îStay safe duraing the holidays g, -frimi MAKE on page 4 Chri-ýinia, sillages 'and moing Santias hend one neJi.t il hends casily, the, 1ec Alssays chck ail -Airing and ptugs and j% s rrsh. il il breaks%,, te is loni dry to 1ept.tîa il lrayed or dimaged. Keep aIl duc- ie uscd itfldiirs atnd should lie disc'antcd oraison, tia ml" elaa r h t5'caution wi# ail Chtistmas deciîra, combustiblles t iiins, including Ihe pirpulti lighied * lirescnIs sh"t ld fic kepit well 'awaY huom dangling Chrisîmas truc tighîs and u'airh ihafihe family pet doesmi pull Ille lîghls diiwn cluose t l 1amnmatitc maienials E. GEOROETOWA Chleck yiîur smiik attIns fir make sure 2 - ~ CINEWAS bhey ire ofperalîng ciirrectly, 1) E Toy $TC)Y SUPER PET Watch ffor Cour next ad » IMNi r~ Wed. Jan. 3996 Date/mne Datetîne is a tise listing ot com- ing avents only. The column is available t0 local community groups ta assiet in promoting their future events"Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use ibis service. We can only gusrantee one issue ot publicity closent t0 the date of the occur- rence altfrough more insertions are possible tf demand is low. Notices tor Datelîne should be wrilen and harided in ai the Office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E.. mailed to us ai P.O. Bon 248. Milton. Ont., L9T 4N9. or taned t0 (905)878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday tor WNednesday's edîtion and. noon Wednesday for Frîday's edition. Datelîne items wîiI flot be accepted by telephone. S unday Dec. 31 Si PainIs t'nild ('hurch, 123 %tain Si 1I hiîlds mirning Wolf- h ec ai Senor'3 Att. CeTre, Miltod Seir., holds ay Cente 500r' Eveld Dar., feain a rNeaw Vestfi iEner pand dcancing a lise, btu P9iye and 'taenig tso linvu ie had anungix ever> nihor, itrds ine gansng Ievr Ioung a sniskand giin the îtiudrinîn dr iîpe i il ph blrd Admion ost $2oper i63 persmison Toidrtckets Tueçday Jan. 2 G roup tor the parents ut lids in trounble . honte. in srhînît or v.ith the law ineets. if voit 'arc ai >iîur vils end] Irving iii dirai îiIh >iuir ut (ii Einiruil chiîld. c.ull 8144- t 16. Theb Halion Vaginal Birth Arter Lauesareant(iitsirein Assareness (VBAC/CAI (riup jouetls ii pri, idcieriiaii sup- pnteteand Thea meissinI sttseS '1'30b. Thr moeetingformai anAdirectios mare Sisnoraion4 and1 dieor s chl ai sa a34 842- T38 e Vitiînan 6r34 ut1urse hed 'afota curer ofi Nurses holdaron 't 'are cni. aIl t Onaron Sut. frîîm 1:30t 11p1 Otico i . o f urthe in3for- .m T os is $15pponimt. air matio 81r1 Fint aee utmni a appinitmeni îily. - thursday Jan. 4 tvîlds a foofc are clinic 'ai Mîttîts Cîîmmunîiy 'and Infoîrmation Sersices. 540> Childs Dr. ibehin] Allendalel, trîîm 9 a.mý ii noous rTheco ~i% $15. For taniSer infor- matioin or an appiinitmi c'ait 875-tIF 1 436). I-oil care i.linss arc fi> appoiinimni unIl> woem .5IT DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITEO r,- 1W 1.1 A A 1" * -rir 877-5383 M.Aà.R.C.H. PARTS SALES SHPAND IN HOME SERVICE' 785 Main Steat East 876-1138 SENTINEL AUTOMOTIVE High-Tech SaînICa tih f 0lut-FNhionedvau 3425 lý,îe Si T 78C ý UrriS 1 & 1 ý mrorr 8066 OIiiiS GOSiiiAU e -. eTOR TRY us YOU'LL L1KE us! WE PRO VIDE: * iesidrntial & Coimmercial Sers ss- W >iIN, tiiekl or b.mmnthts% sersîce. *Ail supplies & equipment Bolînded & însured I qualitN cleaning crems MILTON 878-0248 M.A.R.C.H. K l',i S7'hrf OrrnvA 785 Main Street East 876-1138 ej, r 875-2700' r INV E RTE ST RATSP'S * CKMIH&SAEAND la f - - 11 firildd ii idrîniid,111.1- d For plocing a new od in uDr©D©u "deise for 4 weeks and get the5i wk FREE cati Slave Mcoougait ESTIMATES 878-4190 FOR BATHROOM RENOVATIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 1-2, Milton. Ont. 878-5222 jSPURGEON PROPERTY TAXý CONSULTANTS LID. fRPEI TS OSULTANT ý'RIDE.NTIAll APP51AISAILS 878-8346 7BEATON & C'O. ROOFINO * IoslrI aOi 0d> MaIlieriance *Ne. Roolf Stroni Molal Work -Rerars *Residentl aiSlriigkeg Frep Estima tes (519) 856-9784 oiOCKwoO SPTC AKPUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. .d0Ko irose ý lo . crsi5 îaw N«iuý;îed or 40,0, ply l10Cr Pap l833-0300Actoi Ansednfg Seiie 878-555e OvER 10 YEAS EnPPRIENcEi e *ie UçTM TILIPHONI JACK INSTALLATIONS Residential & Business PRECOM INC. Your alternative to Bell Canada Lendon 101lsuem Aditi1nu1111 1.800-796-9959 (905) 854-2828 Cal no,-n FREE ESTIMATES o uarantamd Wark AIl Maktes & Models 370 Main St. E. 875-3877 ..M CORNELMI HOE SRtCS* u os, Ch=upo T-m of AIid WtasIg MAINTENANCE .81118111 * OiIIOATIOIIS * OTHER lCOES ~1o..o's. Mis Y. F ui1 Deaig il,& Pnidiîeiioî of Cuiiera FIud Ant SNOW CLEARING - EI.sroo P-9- 13o.Ign ORIVIEWAYS à WALKWAVS I«ýi F- 1.o4. .u r. à ý rIlI JaOb Coreils 878-2341- T., , -È SI iN.i __________________________________ FIAFN'ii E.-di 7e.&MPM Froto«n S.ýM De MOLA DS a LOVING ÎT