ils your teen driving you-nuts? This may help al? KAREN $WH ~ ce isa theïr kids me rng dup or seang. 'vUthise yo tàke your kid's word for it and dealt wigh bave been resolved - sonseting The n.Cisa"Vpon And saine parents are ai diseir wit's end because thas nos alwaye securaie," Ma Strode says. min ithme troubledl permis cms tvmçtualy "od their children ame skippmng school ndl are just PEP beîv#disptes berween parents ansd forward ta. It's nie ta kos ther is a light ai Parnt rad totsr ice hieou cn' engierally deflans. youth occur nicsly however Miltan is dtis end afthe tunnel." hter fnsrasum*ohile Ieaessng what ksds are up 'lbey*re su wrapped up in thcmselvesthiey prune ta, jmubln for two reatons dma ferd cach. N'iri week PEP will entea so a new phase. 'othese days iocigh PEP. can't sec pasi tiscir nases," Ms Cavai s ays. odia. M"ho bas a largesq'ot populaion but l'le organization will halds its firsi special infor- I Parents Enspowering Parents (PEP) - a "I've been through, it. i can help somebady few nutiets for rereausona activities, Ms Cavas min session - Parents Drug Awaretsess Milton-basrd support group msade up entirely of -1," adds Brenda Scrode, anotiser co-founder says. Thierefore, nsacy kids iook for trouble out Night. The event. in which Haiton Regional parents -meets regulaîly Io discuss their preis- whio regulariy atsends tihe group's twice-monhily . f boredasi. Police will teach parents ail aMous tise dsssgs ieir ci lem ksds as wcll as keep up to date on what's mW~ngs. thse belsavinur difficulty is not cônsing ou of kids could bcu ming. will bc held Mtsnday Jans. Ihappening among local youtls Meetings also serve as ncsworkong sessions su oue homes," ad" Ms Strode. Whilc probleens 22 ai 7:30 p. 'lidsc ira I o comm oui and sali to cvesyone parents - many wisose childeen are mrentis - are vaey frons family ta, fansily, unruly teenagers Tise session taija place, ai John Martin lieuse else,- says Ellen Cavas, a PEP co-fouister. aware what's happening ansang youtss. have thse saine things is common, said Ms on Margaret Street Thsc facility is sa home te, Frustrateti parents of youths ranging in age For esample, parents cas pass inf'ormsation on Cavas. Thîy ail exhibit a lacis of respect for PEP's meetings evcry second anti fourth froml12 tu 1 corne to the group complasning tu each aiher about places and praciices they autharity and have short attention spars. Mbnday af tise innth. For information, call Ms about iheir eusaway chidren. QUiers arc con- bave fount bcb questionable. These days Ms Strede sayý tihe peobleins she Cavas at 875-4894 or Ms Strode ai 838-7790. 'Volunteers wanted to' PI ' ETboister morale in -m'OMS Thse Halton Regmonal itealts perhaps weekly for the first Depariment iv lookung for vol- titrer inontis uf the baby's fle. FS I P E R 'P E rl unteer ta, assistiun Meeting tise Tise conîtjct iv smade bv