S ts tell mates to 'drink responsibly' Sdemt of E C.D~r High Sdtool hae a mlessage: for values frots' tir cilimâles ail wI a s parents "t C7hrustinas. flie cuncîl. averse by Dnury teachér Margot Walker, Ifý y umos tg maane alcohol, do il respoosîbly. was fosmed is September leu year aller a survcy conduci- and dolfft drink ai fie cd in lte wchol indicated a nesd existed for on. nei school's sjtdent-run Wellness Councîl is leUîing The'survey ideniifiled alcolial and alther drsîg use as a dwir peers Io th nk sinart aver titelotday.seaon and ta prioriîy issue because many youths wcre involved. asking parents ta sel à gond exampbt Studieit "i aksio nd dMWg wcre easy ta gel and sui- MTat's what oui fucus la - go leacit studenia tasc dent. usad thm out af baledamt and lack of entertaib- titeir Nrains and teadi parents le kc gond roie niqels." ment. nid Grade j 2 student BrandyeMcClay. wha la part af lte f'lie bottots line is nce alcohol consumption gênerally eiglat-lmer gaoup. increases over the holîdays. the ouncil is warîing Gctling bombed aver te hoiday seaso my not bc an Miltonian young aid aId ta drink in maderatias ai kc apopruate oxample fer parents ta set for dskîr children, nile tbis dfiristotas, tke siudents nid. jWellncap Cauncîl members alsa, include: Grade 10 stu- "Everyonc blames th4kids," naid Grade 10 student dents Lisa Romadenko 1 in.t Brouwer and Kelly Natalme Dugale. "Wkere ducs everyone tiiki we got pur Taaffe. Trckers nailed for safety breaches on Highway 401 Truckt drivers gui a surprise on hummin.- police were pleased 10 Highway 401 Monday when itir repohtligne ofdie 280 drives stopped rigs were pulled over in spot checks were inipaired, hawcver 13 charges specWiay set up for 1kmr. for safety regulaîlans were laid. fTbrec For the first lime in Qutario, lthe warnîngs wcre also issued. Mihon OPP, Halton Reglinal Police flc spo vecks were set up ai ihe and Ministby of Transportation coin, iwo Highway 401 truck inspection bln.d fw ors1 naul truckers driving sitiins in Milton and 'ai Stles iditer tiae influence of alcohol or via- Avenue mud Jamnes Snow PaiWay. lating safety rceations. A total of 12 police off icers and '« tliink we reslly rallled thelu,* nidl acven Ministry of Transportation Fred Tripp of the Minhstry ofi bfficeiz took part in the checkts froin Transportation. 'Mt CBs were just a 9.11 pi.. W&repinning. 0,ýj1-"L Our hopes i OnlyQu. Thanký for volunteerinïgj your time. Ti il Kil)N:Y'FoUNIATIo)N OCANADA L ;Ný W ETHE BE$T NEW YEAR'S PART WITHItI 42.5 KM RADIUJS TORONMTO! - 15O'or couple. Entartainnmn by Day. Iaask. Cati for dota 270,MAIN TREET EAST, MIJTON 818-836 * JITDWÂY 0F MiLTrON.' MANY THANKS T Unitedi Way of Milton Is, extremelly gràtef,41 for the lon g Urne support from many Counpanles In Milton. Tremendous supportIs recehled from the indlustrial .Commnunity and United Way wouldillke to take this opportunlty to say uThank Youe to ail It's supporters and donors. VM..a" % M-@a. %"p .0wMsT T~~bhâsài ~ Ma-Am bén l.hq.q.f !a. Pasrww iAmi b&ylqatI mogqq.tséCoe.. ihfé.mg1a.uss4r.d T. Maeller Consolâ, loued in Milton. Ontuara. h. boom hi bussine.s in Canada aimas 1912. kMdesla a bo.dig Çaindian m mnuaroe of ore hydMaisa won as ai"w for Waler and ng"sm fb. Shori. Muode, empoy oSr 150 inthe Milton fwkdb)4 aid h. iiiiopoe senttves cSga-to-ema in Canada. 1 L e ~ ~ p rUmm $W W i