithie langer' "d for kid drap-off id pick-up tinta cel- achoal yen chilitree hait qoaaliiy rclatianshpa1 t>l far the benefi O am icnufe- ye-cd. whbo fila$ ami tMir fnenda land ami daser famnibes, flic> ita a -on anc mn> tadnax. bait plient> cf lime la play. Tht quatit> cf Mer 1 aa ta ilove mi> ainging vimice tM,-I lice lime a actuel gricathe. pcwhqa bccaaar donti -ab-a du dretor Mie adolIamn Uic> plameit il betee ad parnaa pus theesoelvea i-a Uic clar. ~Ma1eagb I ON for due at- oui nm far Uic cloilfre - due iUa fret lanu don. Slu aid b isMli filal du ria. ha Mm? becane -or prmils. Mit wualai d S - Ad. And juai à 111hl oeiuithlitg ta bloade@ Bo> PlamaIt> due chilheis in thle proigran horiznafe do tia du nua yen., I amn lanala acre lacueng -atalfI -& mmaeom bo ils W ame. if sa>y I2-ycae.ol dagegtr con mare perceptive "ha chi"da in th d u i go lfr Se du affi. -0 cmaL You nem na hasolalu ladlocl pogatn. I 4 aind loojqg. l'ssiv'est 4 0 Ca ego the hi

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