Ti.ClihdIa Clinçlo WodneaoY. JWAqr 1. 1997-13 Merhans sU.t out in first playo'ff game M3y STEVI! L»BLA C îvami tllger Ric1 Williams sank a pàar in Milton's 7- Vo yqeurs 5-3 in gante Iwo.Hepoid lth Sp.Càl (0 the. Champon Merchant supporting caqnlembcrn sook top 3 tInumoph oncer the lowl>' StouffviILe Sprit - gbaîeàWini lown1 th1e sîrelch. white bis serais- The Milton Mereiants, Newmarkei - billng. tbrough the eound-.liq portion of the Fast Conférence-% vds;on of 11he Gcorgeso'si mates ralltcd witIt four unan.çwcred goals in-& Toumaniprit ite defenise fût a brick wall Sunday Intumetment, and Wrpcd their Jor. A hN*&ey situait Raidcos. 'ihird. evcning in th1e forin tif Oic Brampton Capîtals. ponti a 3-0 record and grai gie of ive playoiT Other two-goal efforts came frîîm Travis Riggîn counîed [wuî goals, înctudlng a lait- flaving sttcamrulld their wa>' ibrugh round- tsp4. Riggin and Daren Mini" Haydae, wbo added minute empy-ettra l y ri Haydarcm rolin play, Brampton nos only.swoed N%îiIon Founbh-Iine nghî-wînger Ranidy Stolec acoreul two assînits. CaP4ajn Steve Chaute collecird ihore Up wîîh th1e gamc-winner. Also scoring were fromt advanocing past th1e tirst playoff round busth 11w iggesq round-rohin goal. buryimg a thîrd- belpers. Jeremoy Wctteel eamned th1e sein bctween HolLand and Doug J3njevich. who selý-tp slymied thcir.scorîng punch1 aItugetihr in a hicous- pcniod shuti Sunda>' momitig ta gine Milton a the pipes. Riggîn's finist 1.11. Walcatc <1mw iwo assiss breaking I -O deelsion. .comc-from-bhîhnd 4-3 deemnion over the Tir four-goal margin seau a tleVpsngas Meivbant notes: After a twvo-monih tibsence, Dan Kerluke's lli-peiod tally sîood up as the Oakville Blades. Assisting ou bt goure-wiiner 111e Merchanîs were nilssing Van Arkel, vicierions clfenceman Aff white wd eiim uin athe game-seinner whitle goaliender Jamie Vanck - which won 111cm Division B - wcee Steve LePrance, Cor>' Holland, Trevor Downcy and lincup ibis seekend..i. flic Mechants resumne %tonid tlu un Biampîon*s net. Fienchi and rookie defenceman Shawn Smlith Troy' W41ciak. league pla>' Fnday-st homne apinst Sineivillc *Wedihdnîq play tha bail in th1e final gaine, and Goals i-y-Bll Erron, T.J. Lice and Mail Van Wcniel surnied inta apirted effroi - in an 0111- and travel io Beamalea Suniday aftemroon Il: 15 we managed lo ouI-shoot lisent I4owever. wc Arkcl helpcd th1e Moechants rally afier falling erwîsc 14ck-lumme ouîing - la hemi thrcKingsaou p.m. Sma) ta bostle th1e Blues. oec a pretty hangcot up htocky icam with Troy berfnîîi 2-1 iun the opcnmgi frame. Wakzak siting oui and (Mail) Van Mekt fight- Lloyd LeFrance backsqoppcd 11he i ng *hrougt nagging injuries," said skipper Pack. * MartY Wîlliamson. "Our new goalme Lloyd Sîolec also founid the back of "1e *LeFranu.e played very wclliîn the Brampton nées in garie one white fir-si-ye a. I-m Love to Skiers hit the- W&* slopes across Ontario For mienihers of the Loive îo Ski Club, thecm is neyer enough snaw îîr %voiirs lonç enougb kecause ihey are too bus>' skîîng etîher Tsesdays. Wednesdays oîr fliursdays. Sorte mernhers es-en gîl rer ban 01K-c a seeek. Front carl>' Januaryiirîugh the end ot'Febnjary. tes ski c.lub enjilys all thtadsantages of midweek kiing- shorli <ur no line-ups. prelerred lýI liQkct raies and uncnîwded area-s The Haiion-aua membrs aif the 1,mve uIo Ski Club ski on Ilur>Jays and arc nom ti the proccss aI ioriîng .iTuesday griîup as mdIl. says miember lLuuël Hanc(-k. Insiead ol siniggling with winter dniving coldorions. membcrs iravel on a chioecd bus wih depanture points from Oakvillc. Georgetown and ErM-Iillsliurgh. sbiýays. WOT f OFF P098111 In Collingw(ooad, the IÀovc to Skiersjin Rendait Cros.. Cape Cod. 4 boirons. open lneptiicWu endi iair.iy MlmA noua cluh meinhers frnt ollier arcas to enjoy 12700 the besi ski arc&%. and privaîc clubs souib- NE#TIIER ASflBEE-MEEHAN cm Ontarno ha% to offer -Blue Mournin. AEIMAX MILTOWNE REALTY Alpine. Osîi-r Bluff. Craigleiih. Georgian Peaks and Dcvîls> Glen R E u tF nuire intîlrmailosi on the LÀ,ye tro Ski ýa.a. mc . 88W - sol, 1/lI houe. ,Club. caII lazel Iancock ai (f<Ji> 927. $75 O.O. Polorie 87= 3927 or Syjnie Young ai 87-1-2592 WINNER WEEK 0 17- JOHN HARRISON 1. Put an Xin thebox baside "hname 01ihe eam you tmhcWili won each ganie 2, Fif nr your nome, addreas (irociude po>'iai code) and phtone no 3 Su4mui your entiy b>' talung it 0 .CANADIAIt CHAMPION 191 MAIN 8111EET EAST. MILTON, LOIT 4N9ili OR FAX FT TO 87843 4. AH eninos nouni bis in this weehi Dy Fyday ai 5 PM. r ---------------------------- PLAYOFF SCHEDULE SATUR DAY, JANUARY 4 I 1 fI BAN FRANCISCO AT Fl GREMNBAY 1 Il JACKSONVILLE AT 11VENVER I SUNDAVI JANUARY 5 I FIE PMITBURGI1 At I NEW ENÇLAND 1 I l DALL2AS AT FI CAROLINA gNAMEi AOOIESB CITY__ou 'PHON _____ _ L-- -- -- -- -- -------- Wlnnoeo -a b ec' . brit a osui frNam aile1. alosirosi. eg ool ssis0er of com chIe àAVAÀýNTI - AUTO TECUi *COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIS *TIRES *COMPUTER WHEEI. COOGUNO & HEAT1NG BALANMaN COMPUTER FUEL MIJECTION BRAKES A lUNE UP * MFET1MIE EXH0AUST AND PEPRSONJ29O SEC WAKÈS * COMPUMERZOM VEIIICLE *SI4ITTLE SERVIE COST ISTORY . 1 *WE CAN BUY VEHICILES AT THE AWMCINi AMi FOR OETAiI& ose)hiL~ -~a SCRe tTCH C)Q0/0 ýosIIIir _Ioff This Sniors Day PLUS RE111CEIIVU A ihow this card FRE and savo an F E additional -ETE 5% off your PLUJS RECEl VIE e-- -IV srtc Insv A-111l"