IrIH SCHOOLO8 Thank you for your help, RTNenjoyed having Mm==O 'you here! Miflon, ON L9T lW8 878-8119 i Kii Thank you Brian for yur hnel 89. Ontario St., Milton (9b5) 876-7676 HALTON RENT-ALL f'hank gou for ail your help. 855 MAIN ST E. MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 5A7. 878-5740 I Halton Cable Systems Thank You I.C. DRURY HIGHSCHOOL IN THE CO-OP PROGRAM 4TIE EVU ALTON BOARD 0F EDUOATION. C- O-op Employers Maie a Difference! A co-op placement provides studerffs with the opportunity to: * explore interests and aptitudes * explore career goals *increase responsibility * nrease employability skills *apply classroom learning in real life situations " develop interpersonal ardcormnunication skills " develop expertise an(l specific job skills Our co-op employers are an essential pantner in the learningprocess. We appreciate the opportunities, expertise, and personal commit- ment they provide for our students. If you are interested in becoming a co-op employer and being part of this exciting partner-, ship, please contact E.C. Drury High School at 878-0575. - M M_4En0 * ACiER, 9flu eWE PXCKARD. vic3es IB ESELLER & OTHER PRODUCTS Thank you for a job well done. 878-4651 751, Main St., #2, Milton