Choose a carpet for style, colour, quality and wear A gond carpet cma« addn air of elegso or out a vuiety of colours aid flides. You could back'n480h shp. yb4l q'il cM a Staff carpeta help solve itoil problems. but cozy wetmih lany rom yourhont. Witt incorporael a boldsilsi o! colororaiti a border Wool carpis m perafrilly UOn best qualaly. andl ltey facte for mer wear aid tut Ibt oltr car- sitold yu bit fr abut out tu 1 buy a or centrepior un a mone nu"* backgrounsd. al" die na expealve. 11here lue exceikart ayn- pels. and s-ma out faster. You slould use ajugli- oeaomo He ai soe pntet.Scale aid plutnrt aiould be appropriate ln a liaca capeu o daitarket Yeu s-arn ye carpet deituiy Carpet in lte, ae colour as a pissitr Chooés Urgee pomm Cobmsr * ar colourMu unes. la bu realient -ad- àoft uoder font wiit gocal tets piece for colour continuity. If May evait bu Wortit Cbo*q tyl ýWCale @d arkcolursfileulIndecteile atos a e n ai i a lig. fIbey "tk bu treaiul i apevide buying aid storsi em capet Ireplace çn Keep Uie Dmo treatiit simple In make redcc- Ba ues mbu distractt mamoiieC~-iufluoomf agitnt dut aid dhaitage. oui pacces. orastog casser. or if dies a chance you sio4Jx mcý dftt!. L*t coor s-il Wh wot d hf Famuly mo1ni carpet sliould bc tougit enougitu1 *cid inuse he ontfor onnthin ele.A Il mnt - upandappllar- a -lie practical. yet soft enougit go be conifortabie. meae reai uec alte on o oeiigco. oitee p appeals teï prospeu. lBe practical. aid ask bies- well s-dl titis MM Slaao-ei weamils are -orth i heme hm isuirl ers alt apPUi C« up In puffpea. dirty glaces. mucky "as jusce aid Ilic tcdros lie place ln go for ai çpense qive colour a lot of lought. 7bua greai-loot- Wleifa coite in carpet qualily. you really do cola ïimlla? A subtie patemnt mi tnimize the of coftL atogle-sitade caqpe liti akes you s-ail ing swalcl in te aliowroomn could overpos-er Sa s-lai you psy for. flic deùsily of a carpel is effecta of spilla and sitins In gel oui of be4 ont coki oorogs. If also cuis -~living mont. Bring aamplea lioq. or have baied oithlie number o! yains pet square lmli Fer lieavy.lraffic areas like kilciteos and -Ctm delivered. aid lay temt oui cn lte loor aid lte morr yam, the mont durable lte ç t.enlruSo hall&. cisoose a carpel wilt a liard. higli- ditue ont notte. arourad lte rnorri. 1o doie lte ligli affect ditent Enuh picoe of yant twists oui fraoj tàp deiisity ple'itala specially designed for higli- 7,ls arriireis provided M, local Reaitors and as lte day goes on? bsckaog and lis greie lim tt% l iger lie volume traffic. A tis-weave carpe( showes the Ontario Real Estait, Association <ORE41 Mttflover your opiosfoeafew days. aid ry qualily. The Ma.s add tesllrcy. and sprista ler folpits. for the benarft of conssnieri in gthe 'cal esia: market or ' ~ UIWL~..~I Il oso ie Il M a r ia m t Iaor eM. o. loaiSi M. ris 3.s -le .- Il M130 u.4 OFFICE SPACE Up t0 4200 sq. If avail- able in plaza. Nowl reno- vated. Also available 700 sq' If roui ClChril NWWll for duais. mu Oi - 1w -w- o lri t eo, trlI§f #2i setl Ca 1 Aad&s1 NkIye dico-I 2 Pe ials i i loeis CoiI entral air. 3btes. imrplace. *aiaaumsmî àu OK OM ffau. aller Iolsssizid garage.Cali louil *r snannuosa ms 94oo us rf aia mu mu mo - ~ ~~~~sO Sq Ialiarss 515 S5 mucli for go lii. Cal Thftbaioloais tithi ac. oménlair ' Isuas .3lua isday lo vieilli hm th'efili m, wk domsou localq Cal~ ue is u0 a 5ra Ca rosm ir .f Ceii Wayne faneCsn or mort infs ta cals "aWr .nuse0mrsao cuison. 1- l = =raiasOn Fu dm ss a OSF l .cius Iosiau nte amai5 n O.lmM ts .malal l t mm,«. em p M.Mal mu ma tomate ocmm acmrlivn fi olt U beceu rus, tom. %SakW. rlm UKm l i *usu,,qt aUkiaquu.& I mmq. u ~ a, utaoa abat. à a = .mra s ca vicuesu tâ oi. teal or~u~ bsu t'" il: »o Sm »IM Ulhm1w m~ fit 113& mms UMiuqm Sun~~t Ol leva vit ~livsa §Wd loiN fort *nn u b L~ a UNs Wu Ma Ulm mi 1m a Wu n m ou huaaqkésu'un u s ek roua Pm. Fer mmi u a§ a r m i ntans- C lu 1 jsaël té aia: Ira..IiJ aia lil mUs8M Ca àm la@*