* SPORTS '** Back to back wins for minor np oviëe Legion to -end seasonJ Ctosîng things oui dis a positive tu-fielk sins psver lise Cflinguacusy wiîried the net andt facksîoppd bis fur Milton eatly mn dwlhst. Atexander On Jan 8, suilf Jaines Connor noie. dise Royal Cars4an Legion t136 Blues flseir final gane endeit an a3-1 'Has îo viciaiy Berniti and Matil Cisucisiach added besuen ih pipes, lise *Ha*" mari- A / s m n ir n o v i c e W i n ter i s a w k s f i n - d e u .i i n t î î r M î t î î n S a t u r d a y n S a n n o n M it l ie r l u r n e i n s o n 1 c g r e a t f i si p e t od g o a l s ii i g i e i s e t oc at a g e i t I o u f - d sa n c e C f s î n g 3 . 2 -ý isImd thkîr regutai Neasuin uilis haci. Cinguaco)us>. whiere Caet Chsan pasaang andi also uspened the sconng Sw a îoeonfotastle ad. lianks foa wo-goal effortby Coîael Truekers drop one bijt stfii on top oi mne league >wThe Sandsisne Transpun4 AA midgef înehau , ae compled l the regular sea%,on portion (til teir 1995effi canspaign. but couldnil ctose lhingsui htion: suifer- ing lIe axiîndl teagie det cal l'e toss came Sunua in Oakvilte. uilis a 4-3 heartbreaker againsi lise Rangers 11w *Hawks diii mariage îo dra. lu wuiso uni after spimg Ifie hiomie teain a 3-0 leaul ;n lise firsi lwe camne hack i.sli a goal sui n lihe opensng penoid ani Isu, mure in thie middle trame. bsut sure sionesualleil iisisugh the lIrd Darryl Van Loosen ltied luvice suhilc ion Ettison opened fini conng Dtasuing assîsîs were Siese Turner wuith twoi and Minor atom Adam Bamoiger, Paut Lisier and Adam Riioke suîlh angle hetpen- In heir final garie Monda> ai honte, lihe Haws u umped iht Ge4oin Rainces 5-t Andresu Haritsolî led (bc allack i. ts tii goals andi Ben Wilson scoe ienW slup Iwo (uIkrs, Dan McDutie and Luc. Reddiîî cach posled a goal *ami an assisi wshil singte assis ats(r suen Icu Et tison. Turner. Graham'Da)rlino. captant Jalnie Walker andi goalie Blair McTrach -who ssurfed a sotuid ganse iefiseen the pipes. Thse ltaI lnsckers finislsnd oit thk sa- on in tîrsi place ien lise Tri-Co)unly's Boîsess Disisîiîn susit a f9-2-3 record. Hawks' streaK stops at 8 TIse Wattacc Ponîîac AA mînîe amont Wîntestsawks fiai tinir cigisigamne uniseal- rn unareas snappe ist iweni. suii a 4-2 kss lo lie Georgetown Raidlers Thc 'Hawuks coutituf gel ilso flîgisi. a, Ur R.aiîkr kepf up the psesui tise enfin: way. Goaffre Dan Diinno suas ouistandng. facing 31 %ii Miltlo.s 15 Coianting goats suer.Jush Wagemnan ani Chirs CowSes, Breit Lewis dresu a pair of fse1pees sbite Wagemas ami Brett Turner fsad one cadi Mllon finishkd off thfe regular season wulf a isaed-fougfsr 3-2 vicloe> user lise Burt ingliîn Oiler, Despureing u-ssîi 23-t13. fise 'Hawks pfayed a vcry disei ptined voniesi assit receiseit sobd guathenit îng fImms Rue> luhisu Finding dis havi. of 1k net o tue local contingent siere Wageman. Derelu Blachard andi Maris Heansc whlte Lewis. Coawes. Iant Koîiaci.. Rysis Pilarczyk. tan Robertsoîn and Darren Yorke recordeit asisisý Aliso tumîng in goui 'lal were Andresi tasnsliesMenîis Dusîîn Smnf ami Taylo CouLooj The 'Hawks finushei oui the relar ffna son orîis a recornd oft 10- 13-5. Minor Hockey Ho use League Tykir goal iending [foin Jesse Mc-Connll, awmmon dclenr aid îcerntlrss [ôrecheckîng lsy the Ga 1 - As We Grni. 5, 1V. CInlIlg 3 lorard, helpdi i u m th Gmogriosn MHA (a 2 - As We Grn. 3, Khunwo 1 flouse League Tournamseni MVP honours %set id Jeremy Brow»a Gii 3 - Au We Girow 5. Terra Cou@a 1 Spes ai isanls to Shea Dcli and Grahamn The highisgiss of the gaines suert sournt Sharp, of ithe Bruce Hood tean for helping us PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO IIKYN UNE FROM 1900 METRES SOUJTH 0F DERRY ROAD TO SNIANt'IA ROAD PROPOSED REPLACEMENT 0F THE CULVERT ON NINTM UNE FOR TH4E EAST TRISUTARY OF TH4E SIXTUE MILE CRIEK The City of Mamiaaa la udaung fu plannn mapeaioa ei tod propased iîmprovaffin foi Mmdi Lmn ta Us.x imita f n mmacudance wft h = :-ne o ftClas EnironietalAsseagnent for Municipal Road Prplect undfir adquc of the exîatln mali PMn.nZp upgrde the exlalg1roadw. A numTber 0f atrtesolutions hav been > l &" valuatd frm arrel alternaivhubri seluctudlbTe praor altarnadve inudos eeoomtnsctirio f aity tai a two laneu en-rbon croa-asCton Wthilnlars.ction umprovensunts.Th proposa wil providu dhe capabWlty toiagmpani to four diraugi traffic lana in tau future. AisorWcW Ç mO due rapflca n of #mduW ltfor du qei urbutvy of du Sieen mife Cu. culvert reptlacari la behsoi olaninai LaidS. ScddUfe lrof dm <2laaa Envtwuna Assa.aamant for Munia Wat.r aid Waatwata Prooot. Prelîinar pai for :Odu rae alternati ve iudng due culvert replsaenurt for NuM bU haveéaa prepad by du Transportation si Wodtr Daperfnunt. You are coedially unsned f0 via aur drop-in-centre tu vies a ataft cgsopay and provide pr camrnuents. City of Miasssuga staff Ofmeni tbe piraefoi tassml in your revis. nid arrimer an qusios y-u may hava. Diaplay information al folito«:a Location: Medowvale Seordary Scfsool 6700 Edenwood Drive Misasiaaga, inio Date. Tuaeday, Januaey 23. 196 .Tlusu 6.00 p.m. Io 8:00 p.. if gais are unable ta attend due publi information drq>op-effl and wiis tar provide canvnunta or have liotfns, pIesse contact Danian Aibaisses (905) 615-3161 (raireconstructilr)pBob LevelequeI (90)8I96-5144 (c~Mn relcmn). Cify of Misanapauga, T n and Worf w Dopenient. 3484 9;man;I Caurt, Mussiasauga. Ointl'. Consmnenft wudh relv untif Febnaay 9.1996.