HAR t 995 Lorrc C l s i i d Mon. Fri. oOam4500pmifa1 y Ur classitied Hotline 8 75 -3 30 0 MEGENS, TONI -Sudtienya tira MonDt Hospital on Satu day, Ducamber 23rd. 995 W n Me.s oRR fon eotte is R obfa Tonia Mgans. ovin 85 he Mof RaobedrtDan. P aul Dab*, Sandra. M ire andi Mark. Loved by g rndchsttiren Noies, Matisse, Jesa, Emdy FASHION SALE Vciona and Jusin. AMaronnai Mass wasted ai SAT. DEC. 30 *A.M. 4 P. T H O L - T U N D O F a n s H a r ti t a n d H oty R o sa ry R C C h u rc h M io n , o n T h u fsd a y L adi nd G nt s ( Y u g M as s) D asig n er R otn n once ire bit of JetéIs" Dacambar 28h 19§5, a 2:00 PM. Arrange- quai.y clathing. Gedtt saisit - Ont t el am, uel ng8 bs Sii5OL on Nov.rr*Oe 21 monts *ntruscd taotha MeKofoieKoctss cats -Day andi Evestin woo Lia h Fis gr dchd frAndyHarthol of Milon, Flatteri Halm114 ManStieo Miot. aniis le ,n R 1, Mle R otra ant nd fln WOOD CLOSE, MILTON e a 1onl B Mk.Rtun an5a2 Floriats_____ -. - ~ Mr. ad Mrý, Catalan Gainer yrc pinicti i, £ C asosece abc engagement rt thncir daugttter ta Stas Ans a fiirn Douglas MxAipie. lona l'i Ma irir, M.ýAline andt a tife Mr% HESSE, Nor andi Joarin (ne)a o n /o MaýAlpi.ro rta..flln Werdng miil tallu ea iasedc an noonica aui t teî son pin ire tii -Il Y J0r1dan Hunýer weighinq 7 ibS. 6 oz. ai Mîlton D'strict Hospjtai on Decumbert 19. t1995 at 3:32 prm Tllnllod is hi big sistar Knstan as tris barth made for, a vlery spaciai birthday presat Proud grandpuruntn ara Lorne and i llinan Hesse andi George anca Judy Snos ail ot Milton. Proud aunts and oncles are Kim and Jan Hesse, Kaîth Hesse. Julie and Davny Cantronaro aiso of Milton. Great uncle oui tjte Gartir and Lynne Hasse of E tobîicoke, Jordan is also welcornetal by cousins Ryan, Lua, Brooka and Kylaîgh. A vary spacorl tha ks tn Dý,Glen telnter tor a qoîck deliîery and au the BS st1 aispeicaily nurses Denise and Juna Sasi orI andi 4tis Lino 105 Go Lncl MR N'S ATTIÉVIS TREE SERVICE. Tms prning, gstmates. Compatbe raies. Futly mnsured. 519- 856-2597. 6138 Hom ImProvemnt DECORATIV PASTERING. -lanterions andi ilth & FitflbU - - nteniOrs. Beit rmiss on comices. cetting otes >LOG Eamyou eriticte, t~~ panel moulidng, columns. restonstion wath. business Casse startifis sienday fireplaces and custonm worh Io y09i design. For bunes C lass serling S70-1876 ail types of piastêr worh trai drywaii ta stucco ___________________ Cati lnr.8817. Ci 825-8760. tices 145 General HeID Wanted ~ I NOTICE TOI AD VERTSERS~ ft. mOntano Human Rights code proahîbîts dis- ag* cri n lin boauseof go. sern marntal A NEW IN TOWN- M Air~~I~ LIT USRPUTOUTII! MAT FO YDU M,.""I ýnJAild, M4,, l ,plocîcd h' HOWDEN, Kevin andi Doris (nci Got of eh il nr irrnr Carnpbellvii ara pleased toi annora theith llýý nil'I l M - N'J' .eo Mer tor' r of tirefr da itrer Otivta weighn là Ibs 2 oz. ai~*wtdnîyu uie Milton Distr t Hospital on Dc emba 15 1995 a woeddng i you ftnow ' 3.08 ln S cond grandchîid no Gamet and Elv aonot yuk Howdcn of Homby. Eigirti grand hild for Marier 37 In Memoriams belng marned? ci1anls v Go di Spand Dr. e on JamestSaf To recettes your package of gils andi Informe- Aexs cial ahnts haDnSpai. Dr, ae and ReB s 1i REMEMBRANCES in dis torm of donatinta ihon, piease cea: An unrtsucatints0a ha anti Ru ,toiIu Tira Miton District Hospita =Frtrdation aie I PAU -87-MI0 Mary-875-3642 ccoint o e 00et zehoo yoî~ - approciassl ~ <" ~ -~ 30 biaths The Offices of - oBRADY, LYNN - Soddunly et