-e, S-Ttie Omuuisi cluanaulan Wadi~av .iùaaans, i tm7 ..._COMMENýT Box 248. l9f Main Si. E.. Tbe unowiai4 ohn,~ foêin, ait dd n Mitont.e L9Tr4N9 Wor 0lot iom si E.. mu, 00, Lot ar(u Mi)W. . . );ax: 879-4943 cl a9 wooe n Eau,,Yomnmu, Classificd: 875-3300 9-iamo Tmi Liii 1116I T Awsa. tbSa,. Écnwde# IL ton Oliver Publther sn. idiaad 1eiqnke M".,. Mm,Ui iii. &di,, w Wook FoubwO lm A, .W» loi nff 1m Nei 01w, e,,oe*Pafiuhr il. L.bUnl inaeo 0 om , iy wf 1iU amiaik lé.KdyUtbla, Top' sonon Pbsaiei 111 mm osn, ligna I Timou Cam b il SEi'iîiii 4-0o, o. M"" ndgà< m Tor Canan flIsojir' manqelpo, m l m. doe s fiIeiit n'a.o <g -f .ni alitln Report does idofayours for battered -WQmen Recommendations in a recent jupont Ean a step bac4wad in lielping batnered lAwbmen seek refuge and ultimately échieve free- dom frorn lleiF abusers. The report commissioned for the H-arris goveroment suggests. abused women shoufd leave shelters withirl two'days'and solicit help from neiglibours in proîecting lhemselves. Il also tells women thuy sholild consideè noi filing cýimina1 charges against their4gpouses:' We agree wilh Tlheresa Greer's comment,; reported eikevhdft' in this newspaper [hsa( îhe idea of decçiminalizing wife assault is aboteyridiculous.- - Ms Greet ,the executive directeir of Halton Women's Plae which opeltwo slielters, for batlereil wome a id Pages' ofL tbe dren in Halton, is stili fttigto convmce soit s- hl tditt wife amauit is a crime. Assault of any kind is an illégal act under the Criminal Code of Canada and government and police On<e Year ugo have taken masures in recent.years to ensure domestic situations Fr>m tlie Jeauary 3, 1996 inse are treated accordinly. A law enacîed several years ago allpwing police to charge sus .. Halion Nîoit MPP tcd Clidlcigh dencunccd reports pecld auses wîhoî tè cnset o thir caid vc[is, nd bai îhc provincial, governmcnt would renegc on uts pectd auses wthot té cnset of thirscaed iqtmsandpmmbed tis cuis. 'Il tax cui will li n"tuued ie thc special training for police officers in dealing with domestic dis- way i was laid out ta thec Common Sene Rgvotuion" putes are examples. -seid Mr. Chudleîgb. Prcss accounins, Mr. Chudlrîgh So wfiy take a sîep backward? explaincd. indicaicd [liaih [lic would recoive a biger Wome shiul sek crminl cargs no ony Kcaue ~ tas b" roaitb lowcr income Ontinans. According Io thc Womn soul sek rimnalchagesno ony"gcaue teylocal Tmt bou, tic percetfages would tichli saine. have bgan victimns of degrading and illegai acts, but also becabUst Georgctown Distict, ligti Scbolteactier Kirk Brusti the perpetrators should bc held responsible for their actions, <lied tragically wltcn bis noethbounnd Ford Aspirc stnsck tlie Il's knowtslthat most men who assault their parners don't stop end of a concrce bridge on Fifth Linc. Mr. Bnssh. arba thei a~usiv Ii 1V115.Ci.IViEg lcE1 ,iiuu~l CUfl siteccoordinaiorai Cicogetow high school. selling. so wliere would their accountabjiiry lie? We snggest -The scnicncing of a reqircd pricsi. Faihcr Jalés nowhere - and [heir violent tendencies would be more likely [o Bcrnard Scoleai, was posipouicd ývhilc a Crow>i attorney continue. Women at [lhe end of their rope go to shelters because aitaincd records certjimn, thc case, flic former Holy they ltave no other immediate refuge. Neighbou-s may helji., but Rosaruj priesi ploadcd guilîy (o sexually assailing one maler, a bjoU tceag boy te Mjilton and ibre oibcers te Brantford many. considernng domçlstic abunsca private iatr un bim hie fn1971 and. 1984. We agrlee wigh.Ms Greer that res.training orders, ývich [lie 20 Yeaî report suggesîs victirns should seek and [lien retumn home, are flot always worth [lie paper tliey are wri[ten on. Fi Sbe points out [liI womnen oflen cannot afford [o run'tlie ,An caies houseliolds they have been forced fronn dnd are stayîng in shel- HaIE-n Maie ters longer because of welfare culs as Weil as a lack of affordable housnff.Puid Requinnt women - especially with chiîdren - [o vacate shel- ;ers in two days could simply leave [hemn wiîli iowheoe [o go. Such a mose could send. sorte victims back (o illeir abusive situ- ations. Il And considering tli4t alarming staistics indicate one womnan is killed by lier pantner or former paniner ever [lirc weeks in Ontario. thiè resultscould bedeadiy.* We hope poliuicians will liatçn and carefuily conlider the war'iings of Ms Greer, not die'suggestions of the'reor writer, who dqesn't appeâr tg have a mtu undersanding ofh [rie ad eooiplicated issue of spousal aaaaIt. 1 1 . .-Karen Smith dnging i.eremoty. As tic hour appmuacèd, partycm gatil- ered in a circle in the strect and saig Auld Lang ýSync. Mayor-cleci Don Cordon did thc honours by ruuging tic til lis tic near ycu camcýA. flic [radit ion beffl En 1967 ,hen Canadian Champin uhlishçr Jim Diiis Jeu soonç- tiîng should tic donc [o ring in [lic centennial yearI Mr. Dilîs elinied Up Eice bci Eowcr aid rang thc bell 100 rnmes bcginning a tradition for MilRonmans. -Mayuir-clect Don-ordon outincd Elle pnioriiies he*d lîke le, sec town council tackle in Ethe new ycar. Among [lienS wcc tlic qirenthcning of Milion', opposition Io Ethe Site F landfill and tlie re-routîng of gravci trucks amund (sol tlrouugti) Campr4iville. Mr. (3drdn voilà [o tic sroan in as mayor duingilw irs couicil meeing of 1977. 50 Yea rs Ago. Frcun the Decemnber 31, 1946 ibe A plan icas apprvcd4 by Milton Council [brait wosild bring abouE Illc [own's uir garbuige collection. (arbage, refuse. aslics, ec, wcrc to tic collectcdl cvcry Moeiday and Thursday. James William Moamu w& hued- t, coiect. the. iown's garbage foc $1.700 a ycar. rs A~o *Dr. C.H. Hcslop retircd front municipal affajrs. Mr. Xulclop IflenE a eear as coEncuiloe an six ycpus as Ioevc. rom thse January 5, 197ic , *Alter amolit ane ears, Rev. John: Riddell lcft Milto'% ctd 300 people cmwdbd in ifrant of Town thuich bi toay goodblye. Many aiided tlie faicwcll mcr Street for [he anndal Ncw Ycar'i rwebell vicc. cvcn pwushioee (rom other ?ifikon chuses. bSteve Nease IY~AR IN3~w 8-711,11 Cahàrl ChwnWnn Widn-d- Joi- 1 1097