1*. s i. SPORTS I t.> I t-> *». ber as ive of ation lnfrnuock.Cl-o minor novicêaet Wedniewiday mornlng against MoedowvaIe. Hors ilager Beaver tounaintent playons frout both Ends Saturday hwvrmlcl BSTEVE LeBLANÇ Spe ot The Champion I«h,,ce bieet, no sitlge Ill action so 1fr ai the 22nd armual Beaser Tourn.imenl. wiîh go[ started resday and fins ihrougit uniil Iomorrow lSaialday> evcning. Here's a rundown ot itow Ihe itosl Milton teams have farci ltrtugli thecearly golngs tif frun-rotbin play. TMK Milton 1, Ancaafer Rayis O la lte inaugural year for a lyke division. ltesee Io leants did a great joh represenitng liteir rcsps'te commaltttics -n a penally-lree. edgc t yrur-seal thnllkr lnim the openng puc.k drop to lthe final huiter. Milton captaln Jordan Gleed nolithed lthe gantes mnly goal mid-way ihrough lthe second. tuckîng in itos awn rresolnd. A-ssî4mg teas Iearo- mlte froffrey Strankt Gléed, Strank and Connor Mitchell hail a numbher of itg stonng chances titrougit lthe mnal pcnod, bul wcte stonud hy strong Ancasier net-, mtndig. AI lthe oltitr end of lthe ice. Greg Rohefsott worked a flawlass gante hewtcn thte Mîllon pipeli He recîsd key delcnsiv ssis lance front Bnan Evans and Jacobi DeMaritý Milion's goane MVP- Geoffrey Slaank, Streelsville Tigers 5, Milton 1 Thte Winleritawks fan inia a pawcritoae squad in Slretsvîlle for gaine îwo. Wile brea- ing lltetr situtoal mîd.way lItraugit lthe final trame, Milton ità&id ino the thîrd with liltle itote fhi a wîn afler a four-goal explosion by lte Tigers in te second. Robertson was peppered witit itos the enître gaine, but ntanaged la slonewall the opposition in lOr tird. Counlîng MItion', goal waà Slaan, analsled by Mitchtell, Milim'n ganse MV?- Jordan Glecit MINOR NOVICE Milton 2, Flamborougli Sabres 1 Thic Winteritawks fouglit titeir sway back front il1-0 deficil wlit ig penalty killing and a %lellar defensîse effort -ancitored by' Kevîn Parker and Jeffrey Kalmiten. Llp front. David Dînteo evened lhings up eaely in lte tîi titit a shito ttotIgithe Flamborougit goalte* legs. Selling up lthe play was captalit Mautitw Citucitracit. Frnt tete, lte 'Hawks kepi dit pressure on unlîl ScotI Collard sitanked a beitind- lie-net si off a Sabrle dfensentai' leg and in for lte gante wlnner witl less litait ive mlinutes on lthe clock. Milton camne close tu adding another wîith lthe ntan-advanlage in lte lasI îwa minutes Nil liai lu seulle for a one-goal Inumpit. Working a strang gaine tn net lor the viciais was Jantes Connor. Millaî'a patte MVP: ligi Reid Miltoe 1, Mendowvale Mohtawks 1 The local crcw iteld lthe leal unlîl lthe drIg seconds of lthe tiri. witen goalir Carl Citan wit a li maie a ituge diving save just minutes before - narrowlX misseit a low bhol tn lthe ngit aie Meadosie's goal followei a near-nîss by Reid, wita rang ane off lthe crossitar. Alexander Berni scored Millon's goal in lthe second (in a ituge nemas effort Milioli.s pante MVP: Alexaudler Berudi M&U NOVI Milton 3, Northi Yaork Nordiques 1 il as a big sitowing againsi sontr solid MTIIL opposition. Coty Clarkvon lumed in alel- lai goaltending, nmsing only a big upslairs wnistshito in lte ltird. Sleve Ellison andt Evan Bwnfell found the bock of lte nel in lthe second ta give iteir rcam lte Icad. Aller Noîtt York*s goal, Robbîe Wilson decîded to jtie fls clubsa ltile insuranoe down the strelcit and addeit a Ihird goal in lthe final fivc minutes. Dcawlng a pair of assitis wan seI up mnt~ Daniel Lynchit eue Burreil ptcked Up a Itelper on Ellîson's tally. Also îamîng in kcy efforts were Malt Lenardon. Jamme Webb andt Corey Milocias pu MVP: Steve Fikon. - aile BEAVER on page 17 'à 1 1)ýý 1,I) \'i i ( l \1 M le