irer ranîdunca on ) Sunday, Dacember 2tt, 1995, Lynn Brady of Th Mîlin hainvei suila of Futur Brady. Loving h Ciaa ian SCHICHT Anrty &Dons (nuea Leach) are thle d3oghter of Shirley and the lote Richard Cham pion . Thibodeau of Fenuion Falls. A Primate Famîiy to annoon, e tire bîrlir of oui lîrst c/nid. a son, service was hield tollowed by crumation. Il-Pa Gregnîy ichard. boir Decumbur 21, 1995. ni ment n faate place in thre tamily plot mn Fenoait ii l oe Mitc Dis oct Hosprtal, woeging 8 hos 4 025 Fails. Curnutery, Arrangements througir tire J. 1 7th g1rrchild for Luioei & Ans Leqaacir. 6th Sentt Earty Funerat Home. 21 James Street, grandchuid for Fritz & Ruthr Scicit. A special Miltoni_ _ _ _C O E thank yo n Dr. Gien Hunter & Dr. Rohinson anti - L O E ail tira wondertol nurses in Obstretncs at Mitlton BRUSI4. K!RK -Astie rcsult oftacaraccident on Doînj-ct Hopoital, Fnday. Dieerber 22nd. 1995. Kirka Brunir of M onday, Ja"uary 1. I Salem, tonnerty ot Miltori Dser son of Harvey 12 PhntoclraDhv ~~~~ad Helan Brush of Oliphant tonneirty ot Muitn. _____________ LnOîng lattser ol Ennan and Owen. Dear htother ot 65 Lot*or Strauai PHOTr.FiPHYBrati andi tis vrts Nancy ot Inventire, B.C. Un- Weddungs,, portraits and opucial occasions. ciec Nicirnias. McKenzie end Michael. Fuirterait LOST - Milate Tabby Cet. brosun. stripped short Ruanon abiy tînced. Reterancus. Cali Stuou Or Service was halti on Wadedaiy, Decemrber haineti, red coller, suitir nme tag Malcolm. Mort.q L.ouse (905) 979 4560 . 27th, 1996 et thre McKerae-Kochor Funerai Ave./Con Bted. anse. 878-9419. nHome, at 1.:00 A.M. Ceratron. 78 irwo 14 WeddinugiSrvices *URNSIDE, RUUY - N4 Mindtn District HoWptal, 8Frw o WEDDIMG PHOTOGRAPHY - 100-t 115 proto in On Werlnestiay Decesiben 27, 1995. Rutny Ltttan FIREWOOD - Dry Hatolioot. appntaelWy 16 album pies negahoes. 15 yaars expariencu. Relu- Bumts.de (Whte)oftMio formietty ofMarktiete n in. tertgths, oaSK matf, yettow bircir, cherry, & aibie and'ruutisonabie. l5iciare Partant Wudding hen 74th year. Baloyat tef of Mîfton Barmisi. hickory. Pr-rrp or ditiery, evailetrie. Cal JOe Phologrupiry 906-639-6710. Der motrer of Diarme Slepirens andi her ha- Cririci, 878-4024. a#banti Tetry anti Jîm anti iris mite Montca att of FIREWOOD seasoneti hattimooti, 16» 1/2 huaai ý *Un> Milon, par Bdknti of Torontto, Sherry Watt àmt cord. 1 busir cordai, 3 huir, cord avaliable. 905- -Vfirl irusbant Kuein 0f Totteham. Satity met 878-3752. by graritcilrîtin Mallette, Trscey, Michelte. RRWO utt eaoe atmoi 2 Chery ant Deaie. Fiensieai cali te May FIVyD uliysaotd ado 2 Make ~ uara"llHomo MrkdWae, on Frtiaytirrn" 16' cul. Pick up or divery.,Taylor Nursery 876- Mat >m n bi h & ci 7-9 prt, whoe fumoea andt comrmerttait sevmvie 4100. . % mda by III du g a valb ha tll on Satwtay, Deerrhe 3MBt ai -0 0 r For Sal e= ltda .Jo I artn. Sprtng iferment in Marliale Cernietler. If IThse Canadian ll o teiareti, tionations to tire Hlear & Strohe FIRST qulity roc mmon cespot S6.95sq. yard. Chuurta m ation, tire Satvation Aillny, orth11e Million For i ynsat celpet neatal Ç& final 11177-15=2- 20 Hoptimu oapmrctatot. yaiters 0f siporlu s Iplace ot otgrn. tin cnmpliance ett is v code Itis newspaper reservels t.é rigirt to mate noricss" changes inai o"srig copy. HIRINO CREATIVE phono attastiants for husY tfentasy las service in Hamilton ares Must har able t0 crotale erotic conernsation. Fn saillis Great pay (905) 664-6782. ý 1 u