Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jan 1996, p. 7

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* Ou REA'DERS. WRJTE 1, 1N7-7 callng ail fonr J 4Zw*UjÇ airg Cades Citizen telle Off WCare Planning a reuniom of tise 820 dumped six k) in Milton Air Cadet Squadr.n 'lor lunse 7, 1997. b eséF* . i flis is ihe squadrms.mm whmch Ut Cd. This is a cesser tic m M *ho Cis -Hadfield graduatc. -Li. Col. sotnimne on Frmday. Nov. 1 &r esuly Hadield w9s thse mission apecialist wiso Sai day snom iu spei six blsck operaied thoCanadarm when i docked mnd whiikitteisi In tihe gaibage con . w-lwmth 1e MIR space station in N sgmluer ai ihe car wash on Commercial W95. 9 1 Stect. fIis icunsion will mark thse 25th anniver- Jwi go L4*'yomi ânow, four died of 5UY aiai, siiadra snd f lýelse r anfsiarvation âld tw saryof mma-n m wçhdp go elwse found alivtilbey were unab* niany former members, cadets and staff as tosadokakdue irâtn o4ibleto0 restait for tis event. t tn rwl u osavuos Ail former members please contact us sa W wwr gilaie Junt ta Ici yçu know, bouhae tihai sa may pravide you itl details as >mgwnefi a oigaos tlsey becoane available, especially regaird- fin.gie wood re taknn by tis toi the lune 7 intspections. Aiiy aId pho0tOk Oacvmllç Humasse Society "l put in articles. etc. would bc mon wçlIf~ a fosteffeinu until old emrmpl tý tic Contact Sue or Nick Kimp ai M903 878. plispe!up fés, oplig 514o drop ut a lise at-PO0. Boix 83,. utt e o S oec milio. On. L9T2Y1 . - day you need help orfodor mayse Nic* KHP jusi a waln plafe to gtay. and thar do Reunim oti mmifft you remêember wliat you*disi ta chose kii thnal dry ncded was tis CaiL your truste. Sa.-.-WW beforei1t'a too lote C.Md Deur Edimilt 1wI ud like.toaddres cive issues acmsing by the bard for:an demograpiijaou ot of the Accommnodation Rcport/Schoo eathslid. nesaceneighstiuriodayet. Clasures - Haiton Baud of Education.. bc deeoped in Oakvill. Finascially. everyonc recognizes tihe lv Ibis also the case for ihé çjty oi neeti f&iscal restrai and thc saving of .Burlington'and tise towans of Milton an d Or tas dollars. hbwevcr, Il ls quÉinabLe Halon ils '15 as Io wiies>ie scisool 'closures ill In fac i n addition, tl shouid bc noiesi chasi» accomnpllsh this.* enipliment statisties wFpc determinesi in flie*sale of Woodside Public Scisool. for ncisoolclusters and char tise catioale Ib example, is exp*ecte ta reism $900.000. 4he clUsters was nol comlient acmsn tise in a $285*million budget* ibis represents rcom. For example. mn BadtiigtohIools 0.3 per ccii of the local Nidgoi.Assuming wete clusteced imn groups of nanti. Ilouth s the sale of caier clementaiy schools waouls 'andi sapa andi in Oakville site groupa were net about the sanie numbter ai dollars tis nanti and aauth only.' overail sales cf the 10 elerrentary *nchools 19; si saime clustering is used ip recatsmended for closure would anly Oakville. tis staijatîca fiscal oçcupancy vi ot3 pet centiofbe poliaei 1996 rata of-100 per cent in tihe east: and 1l8 nids& & er cent in the wst (unîng Trafalgar Risa Tis mn itsef is misiaading because il as the line of division). 'A lees nos factor in tise extra cons of sucis Oakville currently bas 38 per cent of tihe tiings as lusing. portables and repaies/ei- total portable inventory owned by the ivation Io the recciving schooli. Il shouli bord (71 portablJn a totliofi1gU). misa bc Intesib th1e senior administration . To.accanodeu the surplus. 1,869 u )f the bard eamrmaked the Illonnes front dents would requise an additional 75 porta- lie sale ai schools for technoiogy infra- bUes or'ibe equivalent of four elementary itructure and administrative technlnoagy schools. Mitioms.sill require one nee cle- iyalems. (Source: Media Release - meniaey sciioei ai the curreni grade con- ilfon Board ai Education Match 28. figuration ta mantainesi A new e Il- 1996.) This means computers for the cary school saili cossi $6 ZiFiýve toî aîy realization of sax navings for the board flnd tiselg funda sahenilte wsepeycrs or direct classitom use.oi tise province bas a moratorium on capital floney. çsng l'herm sa sa a legal issue, flie Minlntry -. Wtien achools close. commnîtis lge if Education mnd Training policy guide- playing fielda. greenspace. coiqmunsty -~mes from t11F CapilaL Grant Plan. 1979 meeting places, serviceat such as clayette ;tae thar before uiy neisool building nipy md petisapa mon impoatly,a& sisie of se disposesi oi the board moun( include neiglsbe9rtsood ésid commuhfty. Pbopl do atemenîs and supRrting dailvi th ie no ssi ta live mn under-servîcasi k1caý !fcect tha 'lige boand saut nul require asi- Wisat saill bc thse liadt on local Mollesanmd iomsal accomodation ta replace tisi u0der tiUsinesses! mnshjeraion in cte attendance aiea ai tise fiese is an oppotmity Io ensuie char no ichool witiin 10 years ai the date ai dis- çlosures odeur and thse Correct deison assai.' For cxasnplp the A.cconiation are made. Nothingibs decidei unili the t.eport indicates a sisartae oi 1.869 Clé- susices vole. nentary pupil spacca in Oakville in cise Cai 18cmr ai 335-3663 i) u sltg altier /Car s. 4'aleWsmvea sacre ccnsldcrcd befcjaia lIn addition,.d tel; rcfàtity of Wis 4cngo- elosurca sabre reeoasnscended (tie report p'afiic dira in tise oepot ià, queatiamsatile. doca nom say). Tell clienm hosi you fuel %t tise towin of Oakville Council meeting about your sclsools. your coçnsmmumty asdi in November 4. 1996, Lynne Gougis, yowt o lisxstiu nausager of long-range planning for dsç Csy f~o own, sigd chsar ahe haW nos bena euntactid -

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