Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 1995, p. 6

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OPINION lits, 24M.lt l\ Si.,, 1 Z dýWU &Ruîaaîba plon rubionrd ruer Wednrsday anA Firdas ai 191 NIlif,0M E Milton 'ni u5T 4NL iBox 248ý o une ni The Meii'and P"IUrîn %ltltuu I lt ~ ai1~~ bDttttin fLQ d ginur ni silbnrPan companru nin un" des Q~Qja, Mr la;Riin n Neis Aduetssn Batitre Anuanue Bramptor Guardian t9'05> 878-234I Bîrunrglil t t>) Citi Patent Ctilt îg.vond Wasagn Conneuiion toDinrut Guaidar Genigetoor, Inierîrdent' Atoi File Puets Kingston Th, Wnuî Fa 'S7sls 4i>4 Lu> a, i u,,, WeeuO tonn n o oMdiancl Pînetungu ut un (Ilsu cul 5- 3191 t.iît Mttttssacaa teu4' N terI Auioia Dta Ori r'e Northnumberland unfi er Pbile Ne>4 N >10 Anti Mîtturdui i Beai Ailla Todaý , Gtrai WA ici Mirer fublisi r iri gti ThAis iteet Aîietbiougv Ai, Weeui Rînhltnonui l IIITnni il 011cîn G r , îtîlt.ttt Výa0 1an[teul Sute fudF Mirni upr dqre Amouiral Tritbitune A 'dat i uti kllu * ii.. se urrn Hiuinnani 5 t, hi, r tAttet Adwtiurnq , nc p ci r ne irditu ni. inin t ruent ni a lipnauapvrtai ru~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~la i n' tti l'ou' tt,1 tirai cl dritn eaiur SaLe nLupieo bs ihe eIi enu', tien, Miu ( ile, l>tlutt.ttuutt ttetttei uir a teasonabit aloince for digature .11 nul Su chargent toi but il I indot A ti triat l,trrt tiiDi t i n a duntttPFtnint tr1 ie An1 parAu ai tAE! appticabte rate The pub Irshe utse ite ri tu calegotize adunîliuînîents ni Asclite Closed? Jusi because it's (hristimas? liluill uit \Ituuuul; flue pu.in ti nt% lue ýuuhatko tu tlîutu.Niia Ia lus tuu> uer>, uletted 'i iuuuuuuuug onutul Snî outil nutttu'oug flue îtîtoîîîî l/eo, ignieul [li clts'ut sugiu utrul teoted fl> tl rc ed utînuers Sttus% il sîpk su I 1 li I lot,uis uý .u u-e t is,it 1 Wiluci i un en lic prNueoluitd: Lati, flic, pluivis en fsiis tîs Nonl *Jis Ici flue groib a îiuliuu' i ti-puiIc l'aniis tit uttu'r ltatîuutud (Lkei># baur Nu shase (i lu cajr Shorto dot ,c Nu lunup *Suîel uuriug (ItiNeul Nu.u.ult il Calil 1 k ilfu iulam tiI vill pl.uved tilt a sitilr cerfn fIlit 'iuald theu d tIi ts ' ( eriaunts i'fii s suaI> deners es a ('îuuu.sbreak bise et ert n ' sew, but ut liai aiNunt uuluuuutu'u'n > Areli't tkre uutnlluu utuakero uts traininug uubtuuould lisée b ,' tîiîe l'hi, bappoiti> iii,r heluuc I îfiisIltt uru l.usi (l bitt.u ll uu at lueid lit fitni tut tIic nI iiutIi. itt otuiuio , 'un,- I uc biuiglt iltit eu ' lond uli tmout li, p u l ut ut outt, lirau uludu t tuork Iloii I bruglut Ironie tutu tut Itei oilcii, machîinés t> Née ut ut %%util it, flic tru.k Il uit boeten I lui ,uitlec hut tii, mtuîtuutin ulî ti tile tsht eub ler '>lua,uuk i lItI, li k uit uintul.utt tutu nituato I otu, îuttked il], tirle, Nusit bu i li hut itu euuiinglu tii îliuteal tu1> tîîtîîu %tas îtîtdllIuLI bu i slrdttl jetiniug nttuasu> uii Ileu lu urkes ltnukcd ut,>> btttut ieu1 abul t ()it iutes aiîed li ubeduiitu huit I ptui ut domou ut ,lut uuger dlnuuu'u n vîi iluuuuhikuuug I lue méeat ibertutîueier havit i u tt ed irtiperli suttîe Ottîietie plâ t> tut flue duvbutuslei. sut I siua iin g luit, bird bitk,'hu fe inireit ti rii pi lina- tie> puaino vît loutel, -Wil il utponrt un butsn ng das% I otnduîered, otdeîtaiked agauiintuiti dadrearning abut (ie flutnes' gtac Iteat et dfuu n 1bu vureet Id titIs 'a1filui Inurt ilic tIig tugit lii béiue liaic utellr'd up I lute flie iicru imnagers ttiuiutg tint gîtent tuent de, lared ut a suni t shop i 'l tutu, ofin llîuvung lias t Surets% IbII unld base heetu priuteot .llt tuer (lie ctInui l bt> i.u liait.p Ktetueit antd I liauiilAi tard tut amt mnit'hub tut plv'uitioio gtuung aîutîiiuu l>ulu aesrua, lutte