OPP stli ioeking Ifgr pick-up truck The Mitton OPP -s stili f ooking for a dark-colored pick-up truck involved in a three-vehicle Higtlway 401 collisupno tast week. The Dec. 21 crash e the east- bound highway between James Snow Parkway and Trafhlgar Road sertously nured a 59-year.old Guelph womnan, who broke her neck. A tractor-trauler unit struck the rear of a red Topaz shortly afler 5.30 arn, The impact sent, the car skidding over three laces to, the centre bamrer. The Topaz was theni struck again in the roi' by a pick-up truck, which t ailed to remain at the scene. The Mifon OPP needs Io talk to the dniver of the pick-up, who is a wtness to $hte crash, said Sgt. Tetry Brandt. The lleeîng vehîcle may have damnage o ids front end or dnorvers side. Anyone it h information is asked ta, contact the Milton OPP at 878- 230> or any other police detach- ment. Mattress fire damages home About $3.000 damage was caused fa a Pitfield Road town- house Set urday after a mattres caughf on ftire. Upon discavering the 5 p.m. blaze, a resident dragged the bum- ing mattress I rom the basehient of the home t0 the outside, said Mihton Fire Department spaliesman Mark Cross However, heavy smoke damnaged the townhouse and flames scorched a wall. The cause of the blaze is unknowni Mr. Crosa said Dr. Ji.4nn MeKlnhoq 875-122 a hcv.oad *Lucky touristËs escape serious injury in -crash jolious C hristmas in Canada vtable condition. lurncd iii nrear tragedv [or a Jack was examined and faiy iiin rm ýInd ecae hieh.%fterwsCatholicb a dp yfez Hoiever. holiday magic may transterred le Joîseph Brant cb adp yfez hae n i te iL . Mciisral ltospial in urling -~ ~ o et a o h r y a A îiegcar crash (in Guelph' ton. treatcd and released. sa sfry t noh e r Campl'eliIl e man and a British lamily of Iwo aduIaJt and a chitd lo hoiîîal, One appeared lIo l'e ioriously injuid t-cia Hawkes. 3Uk of London. Engtand ca% flîîcc Crn he sie l'> air aml'ulance ici Hanîîliîn General llospitab îc wbal was thuuughl tei selus coindition. Hîiwç%er, shte cas. Irelcasd ljiîni hoiipital Iwo days lter. Iter hushand. Richard llawkes. 41:' and the~ couple*s secven-yeat-îîld son. Jack, wec takc'n l'y ambl'uacce îe Milton pick-up truck travelling south- hiîund on Guelph Lice. Joîhn Htawkes. 45. dlf Campllsitte. hrottwr of Richard. was dri- v ing lite was Sîiso treaîed and released liom Miltoin Di forc, HIfspîaf 'The vefoile cas jusi soîath of N I. Sidrnad ai ahout Il 45 arn chen il ran inio the reai ot a dump truck. also southhound. ihat was turin wcst ii a dri veway, Italien Regional Miolice On impact. the pick-up hscaice wcdged undcemeath ihe - soe TOURISTS on pae.5 t ee '1wlast thre yc;ars The Social Stipend's been the Contract pniîsexpires in Aprolt sarne since 1991 c etnujed tii Cîîser aIl rncmhr il staff. n ol Just rustres Hlalions. Catholîc inustrel v cime upi çGivec the news we*r getting lrom ihle wiîh a gîvise, egg onice agate. provincial gî,vcmment iregarding lunding At a recent meeuing, Hlaliin R( imn culs%). freing saàlaries makuescse Cathiî Schoel Board memtrs held the Itoýcser, huant Chair Alice Anne fine iii pa>. The% hase declined hikes in I1.Ma% iîît&t ther employver satanes cerc their supends since 199 1 trC's'ered l'> their conqrïçt% 'To happy te mose that oc loregii an The moîtioîn ti, treee tmstece honîirari- increuxe lnîîm Dec, 1. 1995 te Nîov 3l0, unie t'nr anoîher vear cas appr<ised unani- 1996,.*saîd Trustec Kevîn O*Connor miiusly S. The motion keeps itustecs in tandem 1he annuil hîînîrarîum fir trustees s, wîth tltest hoiard staff. chrese badl their SI 2.483.601. and $18i.723.Nl) for the hoîard .salaries lroen under fie Soil Ciietraci chair 1.88933