RF.ALT SPOR7SO 878-4444 I Here's Iooking at youI j MIn'a Amy OlPaiia en il-yen-ad gynma ut. -t- - ci ft ialoahs *%mhmRymI yn. Ch*d. s gob mady forher U hAmi- UadmUe reconily. un,* a natlanny ranl.d "Mto copotltr " wuI ho ln Los Aimplu M1ewsl foraà ut. For Ontario Jr. Ladies titie Laft thro.w by Cannington edges Milton rinkout By STEVE L.OLANC Special ta The Champion Il came down lu the lirial match of the week-lung lournament, the final ganico uthe champîionship match and the fial thruw uf a ruck. lJnfununalely for Kirsten Iarmaik andi her Milton Curling Club nink, last weceks Ontariu Juniur Wumcns. Curling Championships in Ncssmariet alsu meanitIhe final cumpetîttun in tlteir 1995/96 campaign, and nuo provincial crown repeai. *1 The Harosark innk -which includ- cd l7-year.uld vice Nicole Pellcgrin, 19 year uld secound Catherine Kemp andi IS-year-uld cati Anajra Haimark -camei up un the shurt'end ut a une- pioint champiunship decisiun lu Dcnna Sckll's nink front Cannînglun. flic 5-4 squcaker was, arguahly unie ofth1k cluissI.nd most csciling junior charopionship matches ever ai ihc provincial playdowns. as Siheli came up with her team*s final poini on ker last shu(. Thewy wec jusi a baby finger away from mising a return trip lu the son fuught lis waydo naimunals' said Miltun cuach Pal B. , -I wuuld say our Reid. -Il was iruly a magnificent year'Oprovincialsw match. 1 tuldthe1 ladies Ihai wc didn'î big improvemenus uose, lthe uther tearo just won. season. flic champi "I'se been tu the provincial champi- as close as possible unships [ive previîius limes and ibis the very last shoi uf unbe definiery borts the muist. iunately she (Sche Kirsien'»sentimnis ssere much thek Kirsen, who finishe same allcr Sunday mouring's sbow-e bon uf junior cuin down wîth Canninglun, Wltile clearly Andra, Nicule and dîsappuînted wîih the seasun being elîgible for ai Ici uiver. an anderlying satisfaction wîih tugether. the team's vasi improvement this sea- Cuach Rcid saidt Leworthy plays aW Maple Leaf G&r Wheelchair ailee Ryan Lewonthy wulI repreneni yb NLaHailum ndMasuuup. Milton when a ticzen hockey played t lak1t lthe ice ai ahbilion u <jU aIrw «aplo L*f Goeden "dngU (Wetheadyl playp anis Win bp Wc flic lIve-nmm îeù*ojibjp ue &,diatge suc peto ant rea*nt B=uo Iloti Playa ,uùumln han bala mup by fti IDII F«umduloalvea ini IigbmWigh molat phalc mi he*datq qlis, lo mdiliae liw be iuai àj mumy Mlea. with pleka S ilh biies euti 0 Iqmt Plet. il "i la Io Iocu - de abilltae of dis- hockliy alich lu gal $MW Iohovirgau ew aI ules.. WWhla o p ebo. quOyu - É>.lo"ci hanom me o hayym& ail u *a lt oppodunay lie deomrW t tl a l thtW du. m9 olI Ma3qqptaaeW I ~ 9 h#Pf~I dé i 1k surface. things ap a notch fur the champi- performance ai ibis otsbip match, each making key "àiol as keier, we matie frin ma ta tifinish. *lw fans were fl- over the 1995-96 emally in awe ufthek shola kîing madie. iotsbp gaine was Ilicleains really put on a show. Il came down tu -Kirsico kept coming Up wt g"ea the day anti unfor. shots. Theanly difference was ihey 11) made tl, saiti (Canningion) hld last shot,' addteti tout her lasi sea- Reiti. speiltion. Sîsier Milion's only,oibei loss oser the Cathanine are ail six-day tournameni came agains( tsi anoîher year Cannîngion in draw number (wu of round-robin play - again in an etige- both nnks sieppeti ut-your scat 6-4 finaI tiai was tiecitiet onth Uicast shot. Milion lied with Canningion in de S roundtrobin play wih a 6-I recorti before blusiing Ottawa 8-4 in the, -semnifinals. fTheir round-robin showing tints f« cotat inelutietri umpss over Ottawca 18-6). -NI. 1' Thornsill (7-4), St Catharines (10-2). 'r" » *Wu Lontion (8-5). Orangeville (7-6) anti <SpOlIÉ l adies iI(we2<) ouiataniing ail 'dmÉ embtale week long. One ibing I &tioe mon ia thai ikey weren'i afrait 1 give 110 wêyiS utirnI per cent, knowing Ûlât if tl"e gave il III-a l a, 1h verything <bey hatil anti atilI ls il -was gong tehua, Reid s"ti zone s ihcy have an excuse if th"e lmu, but ibis tean ninply rellutil to tic hi. l'm exmiy pmof cf t * antid kncw they'i Imma a lut front til ..G.- -ýur- Il ý 1 1 k 1 1