i. I J. f1~u. u~ w' A Metrolaad Comanwtaey Newup.~er Wa*iea~ Jma~ 1,1907 Report decriminaIizes wife assault: Greer Specia7îT Te Chatvon .lie rflecu[uv , diretor of Haltor Wonien's Place lias sasled ru) [uie ln Ici- ting rioliticuans know wliaq sie thinks ai lucmung atiosei ivoirien out of crisussliel- lers aller 4k hours. In facu, Theresa Greer lias aireauy senta four.pdge citter [o tlie gasvgWt gafd éranged a mcrtunpg witli [li region's fotir MrPs la discuss thie rercmcndauo[s containcel un a coniroversual rujport coin- muned for [lie Harrs goverrinehlt. MlieOcetIy.releasId reporu suggests *luattered wornrn sliôufd Icase shelters wu[hiuiiwo dayN. solici biellp frani nrigh- hours in protecuuug themsclves and consud- er not fling crimial f mages agauns[ [liee *'The mdea -of deurîrnunaluzung wufe aslaulu s atusolutely g1duculouis and a iremendaus step hackward,- said Ms Greerî "W nebd ta rdcognmze Iliat %vile assauli us à cruminlal assaull.and ut ies a Hmat" Wo"1en's Place, whicli çffersci sus services uo aliused womcn lociHy, Was. tur lovu Mody Mutn rpoudenta of ail agea are invuted Io thus atternoonas (Wb&4e~dy) tradutinlNoe Yqar'a Lema «Atie Town Hal. Mayor Gord Krantz and loçpl ownaleof wl host 1h. eyant, wllc reins lirrm 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The thefi of thia yaar'a lave. h locl art. fi mixed miedia t local ctKront "a lhWo"ia aublig wil be s au p. Tomi of Mu rmnicipal building "v .1W be hlad. Complimantary el ragaen wl b. providaci by 1h. Milanr Hieloqica Soclaly as wai'a cun dbm'àoe leIe ne"j Mia consultd by tlie aulliors af tlie repart whiclt Ms areer said "seeined [o corne nigiijuut of thieblue." - Ms Greer ?id.women aie ssaying in the Iwo Hallali sheliers (ape in Milton and one in Burlinglan) fur langer pernads of linge ilian tliey did ierce years âge b"case ai welfarc cuis arnd a lack of affardable lus' ingun<lieara ago. the avecag Tw iaud .Vo hxn .aileur mada inemu [wo sliellers<iperated by Halion Wouuen as Place aias 14 day's. This year. [tie average Ablesiwn wliu seek sgelter nSd B o n rRe d tune ja abtain resrainung orders ge lea Br w orR dý,, advuce,, dral yiIl cusiady sir*s and rend lioqsing, said M reer jI T m 'h 1j1 The ideaI lii sornç should ger a M d WVA der ressraining orer -wli -i.s 9Uen-not. wai h s i's 4inen ýn,* &lien Dy BRAO REAUME reluri hom i ha ourç es cîrarîy T'he Champion Ajud while she Mieees wamnen and chl- Whoa you ganna caIll drdfuboule] flot lbc forced from [heur Halton-Peel 'MI Julian Reed usn't lie berns b . busie souss. MlqrrSr4*0 contact for Miltonians with a federal cas women alten do no rceive tlie nrcessM ca ng nfdn oedre httk le finanicial support go s[ay in [the famul1y He cai lie your man in Ontawa if you haine.lie, lie sauil However. if you've heen il 'In tlieory, ut somuuds greai, bi Ohr'sCakvill.Mkon MP Bannie Brown (lien [lin supprt for tliat?' slie îue. * fusion yOUou "i continue ta use lie as Halton Wonien*s Place lias provided tue loeÎ-irw, politicuan sgid eff grnuy shieer [o 304 wene ni 452 Confusion lias anisen becasa rieslng ehuidreu as of mid-Decernber. hav cliUlgd suhstinlially in sougluem ( The Burlingion "!e« lias 20 li,îw,,ang Thli organization lieks aiso at$wered o p g more [han 1,900 cripus plisine calis and. dera wIlh more than 35.000 uuforiin Ilie Miltoq D) amdçfeural requms. Directors lias a Ms Oree aise said she was pica"c wmt the new execul pian liy HaltÔn Regional 1'olce ta estau- àUL - Bian Brady, won1euan shicerason pragraf for [lie local Noirn Flemi, liospital board, According to Police C$ief Pete I [nit follgwmng Campbiell, two Halton officiers will bc Nard-appoinald ,"gflrd Ia malte rçgulauy aclicduled vis Mr. Hdgs haIt is to [lie alielters in order ta meet wj[li l1eçononics fr M SELTEA on paoe 10 Aian mml UJniversi[y and 1- -. U-Haut duodvea M a ha n. hlmlgge MW an Shalasie *e .re sue ~ b ft Larer aui ~omaa"& lae efwa. - reyou going to eal? populageuon groielli Miaon suin faîl ita a new nidung of calîrd Vlallon îlaial l u; n plac fer thr uiex[ fed- eral electuasi, wlicb camuld occur as iarly as tié suning (if 1997 or as laie as [the faîl ai 1998. Untul ithi unie, cessanily the [tue aid riding liaunediries prevail. edespie tlie Jultan Reced, [ha current MP for nouilere aras% ai iJanguary 9. Halion and Peel. will rin in [lie new Haltoni fding. t wman him ta wlich is similai gecgrapieally Iaoithe provifucia fid- lealing witlliung Mr. Reed am'one ligne cepregenrid. (Jenerally [lie oe as'aid con- riding is nonili Halitun as faer souli as Upper Middle your conitact, Rond in Burlingion aid Oaksmle. Mi Brown will-uu iii the new Oakvilre nidimg. bougrdaiea ,Wh cnsgts a( lue heavilv populatei secionus cf ualalic due ta b0îJM ~mes new administrator istricl Hospital Board of ppoinied Allan Halls as ive directur succeeding ugban. cliairman afi li auunosuncd the appoint- [lrecomumendaion of a eacli committ'é. ds a luachieloaea degrée ln cm Wilfred Laurier Ireceived Ifla manlers degec in Science. Healili Pudmunusuaon fmgn the Unuveny of Ton:io un 1982. Hie held positions as asa"àu; adms- tracer ai Canihide Me"oil Hospitul itm 1982 to4J985.and aistant esecu- tuve director of Norfolk Geneti Hospital front 1985 ta 1991, Since 91.le e v ueiasýeuw Mr. Halls will commne lia dties e Milton Distuict 4ospiti on FebNuu 3. vnt. CUommunity Newspaper Box 451-' .OAKVILLE, OU I46J 5A8