luit1 lie (ue sel .ia oprui 1 tteU 1 i ut fîuî luî pett>ut tan uîtrve tl ulu.uut à \Nhlii urce lite ', oand, autuhtltuuetîiu uuutktuug tfi llutuiiiu.u ulu le, lutg > ýli,r uuuulutIC lue ui titilieur breako Ilts tIise pIrute tut Ih lie Iltlit (liel lut l ilts' tutl Itiluit, ile trullik Itilt iii tunmbaus ttiitleul Iloltttills% flii Ile ut> lettoui s,> >g tutu monett tir testl s eut and l' Iltale aipprtipuatuC pritîdu tln iti Iln eu . lt'topug Ilii a ttutooi't t uli o lu uth ot pruuhle'uî tua taci Il 1990 Ilappu Neu )'a How' l it going? Don 't asit I Inu sien are ai> siuling, t'tu [lie edges nl sun scatsb ns> cagerîs atnnij; the latcstl sîunp un bnbby) the nueubatunic and hus prude and pu%thie 1969~ VV bieltle , Well, gns utluat ut un i% NIl suttting fi ur dru - W ____________________ teuds vît bung guine agauin tir a spin tince tbe lursi da t buuhbr buib il O n the lu 411 e>ftit ;uî tae niesii> bubbu us unakung oetaun repaurs lto the ueýhuîle uni préparamuîn tireft o ils ollucial ntpeNrctuttn Mhle hubbs dudcn t auI-om ej' on ut> lfl he he I ut unlid l atr tuer lis tille* tebit. iiun cuuln i rse Il ide d haret tut laughvlufo ilm bts te un iat I amn. daligenilu and regularbi gui mnder the tlic îuîd, net druteut an. but ibore he v., cuers plastic and pusb geniltir opn tbe tint uth a ueekasd le ruses eaets .runuund lu tut 7 a nu, Plroi lt kniek t,1 l>ie beut: wht*ite sufiii and ujsappcars utur t(lue' uakesliul pldstic shlter tl us au uese momnits bhat hbb grnmbles ita bure»: pasoe, luira garage ahut the td, k ut a garage, but u ere uas ho IlI tvrlucture. vnutned bu Ihliiio 2 v N i, ut beit ute bungbt the bouse ntuti .tpilgci 11e> ou ur eetlesu uter Iu lîi us sîttaîl corner uttirk table un tc laun- I utue Ilue uteugbt tutsi onuuu d tCe tu.î brtingbu tir is nunuir nmtu 1 tnk I klutu tb be luttes bus tuniii dulu ni offrit, lie nnpriiedu bu Is il flue ouNao ttttrkshtp al theiColtage)i bc sélects bus ,ar HI tueirst uinie ut luappenied. [lue fue u uir- ls îarreo Ii ui însde and vpioad, [hemn ail tiion uunuied tut flic' tunotanigb aud stuaptlcul tut tuer ansude flue mételu shet (ba sertes as a baýk [lue obarils tut tiTuino sualutrei .urns fli' aopirait, u U titi ii plavtic additioun Mitel iliaitusa. lîuhu- %teptacI edi ube aule,> JINiot ie te bélelier a luuritet lo,. h as bra, keto. and nuit tutu dut s later, doint l aill oteuted tri a lanip un une tut ubese leýsothani-stur- again t liane ntticed Iilaonte tbon, buhN ba, uIt Cittng beanus. and bu eranko up the beat un addud titre ittcivoeat and 1. gtnid tlile utile tînt utile rutuin boetr tidtt %ait lui wue tînt To help a problem chiki, help thte parents (>etjld Pl'ati'su, au pN>ýtii)ttguoi uth lu'Oregonu Resuarci uinsitîtie. diieoui't pull ails linii lui ('butdren learn i li Kui'tut te tut lugb>. tut argue and lut lio delliani bruni theur parents Iluete are iudreit uthut are genetialîs «'dtiliuulit tr rainr'. 6e saso bau i, oariatly unokulleil patedtto thut nt1(nloti and enîlusate tbe aggrevvtutn. >buise parents lia> nia ma>> Cboir ci Idren il) hc aggresuse and tbe> noas et entecire thienu endlessît un luc péril, ut fîghlng deltlanie.an backtialk. Yet lDr>altou revearih b hott thi par- enis tuf aggrvs u i utdreni iia lise luttes as tilni aggtesotuti as tatîtu lues tuf nuunaggreosu se ciltdten li ber tostt eoe pare'nts ben- 'cluý es hase purî îun>liîi t suain strategies - (bey >ebl, lugbit and argue The> muide> il, deniutuoltate ut. renotrce tl burtihe îbîld Cbu>dten eant hutri dca> n tub uunfliet tutti theur parents Nornmal C butidren copie u lb coîn- flis1 b> nung ptoIti e soiual %kilts -talkung. ncguulsatuîun. compruîîu sebhuour, duiotraîtitîn aind esen cbangung ihe subjei- as% uel> a% b> nung