Milton man stili in rserious condition Miflonian Frank Warnae, 69, was lîsted in seriaus conditpn in the intensive carse int of) gHmiton General Hospital yesterday. Mr. Warnis was injured in a.head-on collian on No. 5 Siderred Mon- dey. , Mr. Wairis was drivinja 1990 Ford Aerostar van eaaibound at 7:10 p.m. when il collided with a weslbosind 1992 Plymou~ Sun- dance nua hW. home. Leonard Arowrdow, 4,3, o1pirch- way Place in Acton was kMin the criash just west of Hi"ay 25% The accident is ahI under ir*esb- galion by Haiton Regionitl Polies Public Safety Undt. .Vidin: support group be *n sook. Fabujay for fenal vMjms of sex- ual violence. The Halton Rape Crisîs&ontre wlI offer the progrbn in a 'lafe, atructurad end encouraging env.~4 ronmenr to aduit and adolescent fallesa. saud centre spokespenson Kanne Hation. 'Groupe addrest th. affecte of vilec , d SOq 1adevebl> ing an lderatanding of end eoa foi societai vioeance," she sid. For mom informnation, contach Me Maflon at the Haillon Rape Cnis Centre. 825.3622 Opini Page. ....... 6 Sports............16-17 Chaf .......... 18.19 mm 11, Nsimse 3? FMAY JANuýIRY loi lm0 Seu*gain IIIINe l 7ft Chudleigh walry of sending MetroI local tax money Dv SAAD RSAUME Thec Champion Halton North MPP Ted Chudleîgh is nol exactly Ie-ading a cheer following this week's oeease of the iGolden report outlining reform proposais in the Gjleater Toronto Aiea (GTA). "i's a report submiqted to the provincial govemmeni. fi helps definc th1e parainclers of the discussion," ke said. *The offi IWU .cial fine on the GTA is th1e cur- rent systero isn'ý woring and is overly cerpensilre and nords change." Hc said any changes io gov- emîng th1e GTA shoukt tic in place hy th1e egirmrng of 1997, in tinte for municipal elections "Unais simmal slated for Noximber of nixt 'bhfyu , , year. To mainlain that timing, M0TU legislatîve changes should bce gth, debated in the lalb or even as aI *nu. ru las early as its spring, according -,. itain ru tu Mr. Chudlemgh. éV 0M He sald 11e expects consider- laff ,ablndebaie on issyes surrcund- ............... N gGTA telsrand encour- Teds hi~ agdi il. -The changes minro- L-- duoed will bce conientroius. te create s standard business "My fieroonal experience of taxation level, il advocales hik- governmoent is that lo,4er-tier ing suburban commercial tues municipalities are fically and dropping Metro Toroni responsible. Mu~nicipal govern- Like many suburbait politi- meni in Toronto is in fiscal dif- cians. Mr. Chudleigfl sam tis ficuhty. th1e provincial govem- as soniclhmng of a bail-out, ici mient is in deeper still and tkhe corsect pasi pistakes for which lederal governméit is in the, Metro, Toronto has only usel1 bigtesl difficully. 1flie bîggeý' tri ltanie. th1e Sovenxment di1e mooe finaî' ;JUmil 1 seeVsomne'sespensi- cial trouble it in fri *Sigger il bility laken by Meire Toronto bçter' does not necceasrilyt regardmng their situation tisen mean a lici om. . l'Il bc daned More lIl avec The report advocales a 30- to any shsning of taxes front meinter coneil tp ovier the ry srcs, Mr. Chudleigh said. emtre GTA.-sndAhe abolition "Remember, th1e areas sur- -oflil Siovoesussn. rounding Toronto are al Mr. ChudIei#i poined out coloured bisue aller th1e last ttheU Tory (ommn Sense provincial eliciion. We are set Revolution el*tlon plaforIm going Io turs Our backs ont talked @bout omaller, more douse dth elected us." g e gov«qnieis ' Mr. (jpudleigh agreed "a' The reporttalso. suigests cecatromo is dw1 bels cf pooling bilais taxes among aIl possible woddis" but sasi die nagions and NMu Toronto die fotla wculd not bc on "à . fi emhemdn. As weIL hathy Toronto la uMy WKu" ,Hayden triaàlput'of again Thle cas of s reixrcd flirefighter amse indicshud hi will rmise a daelce duet hus, of setng a sinisof blnu will ru rtssotie client isn' ctinslnally Tesponsible for. the tinai May. aimes due tu me"a iflineas. Following nuancerais pcnporwnent, dhe The former City of York firefigfster for trial of Richard Hayifrn, 56, of Churchîll 28 yeurs was arrsted Api 29 in courier- Avenuje is now schcedW to continue May tien M a raush cf rire dui canamore 7 in Budrim provpajt thon $8000 dane. 1W1 trial began mn but Court bus heard Mr. Haydes adqitned in ' mas rematued in December white court a police iuoriese tii 1e ief vaém $=u- officiais iiened out a leasible coniiuation turcs on file ith gaslise. avad later le- date in tii. backed-up system. Thei May lumned wo dm scenes te match firefiglent tial date was sel in Burlingion Wed- baitle dm floalesabecaiischetnisaedlilis ol nesday. AMDi*t tise former Cil1 of York job. 1-.-, firefigsic na pleaded set guilty tei the Mn. Hdydm oi.sem currenily. bei8 hu0 chfi~ Iulleh conteuti evidence, inhaue payciian hoqiial, relijaci Irons fini- hi u s u bmidip such uaali anu d fgfing mom di9md A . a dw USE clards os lm in wcan finont Ail 7-29. ims a gnk*iiu rain l @ . 1995. . Hi faila eigle cwta of m suid u BYA~C~