Tepros and. cons of aluminum and, vin>'t siding decd.- p 'ding f- or sra i ad te sanie may. and bot are available mitit insu- storm cornes alumisum's way. Scratches to *And liA to ýofussiiia sidiqg .çpliers Sailite covnec f a tow mantnac baei tcking. or deuigned to a e &rop-mn pant- ces lie s problern. but like nunyl, aluunssm nis e s ta != a mach as possibltahout lis maeia oupE mitit a chitoîc .ltnrs els of insolation. Recause alumisuni is a pour ing panteln celabc ressortit ami replaret mithotu jrodtn y o nsgr idering buying. styles and cooh.issUla . il's offent putl up over ngid insolation. asvtcttobe i cE4 apiIe i oa ell uoa Patients os vîsyl may ite shtalluiwer ties on alu- th, Oîrtoeu Essuie Associaions (OREA> If ihai's ngrrtted yîîur orptions dctown tii vîsyl misuni. bti the tmo finushes (kii luruik simulai. thre's less mîi nsi 'nsmitted mt vnyl fo rt n4hi of conauas in the ceai etas E ui alumisuni. itre's a look ai the charactenisiics Oies mt aiumnuni but aluniissm is fureprouf.. mak Il uite t niatenials. Vîsyl us more flexible ihan alumisnim. antI laigvnlcr b copihdwt If ~~~~~~~~~~~~terefitre casier tri murA midi, but huai mtk tutis Clnngvylcniacim ise mtt- d Alumîsnim has becs a building mairal sttiple uit cuing and fîîtung foir a finit class joîb. If sttap and mater. mamniaina thai "atm" looA for I ir years. antI oince cuivcred as estîmated 10 per vunyl's irious ain un iprutperty prepared maIl, years Mitre muAkis necessary tui, spruce up aIs- Lo druipped cuinsidcrably rusiay. mth mach mot mIrai uwy sunie cluimaes. cbalktsg. Titis is mi tapçtcns c Wsil onehs uercicejnauuu luminuni. and uncuirrcc futtung Ivînyl enpands ssitn paint shreds pigment and ceaves bitîi ant cn(tami si eserur tir in hmperaturelsid fine pîusder. In excessive cases t siding lie t2rsciiu tnmrvnlsds eviretlst cani nice ut ssap unuler a sharp blini i d -1 , A m î&, O Tuuday yIîU cau buv sînyl anrd aluminant stid iung un a v.ier t, idth,. designs. textures and cbauirs. loizontaul or vertical. the choice us vooits Vunvi suding. parttcularly. can match jst .ibuuut ail aichiteciaral styles. Histonîe humnes have bers clatI cumpletely in vinlyl rugit down tu fine decuîr.tive vin>l moaldings. andI hase mauraged îo) keep their perui took intact, Both alamiuan antI vtnyl aie applued in mach tl cas truckle. vshicit car ilaso happen ti, Au mînautt un thre heat unthe samîner sun. Whtle vînyl wîin'i tak'e bumps antI knIîcks well un esiremely cîîld weather. il dnes have a itgh resustance iii dents, Recause cirlour rins titriugi thOe vihile paniel. chîpping is mit a peuh- lem. but 'orne cirliurs tnay be puise ix fadirlg mire titan itieru. The colour oîf aluminuni siding cosses frîîm enamel iitat's baked on at a facturry. This finish cati chîp and peel if lte siding is dented. miticit can happen fair more esly teiti moisi tian witit plastic if a siray basebail or even a heavy hail- It aluminais sidung sus ahuive boicks. citalkutg can reave streaks. A sulinIf sotlution (if itot mutter and disit detergenq micd mîith elhuum gréuse shuuuld get otii iftemn If yiru'ie havîng a tough finie dcýiding heimween aluminum ami vinyl siding. lréep yuur eyrs Oîpes witen you*re out and abOui un lthe neigtburhuud. If a partîcular ityùse finish catches your eye. it' muth taI kMg mut titi home uumners iii find otut parsiculér lîke mit material tas used. mas il ptutfessionally iniaallei or a dur-it-yourulf juuh1w snd htmiappy arc tliy muwit tevults. Wtt MiRons ârrE. I 5 ai Sl% ..a IAN OU VER Pubilalt £dvfeang Neil Oliver (Manager) P"adl aute Rap Wendy Oloszkowàcz Published by The Canadien Champion, 191 Main St. E.. Millin, Ont.. L9T dM9 878-2341 Fax: (905) 878-4943 MAflht ia acaplad n lte enCan lia, In lte «Ma CO a lypopnt cal at. V« poain af lteé Svslikig qie aoeliéd by li enei liem. fleher cli a reatOiabe ailowance for signalure. wlir. noba diegel for, but lteé balane of the »ivanalniel a ki ped lur St li appéaas raie The pobifi meu lite riht lo awtaue and rei admaflatg In lte avant cf typoropifl anar, Svalbtqgod orn st- vici M lit UlC ptcé paS* ai »M»ce muy idt ké mail MsStg S maren allier ta mai ne Miy ke caicrin at &Min Pi l n beWa cf lte OeInie, Mon and OfrlX RaW Essai UsrC a aa W1IIHhI1lMN1 M810Ul ROYAL LEPAGE IL ESATE SERVICES LTD. NIIIIIU Sa leRpremntat aiive x, Y" 878-8101 latin._ Marn ba, sS £avey pU@ ly prapeiiy aurai Cam bo Inte- Man t s a 1 limirlimun Approx. 9 acres Iocated lie@W s 3a Sdm SWt lou halte a toréi - a pli ai Iyn. cal Mi TOwlilll £ I 711 Slderoad. -M te@ 0»a Yave Ses NWaa laite. 4+1 titise.. vaSaI Mag. SOMn clhn. wodsuSa. Prety bnmeapieg salaile decflq mm P.P., pou àn mae. ust 81 73,000. MOMte u x ce , 1 g' ~ ROYAL LEPAGE Sdolat 5QOO Ta ~ auiSd wke *a dmm