11,. Cenbin Ctitpts iuon Juey11107 ITUE LIJNG ASSOCIATION Bftie Emy Plin xerdeW prQgmm fur àdufti wutt opimto. dueas Co tl fo wom ~. a Tbsruday 1:60-2:31 Pm Nai Semm bgu Cedau~I &ftuqud Club 7wA'c.tUuumeit. ON DRl * LUNG ASSOIA MUSHROoM CO. LTD. Camnpbelville, Ont. 878-9375, a LbeATloee Te MmA yS 83 mu ST ,DEN MO GEORGETOWN uW.Te , 8"-wS4 , 8TS-lIOS à -. SKCIALONd UOINGT'éFXLMr-.. 1 ' . Iwdn WolNg & HiaM StuisN ID A WRStOAtii THt PmWNTo EDEN OUSE . euNos * omitcs CP.RE FACILITY INC CuFun.. 4miîooss 5 RX Footww~ MMA'N HOUE U TeIHME Milton Seniors Activity Centre 'Current Events. * ) JANUARDYV "'PULL TOGETHER IN ,'97"' * CURe~NT EVýENTS Mon. Jan. 6: li's"SenImorsty ai the Mail". Coure oui for-Senlors 8big; .ejoy meeting and making fn«jds; take advantage olîi of the excellent pont holiday valsý Wed. Ian. US=2,2: Visat thSetors Centie on Wedoaadeys. It's "Mot1 Muat fluai day! llrere's greal fond and good fe1- lowuhip-for al'! Tire: Il:45am- _ Sp. Folowing lunch on Wed. Jap. 12, fuM 1:00- 2:00prn, our Guest Speaker, Mr. Julien Reed. MPfor ffallon-Peel wîll speîk on fWhat's h&pap.ng hUE OId Alle Seeurity Ptenss. Wed. Jan. 8; . l's thre Senior Ceiwes'.monihly"Eening Enebru Party. C&mêout and meei>endly group of people aud enjoý the fu., ligiri conversaion and lively competiîion.Refresirmenîsill ire servedi. Przes wiIll irwarded. Titre: -.t30pm. Coul, $2.5Olperson r Fri. JOI. 16,17,4, Every ph.*y mn another -*et îleai Dur éay nt the Senior Cenire. Coue joini as te vocialize, make new fniends and enjoy a hearty lunéleon! Tinft: 11:45am - 1: 15pm. Tme. Ja.. 14: Tcglaysire monthly geîio-gerirer of ihe MîilQn Senio.. "Lunch Dunch'1 ai a.local re5preant. Plan locorne ountu socialize. make nein friendsanmd hear lire latest nerno. Meting lime: I:30am. CaIl Contre 875-1681 for January loca- Thuru jan. 16: Miltoni Senio# have Pan~ 4 ndexcursion tgr tire glamoronu, nein "Niagar Fais Calai! lncluded in due inp is a vinit io the Niagara Greenhouse lu see Sprngtime Flowers in Winter plus a guided tour of Bnight'a Wiucry wherensampling sand purchasing arc available. Coit: only $24.20 Call C entr e 875-168.1 for informsation and tickets. Soi. jan. 11111M e tire Senior Cenîre's 2rd Monua "Robulu DUtS Pmdly"! Onelven moreexAciting (if ponsile) h ili ; 1996 inhicir wa a selloui! Doors wili cipen ai 6,00pm fer a social hout. At 7:00pi tir ikifi if bugpipes wili irerald tire eveting'n programt fotirtrd hy tie tie "piping.ta" of tie "Haggi" and tie ceremonial niY6 l.ons speeches and tIrle madling of Robite Bumnspoe1ý Tirr wil ie~ a caered uitdo dinner follôwed by Mn exhbition of traditional Scontirh .dancing un a deance ta patiepate. Ibiss oan evenittg yiguwon't wamf to mis! Reftvirmue bar. Tickets: SISOO/pubea Ortlner yaitr tickets «ary îqavotd desappçinsrent' mâenew fred and enjy a gonrm dîning experience. Tme 5:30pm ai Seniors Centre (c* peeling) & 6:QPti restau, rat. Cal875-1681 foriJanuey loctionu. For further otaHs on actilyl at tb!> Milton $onlorsitivity Centrel, 1' 'Cafl <905) 875-1681 A,1 Ltd. 246 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON k9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5788 FAX: 878-à@92 Q RES. 878-1150 We are SENIO IRAWEL SPECILITS *RPJa.~ur nuaç 16 Martin Itooabwmui DENTURE. FtCLINIO. FulDentures irdPurUs Simfe Dey Rehie, Reçars &A*innaue 10% Discount for seis *NGST -No PST1 10WCOS DENTURES li HOUSE CAULS * 878 1100 co nf SENIOR -DISCOUNT Te,45-38 DAYS GronI use phnsw 454-538 îo-*p Monday,-tuesday qnd COUNT &oa, Pm NT.. -Y -e Wednesday, 1. AmMARK P MARK 0 .