coi te Irategies - teer tanirrnit, bu >îug and ninetîmpluanie. lillui tut straterdgies îypîyalts n urk. hnut u s tbe piotuit soita> vklls [bar are botter auiepied bu the lami» Tbt'se familles reduce i'tistîun bu fling, b> Pychology p\ ~\ in thbe Y90 nung humour. anud éein b> cbanging lih' subjeit i turnes Thic> apprecuale ut uthen someuielcsc reduies cniraî un [bal ua> flic> reail Ixiulve- t>. Problir cbîldren cauri suumeîhing quie dîffer- c n î heîr cuunfllî-rtcden homnes. The>i leai if ytu scl ludnder or in harder or have tbe mearti est. iuusi sariavui util. yeu uli wîn. Tbis child iýus killed ai poisitive social skils and us sert hkel * i; respuird un a îîuercuse fihîion un oiber silualuons and utlh olher people. When theve coereîve chîldrcn <nier schouul, soire ser preflîciah lhvings bapen: - flics arc rcjeîled b> theur peers. uîfieit uti a feu blurs * The> spend leis and ieos Lime iisuu duuung tdhounork *I'bes penlutrt poitrîs ttu acadentuc and IQ * 16e> deselutp et>uttul pruibleus,. espceblty depreosîtin j O Thee b,î>hidren are nits prunîed iii enter a destant peet grunp -fie secontd soturce ut> rein- fotrcéeunt lii thonr aggrcsos% c hat tînt Il von ut ant li pres ci» a îhuld humni beiing aggtevvut c tir s tilent. il us intia lt dît ut bclitte ibe cbild entetu4 a des tant pecer grup.V'bis mTrni sais lit Pattetsiin. il nînsi be- duine is bue lime the cbild us eugbi ir nune >ears tut age. ILus set> diftulli aller thai. becanse Ilie tinilla ence ofI the peetr grumup îunlstnpv but> fie i ami- I> as the îbuld gels utuder. Il a lanîul us lut stoîp tbe panto Itou dese>opung, i us> k belote the péer gnuup takes hoUt Oçe Pailersuin --scribes tutti dîllteni types t> denqueni kuds: 'fle -carl> starter- us fine nbîu gels amiete lurtîhé lit lime befortreib agit utl 14, thi' laie stater- %uas arresiedu tir the lits> lime betuteen ages >4 and lb The lileraînre reseals mitre than Ihrc lurrub otf chrîtnic uffenders tere atresled beuftre the age ut> 14, Il a îhîld us arresied tut uîsuuundnîi ut> voume ktnd boflic 6 age ut> 14. ibere us a uh giiatei chance ibat cbild nul> base pruibleuns utth Ie tan for the ses> o> bus liti liydru but>) t e beuter vliii(un the drîseway. Inuit eNs» ru ung lri druc autat fie cill ('îld da%, are Ivii'iId, but petbaps flue greuse and tber tionspculuC duoi un bhb> h's cltulbes. handv anud laie verse joan uuiulaîuur. LIkîe a tk-aîlued but. tbe car is listing lui pot. fi us nuss ng ail tînt tireo an hubli> continnes snuernitnabl> uni the brakes Apparent»., the bauk brakes arc luved. oui I atnit oure uthy he bas nul> pul thuise lires baick (n (and I diin'l utant 10 a.vk ThMe> and the Test ut the back endl ii the car are stuîkung ou> fil the ohelter. Wh> huhus dîdn'î tnt vi n nuire brai kels. ut und and plaiîi lto Llly aîîuumîudî the îar us antuther myaiel (and I don'> wiant tu ask i AcinaI». I ant eop>ciall> alraîd li avk bubby hotu uts, guung. I don*1 utani lIo hear an> bard nens and!1 don't unt bi gel a gnien» sep>. I do knout that a cetin pare acnvei flie rtbier day firtui the oavt cutat - COU )lIo the lune of $432,95, Suurnclbung abut beakes., hnbby saud, bu> I dont( uani tut a.sk The lut iroint scal,%o the '69 VW lake up Ilunur spaîe un tuin rc tutu 'Thc cals panlieularly apprecualle ehem as a seraîhîngf poy> and îbeîr beige. wthite and gre> baîrs decorale ihe blac.k cailler anid velu et aphitey. No doubi ur test- dentlfloas. nhiîh numbler un tbe millions, have liunnd a neut brcedîng gnumand. As tut tbe truk seat, thecar ddn conie ututh one Sut uthn I»I the VW be ready Io rol»'tl dut uni tut .,L u a 5la 1tN n lIt tn LViiew - 1-q* r- Point "'

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