OUR REA4DERýS WRITE Politiciens hogged spotligh, public wanted more of Chris he ktda IwOr great Duar ditor: The none îaken up hy the pi filîîans vving lur thec spoîilîghi lnrtu ions and many ihanks tai evcrone ai The Whai a %hamc?Whai a scasie tif ant inredîble oppwitunmfyl Our couid have hecen a question and ariswer ssinfrurlire-Canadian Champion for the publication ai thec innial kids had àm once-in a-fifetime chiance to meel Major Chris nocket sccienltand Ihecir imippirfîse parents. Seacon'sGrectingc spccial supplenieni. lladfîicld ai hls reni iumeconing and fi) acf, questions ihai aIni Major Iladfîeld. shoumim you sîsmi wiîih us again. >omu may hase a To tlic chiIken in thie Milton schuls. WC love you! Iro ame fie cud ânsuer hetter chance of reaing our kids h: sefflng iàp ail agenda su Pwtful! , i Mlajor fladliefd niade il quie clear ihai fic iav anxious co ibrougli the sîhuaIs% direcifc We hopte to Ne you again Andn W M everycite bail a Holy aid Mariy Clinstnas. ansvIer thiase questions Éroui the lads So. dis ihen did our cii under vour agcndu.i Ilif of the polifluiansI and enjoys à New Yeu rmld wiili peace and love. of our local council. ain MP. ant MPP and the recounîing tif a *iU1ten H~~ee SIo 8 wf &ho* 9-rd »Nfon icaciier s coeraitin ih a taxi cinser. gis infi ws a îiîaricfer rel- erence for flic major' (Foi sure evcrsîinc deîided long afn f hui major Iladuieli IN.a precuy speual gu> When Mayor (iard Kranizaipened up hit plastic LÀbfaîcs hag. ilf looked licc lie hadl fan mail ifie nit ajor Insiead, fie read iii u% fefiers thaf fie hamf scffen li amrlfiefd, wîchîng hîni a suc. ce-,sfuf missîin Wlien Mayor Kranfi amd lItai fie in'lt goini to speak scey long htcauce the majoir had a Ilghf Io catch, ihe audienc.e applaudmi unahasfiedf i hinf îineI Major FWadled was pacing and chtcking hi% icaicc îclienevcr anmifir pliiian sp(mke (hm( f wuf The audience sicîmied oui of thie gym whcn ihcy were dis%- fppmîînied h) >.et animiher Introdluctîiin iii yel anoiher pa)liiîcal lace* rcading a citter fraim ar*Kiir palilicia' sfio wa.snif Iere: ii rea ilf M) eîghi > ear îîfd %on. cclii hum fi hi% oc n versioîn ui thfe <'anadanin ouf uuf Legii and Ni, rad? sene Nxoks as readihy as ciimic hoiks. a, oa nt nlc f uACy fteciii lie affuisem fio as flic majo)r questioins anid ii query hîm oIn icas iil scre fuimufaf ng in his inquisifice mind Their arguments do cut both ways Dear LFaitor; Il Ixeci'ming car liai il i% futife fi Ii là remniis e oxiire frntm itfi cumculum fli cNxsol board senmieni on ensuning. fihaf ihecir sIudenis have fiheir mînds eupanded fuir giomi oîr ti by reaufing flin, book Sitice i fivei fliraugh a similar dispufe uîver -Ille Catchier in the Rve- chichi1 dtibkea andm sursised ii rite a ral lfie sIiice flien. f mu%[ fhriisin my twii cent.% fi lia-, afcca)% licen my contentîion fiai vie thomufd noi aliempi Io geî booaks f ike Fonfîre liacuiem Paiber, fhocs ieying lai delend flic Judea C(hasian herlfage sfiould ppmsh fui hase flie Bible ncefudemi mn thfe higi %choail u.umculum. 1 amrn ot suggesming IfIkII teenagers FL lorcemi fa read ail tlic Bil% a.s pari of laiglisclfass. i do re,. oind illiu i scoulmi lie %eiy hefrful fui study fwo txxviomn par- ficular Tlic firsf wouilie lch boonîf, ut»mcertî incli w icmiiild give an enuample îîl tlic gecrai Lund of sdm flie Bible qchfales flic second soulmi bc e lioka of Lake. %hicli pruisides a lairly coin- preliensîve record ai ihle flfe of lecus and Hic fcachiigs. You mmghi even fho finin flic Sang oif Siifumuun jusi Iii spice timgs up a hlîfe Il mighf blow flic teenager%' mndcI fui fnd fbis in flic Biblea 0f course prafesfs,wîii bic ruisemi andm people sîi kc ollendemi Buf obfiously flic schooi liVurd doe nul %(.kmf lie bcccemremi abouf flic people the) have ollccdcd wifi 1-oxfire. vu il wulmd bc hypocnîmical ut filemt fo mc ftfiai argumenf, IlPeoiple lîhe Alilcis lor Lîle will protcci f fai flic Nchomil IN pro- maing religion. Yeî the selî boardl ems fa lie aeginig hai siudymng a hoaf, lîke Fanie mloc% nul prmoile immoraliiy. Therlmire. ciudyicg f50 hom*% fronm flic Bible woumi nom pro- ole religion hut only make flicfeecagern aware ut camte af flic bclietc wlich ctli paefly mnderpin aur iocmiy, Sue i puy my schloi faces. whicli support thlic fachicg ot Foxlr-Ahemis fur Laite shbumi nomitavc a pluniem wiih i licr schoof %aces wupotingt ihe icaching ai the Bible In luci. acy argument tlic school hoaid or oikrs, uluei ccf rcjecf including flie Bible mn flic curriulumn wmmmld kbc h ame arguments ibey aic rq.icg in ihe argiumenf ugumnsi F-mifire. i Richard anto Skip those commercitala on rentai mdvi.., please Dm F*W«: l 1 ried thec videat Apollo 13 Irons a Milton audetlu aimite borme Wo Oaur cnjoycpw Il liad al JaUmnce car commercial ai fdic Sim of flie manie . 1 e are gains ia waicli caminqcialn on rentai vimea i manies nliouI be lite as dicy am on dic TV nerwokas Rphat colin maton rzz -