Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 1995, p. 8

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_ ___ _ _ j E c MONITOR.- TH EARTBEAT 0F OUR COMIMUNITY NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Sponsored by Bill Currie SponsoPcd ,by Bob (Pie) Lee Holiday Greetings to everyone' ThumbNi up tri Bob Lee for sponsoring' unit for Halion. The event was attended The hotday season got off ta a greut stant ihis ycar, witt a veysc the 1-oundation secliQn af the Hospital by over 100 people and) inc luded lthe tradi- tessful gili shop sale field oin Ntivemheur 241h. The Profit rcalicit was page. Mr. Let, IlLs been wonderfully tional carol sing by Milton Choristers $2,950. Locval churches. .schot)s and/>r yuung peuples' groups volun- suppartîve of îhti Foundation over the accompanied by harpist, Saraht Sabainos. teereit fi malte decoratîions lor the Chrîsîrnas irtes and the Hospital is pasi years and forthat wt are extremely. Congratulations t0 Colleen Clemeni for heautifulLy tlecked oui for thankful ' wîpin l;the beautiful wooden sîci)!. ihe Chistmas Scasan. Ifls stili flot too laie ta support the 5th This month we %outl "BUY A BULB FOR YOUR HOSPI. bo ii tell >ou a hitk TAL' campaign. If you would like t aevioa the huîc Cury ( h Crsrisu as iree, danate pieuse contact the Milton District ']ib Hospital Rehabulîtu Hospital Faundation, 30 Derry Road E. ion Services Depari Oh christmas Tree... Milton, Ont. A tax receipt will bc issuci) mient rans a pnîîgram . People are consîantly thinking of lt ir (on Care and unique andt wonderful ways ta gise ta the iodlr ptiens wlli hjýMilton District Hospital Foundation. In i l.cd nhis n the t orifi of t.slsearly Deccember, Ms. Margaret Dennis gtIes, exercise. cratîs, el, Vosttnecrs are requlre to ti and M s. Betty Meyers. two long time thisle ia staf in loy ling oiui tic pît graiini teeding ior a,,liltng a ilh donors, brought in $365. whîch they Iccdiig sý *it îhrIrcvs ici s ittitticcrs am alte l tw)p tlie patients, a.sked be direcied iaward the Buy a Bulb Výiol îng t its a s.îtuahtc e cr, ît.o: sîlunteers carn pro% de. Chrîînîc campalgn. They "save a liante a dàuy t (.rt' p.uîîtî stiim'îiiîesN reel Itîsi to chat tir have ti .t& wrtiî~ ,ren tn the Miltoin District Hoispital". iheir htiait Once a iinth, the Senioîr (jîictn [Bandt enlenans anid retreshni' aore srsei liy the Auxîttars sittunicers Auxitîarv sîttun- Icer, arc a suppi t grtlup tf'r iltec patienit, f takes a s pe\ialt s ii uttcer t' .irr> tM (1ui ei.srs ce Il t li tee] %o laire ait tin lit gise Don Bell and Hîspîlîl Svsiivhhti.rd .ît M78 2393 andîî [ct ns aite and.itiîne and Beri and) Haze) Stewart und the naitiher tîr tar dircuiro Itt tîtSt.LunIiert liglits on the Chrisîtinas irLe at thîis Cr Wc tîîtthe eîîîs t ic î~ntî tae ttî tîphrlatisltsaSJ rcee îglhttng Ccremony on Deceinher ser ..cvtt tî.iiksîa li ,tt heAasttav iieîihr tctItspiat tW th M and Mrs. Stewart representai) Boatrd, tuntatîion Botard. Meltu,l ,and I latî i l. itt.and tai andt ccnaîiits noi lcasvitou. tie gericrat putIîW int Mlit(n. atio iliounih aller the persqvial donors and Shoppcr\ Dru h F u & ton w se nitnli andt >a alle w atitppotri as ini tar Ctitis ii prls de sers ce M art represented ihe i.orporate donriî atni inii suppiti it) tîr tîsýpitlt Maîy ue Mstî via one and il Strings of lîghts acre sol) with prac , eds ail of you a Safe and ahappy lie.iltli htilida: sciasln ani) reqntjsi vîlît critined saiiti in gaing ta fund) Milîins share of at 1996 Magnetic Resonanre lmnaging IMRI> Happy Hol4ay. examine Iheir iipoiation Itîr po)[enlial saolings, theï tisernnient's subsidy of CMPA tCanadian Medîcat Canada Custoîms. Ontario Provinciat Poicée and A cîînmîîtec iii represeniailses front tie Ontarîio Pro evîlse Assaçiation lias prompieit Dr. Sappat, an otîste Metrîîpolitan Toronto Poliîce restîied in a coîntingent Hoîspitat Assoclatiîin, the Miiîsiry ot Heatlih and) Hotspital trîctan gynecotogîsi, Ioi eînsîder withdrawat of servi:> inetuding Santa Claus iouning our Hoîspital andt distnibuting Execýtives o.atted tihe Jîtîni Pîiiy andt Ptanning î.îmmittee antcss ilie Hospital pays thi nsaruance tee. 'Mte Hospitat Sifis tui ur patients. We are upprcu.latlse of the 4jllon lias heeno given ihe jol' of assigning. individuat hlîspîtut Board lias not agreci) ta pay the tees. liai ai li egin discus- Guide aind Brîiwnie gm.aps whi, provided iray favours for buadget cuts. Tii do so ihey wîtt compare eue), htispîitat*s stin with Dr. Sappaft li ensare oilstetricat sersices are our patients on atl the speciit (occasions ihroughoui the tiperalîion on aeîîs'îîy and acuity tevets unit then deterin mniaiaie Dr. Suppat lias agrecci) to continue olieincat yeae. their tandîng att<îwani.e for thet99f97 fiscat yeae. coserage in ianaiy Wc would île ta thanli att those indîvîduats and gmoupî Athtiîugli sne attiiwance may lie made tîor hospîtats in December os a hîîsy montlt ai the Hospital with many who think oil others, espeeîally ones wlto are in our the Greater Toîroînto Aiea due ta griiwth, a significauti liud- dilferent grîîaps slsitng oar patients and) sending themn Wo- Hospitat. lais time of year lite Hospitat woutd îlke to go tai os soitf antîu.îpaled and lie Hospitat Board wîtt lieday greeiings. We have hai) visits ani) caroting liy Spaeks, entend liesi wishes to att for a liappy hlitday seasan. looaktng ai att areas oftihe opoliatiin for a possiberdt-Hy Rosary Yuih Cboir Salvaion Ami>, Girt Guides, If you. twoLold like go spontsr the Hospital section of lioîn in sersle'or amalgamation of service wilh mlrHol Ros Folk Çhoir and Milton Chaniters. The tiîs paWepldumcoiant ran &eyt 7-2383. d h MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Help us brin g quality Health' Care to our Comm unity.

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